14 May 2024

Der Mensch vor Gott wohl selig ist

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Der Mensch vor Gott wohl selig ist” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm XXXII, Beati quorum remissae, with melody assignment “Es ist das Heil uns kommen her.” Of the psalm itself, Vierling (Biblia, 728) writes, “It is an excellent psalm of instruction teaching us what sin is, how we may be freed from it and be justified before God. For reason does not know what sin is, thinking to make satisfaction for it with works. But here he says that the saints are sinners (v. 6) and cannot be holy or blessed in any other way than by acknowledging themselves sinners before God and knowing that they are regarded as righteous before God apart from merits and works, by grace alone. In short, our righteousessness is in German the forgiveness of our sins, or as he says here, not imputing sin, covering sin, not wishing to see sin (v. 1f.). Here are the clear, unmistakable words that all saints are sinners are live and remain sinners. But they are holy by the fact that God in grace does not wish to see or impupte this sin but to have it forgotten, forgiven, and covered. Thus no distinction lies between saints and non-saints; they are all equally sinners and all sin daily, except that the sins of the saints are not imputed, but covered over, while those of the non-saints are imputed and laid bare. The former have a poultice for their wounds and are bound up, but the latter’s wounds are uncovered and unbound. Yet they are both truly wounded, true sinners. Of this we have treated amply elsewhere in our books.”

BEFORE God’s sight that man is blest
Whose sin is all forgiven,
By utter grace through Jesus Christ,
Who won us life in heaven,
And covers our iniquity,
And pays by blood and agony
What we, not He, deservèd.

2 Who puts his confidence in Him
Stands in God’s love and favor.
He comes not to the judgment grim
His debt is void forever.
Yet such a heart in true remorse
Must own his sin and have recourse
To grace, his only refuge.

3 When I kept silence of my sin,
My conscience was convicted;
I knew not how some peace to win,
My heart was sore afflicted;
My bones waxed old, so great the toll
Of all the anguish of my soul,
And in my heart I fretted.

4 Thy hand upon me heavy lay,
Oppressed me out of measure,
I had no quiet night or day,
Thou took’st all peace and pleasure,
My life and vigor did subside,
As when the leaf and grass are dried
Within the drought of summer.

5 Therefore my heart itself outpoured,
And made a clean confession:
I said, I will reveal, O Lord,
My torment and transgression:
As soon as I pled grace of Thee
Thou didst forgive th’ iniquity
By which I Thee offended.
6 For this the godly pray to Thee
In season due and fitting,
That Thou to them wouldst gracious be,
Their trespasses remitting;
In mercy Thou dost them receive,
And they shall not be made to grieve
When come the floods of waters.

7 Thou art my hiding place! In grace
Preserving me from sorrow,
That I, redeemed, may sing Thy praise
With joy at eve and morrow.
Thou showest us the even way
That leads to life and shall not stray,
And by Thine eye dost guide us.

8 But be not as the horse or mule
That hath no understanding,
Whose mouth the bit and bridle rule,
And heed but stern demanding.
Remember that ye mortals are,
Who at all times, both near and far,
Should follow God your Maker.

9 The wicked man great sorrow finds,
His deeds forever hound him;
Who trusts and to His God resigns,—
His mercy shall surround him.
Be glad, dear Christians, in the Lord,
God’s grace brings you a great reward;
Sing praise to Him forever!

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

Der Menſch für Gott wol ſeelig iſt,
Dem die Sünd iſt vergeben
Aus lauter Gnad durch Jeſum Chriſt,
Der uns erwarb das Leben,
Deckt zu all unſer Miſſethat,
Zahlt, was er nicht verſchuldet hat,
Durch ſein Blut, Todt und Wunden.

2  Wer auff ihn ſetzt ſein Zuverſicht,
Der ſteht in Gottes Hulde,
Er kömpt nicht in das ſtreng Gericht,
Durchſtrichen iſt ſein Schulde.
Doch muß ſolch Hertz in wahrer Rew
Sein Sünd bekennen ohne Schew
Und Zuflucht han zur Gnade.

3  Da ich mein Sünd verſchweigen wolt,
Bracht mirs unſäglich Schmertzen,
Ich wuſt nicht, wo ich bleiben ſolt,
So ſehr druckt michs am Hertzen,
Das Marck verſchwand mir im Gebein,
Für groſſer Angſt der Seelen mein,
Der Hertzwurm mich ſtets naget.

4  Schwer deine Hand war über mir,
Druckt mich ohn alle Maſſe,
Tag und Nacht ich nicht ruht dafür,
Woltſt nur kein Frieden laſſen,
Darvon vergieng meins Lebenskrafft,
Wie Laub und Gras, wenns ohne Safft,
Von ſteter Hitz verdorret.

5  Drumb mein Hertz endlich brach herfür,
Kunds nicht länger verhelen,
Ich ſprach: Ich will HErr GOtt für dir
Rein beichten was mich quelet,
So bald ich nur umb Gnade bat,
Vergabſtu mir die Miſſethat,
Damit ich dich erzürnet.
6  Dafür all Heilgn in gemein
Zu rechter Zeit dich bitten,
Du wolteſt ihnn genedig ſeyn,
Ob ſie wern aus geſchritten,
Du nimſt dich ihr in Gnaden an,
Wenn dein Fluten gehn heran,
Werden ſie nicht verderbet.

7  Du biſt mein Schirm, wirſt durch dein Gnad,
Für Angſt mich wohl behüten,
Daß ich errettet, frühe und ſpat
Fröhlich rühm deine Güte.
Du zeigeſt uns den rechten Weg,
Zu gehen auff des Lebens Steg,
Durch dein Antltz geleitet.

8  Seyd doch nicht wie das tumme Vieh,
Das nichts weiß noch verſtehet,
Mit Zaum und Gbiß hat man viel Müh,
Ehe es zur Hand recht gehet,
Bedenckt doch daß ihr Menſchen ſeyd,
Die willig ſolten allezeit,
Gott ihrem Schöpffer folgen.

9  Der gottloß Hauff findet viel Plag,
Seinn Lohn wird er empfahen.
Wer hofft in Gott, und folgt ihm nach,
Dem wird die Güt umbfahen,
Seyd fröhlich lieben Chriſtenleut,
Des HErren Gnad bringt euch zur Frewd,
Ewig ſolt ihr Gott preiſen.

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