28 May 2024

O Gott, du mein getreuer Gott

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “O Gott, du mein getreuer Gott” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm LXIII, Deus Deus meus ad te, with title “David’s longing . . . A psalm of David when he was in the wilderness of Judah” and melody assignment “Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ.” On the psalm, Vierling writes (Biblia, 755),

It is a psalm of supplication in which David desires, while he is in the wilderness fleeing from Saul, that he might also be in the sanctuary and hear God’s Word (v. 3). And he laments his Saulites who sought his life, from which he could not get away, and thus must be deprived of God’s Word. He nevertheless maintained his right kingship because of God’s promise and determination, with which he was meanwhile consoled (v. 6). This psalm might well be prayed by those who, being under tyrants, are yet eager for God’s Word and must remain deprived of it, yet maintain their right as God’s children and heirs, because they have faith and love for His Word, until “Saul” at last receives his end.


O GOD, Thou art my God, and I
In hope will seek Thee early;
In anguish and distress I lie,
Afflicted all severely.
My needy soul doth thirst for Thee,
My flesh doth long in agony
To have Thy pow’r and glorious might
Again in sight,
As in Thy sanctuary bright.

2 Thy lovingkindness and Thy grace
Are better, Lord, than living!
My lips shall ever sing Thy praise,
With songs of true thanksgiving;
Grant that I may lift up my hands
Unto Thy name where glorious stands
Thy temple dear, and ceaselessly
Sing hymns to Thee,
Lord God, with all sincerity!

3 When in my bed I lie to sleep,
I think of all Thy wonders;
And when I nightly vigil keep,
My heart upon Thee ponders;
To Thee, my Help, my spirit sings,
And in the shadow of Thy wings
My soul, to Thee adhering, lies,
With grateful sighs;
And Thy right hand shall make me rise.

4 Those enemies who seek my soul
And long for my undoing,
The yawning earth shall swallow whole,
Their  sword
shall be their ruin.
Their bodies shall the fox supply,
But God shall fill the king with joy,
And all who swear by Him shall see
He hears their plea;
But liars’ mouths shall humbled be.

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

O Gott, du mein getreuer Gott,
Des Nachts ich auf dich hoffe,
In meiner Angſt und groſſen Noth,
Die mich ſo hart betroffen,
Nach dir dürſtet mein arme Seel,
Mein Fleiſch, mein Geiſt, alls leidet Quel,
Daß ich mög ſehen wiederumb
Im Heiligthumb,
Herr dein göttlich Macht, Ehr und Ruhm.

2  Dein Güte und Barmherzigkeit
Iſt beſſer, HErr, denn Leben,
Ich will dich preiſen alle Zeit,
Mein Gott, du wolſt mir geben,
Daß ich auffheb die Hände mein
Und bet zu dir im Namen dein,
Erfüll mein Frewd, daß ich all Stund
Mit fröhlichm Mund
Dich, HErr Gott, lob von Herzengrund.

3  Wenn ich ins Bett mich leg zur Ruh,
Stets ich an dich gedencke,
Wenn ich wiedrumb erwache nu,
Mein Hertz zu dir ſich lencket;
Denn du HErr biſt die Hülffe mein,
Unterm Schatten der Flügel dein
Rühmt ſich mein Seel und hengt an dir
Mit groſſer Bgir,
Dein Hand mich ſchützet für und für.

4  Die Feind mir nach dem Leben ſtehn,
Sie wolln mich untertreten,
Doch müſſen ſie zugrunde gehn,
Ihr Schwerd wird ſie ſelbſt töten,
Ihr Leichnam unbegraben bleibt,
Gott iſt des Königs Ruhm und Frewd,
Wer Recht bey Gottes Namen ſchwert,
Der wird erhört,
Ein Lügenmaul ſich ſelbſt unehrt.

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