26 May 2024

Wie nun ihr Herren, seid ihr stumm

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Wie nun ihr Herren, seid ihr stumm” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm LVIII, Si vere utique, with title “Unfaithfulness rules . . . A golden jewel of David to sing before, that he may not perish” and melody assignment “Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält.” Vierling writes on the psalm (Biblia, 751),

It is a psalm of consolation against the stiff-necked teachers who press their errors headwise, stopping ears and refusing instruction, and instead issuing threats and wishing to devour the godly (v. 5). But it consoles with five similitudes that they shall not bring it to pass, indeed, not the half of it (v. 8), namely, a great water comes and roars exceedingly as if it would tear down all things, but it passes by and does nothing. A crossbow is a mighty threat, but when bolt, string, and bow are broken, it does nothing. A snail extends its horns, but before it strikes it wastes away or shrivels up. An untimely child makes the mother’s womb to swell as if something will come of it, but dies before he comes to light. A thorn-bush puts forth many prickles and promises stings and scratches, but before they harden and mature, an angry axe comes upon them and bids them into the furnace be turned to ashes. Likewise, they have great things in mind, and assume that their endeavors shall prosper, and yet nothing comes of it.


WHERE be your tongues, ye princes bold,
That ye speak not uprightly?
Ye bend the straight, the strong uphold,
And treat men’s justice lightly;
Ye ply your powers in the earth
And bring but violence to birth.
Oh, what shall be the ending?

2 The wicked from the very womb
To godless ways go flying;
They work their mischief and assume
A livelihood of lying;
They stray from every straight and right,
And like a serpent pierce and bite
With poison and great fury.

3 Like as the adder stops her ear
Nor hearkens to the charmer,
Lest she his voice of wisdom hear,
Supposing he will harm her,
So doth this poisoned, wicked snake
When God bids him to undertake
The justice of the needy.

4 Then smite, and break their teeth, O God,
Break out their teeth devouring;
Dissolve the mighty tyrant’s rod,
Their forces overpow’ring;
Yes, Lord, when he doth bend his bow
To shoot his arrows for my woe,
Let them be cut in pieces!

5 Their soul let melt away in dread
As doth a snail o’erheated,
Like stillborn babes, untimely dead,
That ne’er the sunlight greeted.
Their thorns shall never see their hour,
They shall be taken in their flow’r
When comes Thy wrath and judgment!

6 The righteous shall rejoice when God
To sight His vengeance bringeth,
And wash his feet within the blood
That from the wicked springeth.
And men shall say with one accord:
Who trusts in God, He shall reward.
God in the earth yet judgeth!

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

Wie nun ihr Herren ſeyd ihr ſtum,
Daß ihr kein Recht künnt ſprechen?
Was gleich und grad, das macht ihr krum,
Helfft niemand zu ſeim Rechten,
Mutwillig übt ihr Gwalt im Land,
Nur Frevel geht durch eure Hand,
Was will zuletzt drauß werden?

2  Von Mutterleib die böſe Art
Gottlos und ganz verkehret
Treibt Büberey zu jeder Fart,
Mit Lügen ſie ſich nehret,
Unrichtig gehn ſie ihren Gang
Und ſtechen umb ſich wie ein Schlang,
Gifftig mit großem Wüten.

3  Gleichwie die Otter ſtopffet zu
Das Ohr für dem Beſchwerer,
Damit er ihr kein Schaden thu,
Wenn ſie ſein Stimm ſolt hören,
So thun die giftign böſen Würm,
Wenn GOTT ſagt, nembt das Recht in Schirm,
So habn ſie keine Ohren.

4  Schlag ſie auffs Maul, zerbrich ihr Zeen,
Ihr Backenzeen zerſtoſſe,
Laß ihre Macht ſchmählich zergehn
Wie Waſſer ausgegoſſen,
Greiff drein HErr, ihre Pfeil zerbrich,
Die ſie gerichtet habn auf mich,
Mein Seele zu verderben.

5  Für Angſt ihr Seel verſchmachtet furt,
Gleichwie die Schneck im Sommer,
Gleichwie ein unzeitig Geburt
Die ans Taglicht nicht kommet,
Ihr Dornen werden reiffen nicht,
Weil in der Blüt dein Zorn und Gricht,
Sie friſch hinweg wird reißen.

6  Der Grechte ſolchs wird ſchawen an,
Mit fröhlichem Gemüthe,
Wenn durch Gotts Rache baden kan,
Sein Fuß in ihrem Blute,
Denn wird es rühmen jedermann,
Wer Gott vertrawt hat wohlgethan,
Gott iſt noch Richter auff Erden.

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