18 May 2024

Ich harrete des Herren

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Ich harrete des Herren” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm XL, Expectans expectavi, with melody assignment: “Ich dank dir, lieber Herre.” Of the psalm itself, Vierling (Biblia, 736) writes,

It is a beautiful psalm of supplication in which Christ laments His suffering and cries for help from death (v. 2). It also clearly prophesies that He alone does God’s will and fulfills the Law, and this is ascribed to Him in the book of Moses; and casts off and annuls the old law with its sacrifices and holiness, as that by which God’s will is not fulfilled. And not our works and sacrifices, but He Himself and alone must do all for us. It thus promises and institutes the new covenant, when the righteousness of faith shall be preached in the great congregation, that is, in all the world, and not the righteousness of sacrifices or our works, which (it says in v. 4) only make proud and false saints, since they put their hope not in God nor in His grace, but on their own lies and false sanctity.


FOR God my Lord I waited
And He inclined to me,
My cry He heard elated,
And brought me mightily
Out of a pit like sable,
Out of the miry clay,
And on the rock more stable
Established all my way.

2 He in my mouth inserted
New songs to praise His name;
Men, by His grace converted,
In fear shall trust in Him.
Blest is the man that maketh
The Lord his trust always,
That sinners proud forsaketh
With those who lies embrace!

3 O Lord my God, how precious
Are all Thy thoughts to me!
Thy wonders true and gracious
Thou showest constantly;
To Thee no man compareth!
Thy works unnumbered are,
And yet my mouth declareth
Thy glories near and far.

4 No sacrifice or off’ring,
O Lord, didst Thou desire;
Burnt off’ring and sin off’ring
Quench not Thy holy fire,
But my obedience solely;
And I have willingly
Myself devoted wholly
The church to serve for Thee!

5 Then said I, Lo, Thy pleasure
My Lord, I come to do;
Thy Holy Word I treasure,
Which shows what’s right and true;
I will the same endeavor,
Though pain must be my part;
Yet it shall prosper ever:
Thy law is in my heart.
6 Within the congregation
I’ll preach Thy righteousness,
By which alone salvation
Believers shall possess.
O God, my heart Thou knowest,
I would that all might have
The life that Thou bestowest,
Thy truth and grace that save.

7 O Lord, Thy mercies tender
Do not withhold from me!
Preserve me, great Defender,
With love and truth from Thee.
For I am all surrounded
With suff’rings numberless,
My sins appear unbounded
And give me great distress.

8 My woes are more in number
Than hairs upon mine head;
They so my heart encumber,
It faileth as though dead.
Be pleased, Lord, to deliver
My soul from every need;
Relieve me by Thy favor,
Help me, O Lord, with speed!

9 Let them be all confounded
And fall in utter shame,
Who here my soul have hounded
And sought my life to claim!
Backward let them be driven,
Who fight me willfully;
Let them with fear be riven
Who evil wish for me!

10 Let those who come, God seeking,
Salvation know today,
And ever glad be speaking:
The Lord be praised for aye!
But I am poor and needy,
Yet God of me hath thought;
His help is ever speedy,
And He shall tarry not.

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

 Ich harrete der Herren,
Da neigt er ſich zu mir,
Mein Schreiyn hört er gerne,
Zog mich mit Macht herfür,
Aus finſtrer Grub geriſſen,
Errett aus tieffem Schlamm,
Auf Fels ſtällt er mein Füſſe,
Daß ich gwiß treten kan.

2  Der HErr hat mir gegeben
Ein neu Lied in den Mund,
Viel ſeiner Gnade leben,
Den'n ſeine Furcht wird kund.
Wohl dem, der allezeite
Auff Gott ſein Hoffnung ſtellt,
Entſchlägt ſich loſer Leute,
Denen die Lügen gfellt.

3  HErr GOtt deine Gedancken
Sind groß und wunderbahr,
Dein Güt und Treu ohn Wancken
An uns beweiſet klar,
Dir mag ſich niemand gleichen,
Dein Werck unzehlig ſind,
Noch wil ich nicht verſchweigen
Dein Ruhm auff Kindeſkind.

4  Opffer dir nicht gefallen,
Speißopffer willtu nicht,
Sünd-Brandopffer mit allen
Thun nichts für deim Gericht,
Mein Ghorſam thuts alleine,
Darzu gantz williglich
Zurlöſen die Gemeine
Ich hab ergeben mich.

5  Ich ſprach: Sieh, HErr ich komme,
Zu thun nach deinem Rath,
Alls was in einer Summa
Die Schrifft verkündigt hat,
Wil ich mit eins vollbringen,
Muß ich gleich leiden Schmertz,
Soll mirs doch wohl gelingen,
Dein Will HErr iſt mein Hertz.
6  Ich will in groſſer Gmeine
Predgen Gerechtigkeit,
Die den Gläubgen alleine
Gereicht zur Seligkeit,
GOtt du weiſt mein Gemüte,
Ich wündſch aller Welt Heil,
Wolt, daß dein Trew und Güte
Käm jedermann zutheil.

7  Ach HErr, von mir nicht wende
Deine Barmhertzigkeit,
Laß ſich dein Trew nicht enden,
Dein Güt mich ſchütz allzeit.
Denn ich bin gar umbfangen
Mit Leiden ohne Zal,
Die Sünd, die an mich langen,
Kan ich nicht ſehen all.

8  Mehr iſt meins Leids zu zehlen,
Als auff meim Häupt der Haar,
Mein Hertz und Krafft der Seelen
Hat mich verlaſſen gar,
Ach HErr, laß dir gefallen
Zu wenden mein gros Leid,
Aus meinen Nöthen allen
Zu helffen ſey bereit.

9  Zu Schanden müſſen werden,
Mit Schmach zu Boden gehn,
All die auff dieſer Erden
Mir nach der Seelen ſtehn,
Zurück mit Spott ſie prallen,
Die mir zu wieder ſeyn,
Gros Schrecken auff ſie falle,
Die meins Unglücks sich frewn.

10  Denen, die nach Gott fragen,
Heyl und Frewd widerfahr,
Sie müſſen frölich ſagen:
Lob ſey Gott immerdar
Ich bin arm und elende,
Der HErr doch ſorgt für mich,
Errett, ſchafft Hülf behende,
Er wird verziehen nicht.

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