25 May 2024

Sei mir gnädig, o Gott mein Herr

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Sei mir gnädig, o Gott mein Herr” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Pslam LVII, Miserere Mei Deus miserere, with title “The greater the distress, the nearer is God . . . A golden jewel of David to sing before (that he may not perish) when he fled from Saul into a cave” and melody assignment “Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam.” Vierling writes (Biblia, 750f.),

It is a psalm of supplication in which David again laments Sual and his courtiers, from whom he is made to hide in a cave, and it is of almost the same intent as the foregoing psalm. Therefore it may also be used by us against the tyrants and their venomous counselors and ear-whisperers, who twist the Word of God against us. And for this work they have teeth and tongues which are (says v. 5) spears, arrows, and sharp swords. But God be thanked, who does not forsake us, but casts them into the pit which they prepare for us. And their counsels at last are fulfilled upon their own head.


O GOD, be merciful to me,
Thy mercy kindly show me,
My soul sincerely longs for Thee,
My heart inclines to know Thee;
Yea, in the shadow of Thy wings
I’ll make my refuge meetly,
Until the troubles and the stings
Be overpast completely,
And God relieves me sweetly.

2 I cry unto my God most high,
My hands to Him extending;
In need He doth His help supply,
My troubles quickly ending.
He sends from heaven and doth save
When some reproach befalls me
From those who my destruction crave;
God turns to good what galls me,
Since His own child He calls me.

3 My soul among the lions lies
In grief and fear unbounded;
They swear to make my life their prize,
And now have me surrounded;
Their teeth have cut like weapons keen,
Their tongues like swords have riven;
Arise, O God, bring help in haste,
Let praise to Thee be given
To shake the earth and heaven.
4 They readied many a net and snare
And thought thereby to catch me;
They digged a pit and in their lair
They lay in wait to watch me;
They hoped I thus would be no more,
My deathblow thusly giving,
But it will make them troubled sore,
And they shall cease from living
For all their wicked striving.

5 My heart is fixed and filled with joy
And ready for God’s praises;
My heart is fixed and soars on high
With hymns of pious phrases!
Awake, my glory! Psalter, ring!
And let my heart be sounding,
I will myself awake and sing
God’s fitting adoration
Within the congregation.

6 Great is Thy mercy, grace, and love
Unto the heav’ns extending,
Thy truth is like the clouds above
And yet without all ending;
O God, exalted be, and show
In heaven high Thy glory,
Let every land Thy honor know,
Let all sing praise before Thee
And all the world adore Thee!

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

Sey mir gnädig O Gott mein Herr,
Dein Gnad wolſt mir erzeigen,
Mein Seel nach dir verlanget ſehr,
Zu dir mein Herz ſich neiget,
Zum Schatten Herr der Flügel dein,
Wil ich mein Zuflucht haben,
Biß daß diß ſchwere Unglück mein,
Einsmals fürüber trabe,
Und ich meins Leids komm abe.

2  Ich ruff zum allerhöchſten Gott,
Heb auff zu ihm mein Hände,
Er hilfft mir frey aus aller Noth,
Macht meins Jammers ein Ende,
Er ſendet Hülff vons Himmels Thron,
Wenn mir Schmach widerfehret,
Wil mein Feind mich verſencken ſchon,
Gott alls zum beſten keret,
Sein Trew er mir gewehret.

3  Mein arme Seel leidt große Noth,
Unter dem Grimm der Lewen,
Die mir geſchworen habn den Tod,
Habn mich jetzt rings umbgeben,
Ihr Zeen ſind ſcharffe Spies und Pfeil,
Wie Schwerter ihre Zungen,
Erheb dich Gott, ſchaff Hülff in Eil,
Dein Lob ſol werden gſungen,
Daß alle Welt durchdrungen.
4  Sie ſtellen mir viel Netz und Strick,
Drin ſol ich bleiben hangen.
Ein Grub ſie graben durch ihr Tück,
Mein Seel darin zu fangen,
Ich ſol auffkommen nimer mehr,
Mein Geiſt ſol ich auff geben,
Ich hoff es werd ihnn noch zu ſchwer,
Sol koſten ſie ihr Leben,
Weil ſie nach Unglück ſtreben.

5 Mein Herz iſt fröhlich und bereit
Den frommen Gott zu loben,
Bereit iſt mein Hertz allezeit,
Mein Seel in Gott erhoben.
Wach auff mein Ehr und Pſalter gut,
Mein Harff lieblich erklinge
Ich wach frü auff mit fröhlichm Muth
In der Gemein zu ſingen
Gotts Lob für allen Dingen.

6  Dein Güt und Trew, Herr geht ſo weit,
Als weit der Himmel reichet,
Dein Warheit und Gerechtigkeit
Den Wolcken ſich vergleichet,
Erheb dich Gott, und mach bekannd,
Im Himmel hoch dein Ehre,
Dein Ruhm werd kund in allem Land,
Daß man dein Lob vermehre.
All Welt dich preiſet ſehre.

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