25 May 2024

Herr Gott, erzeig mir Hilf und Gnad

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Herr Gott, erzeig mir Hilf und Gnad” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm LVI, Miserere mei, with title “the silent dove . . . A golden jewel of David of the silent dove among strangers, when the Philistines held him at Gad” and melody assignment: “Wer Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit.” Vierling (Biblia, 750) writes of the psalm,
It is a psalm of supplication in which David laments Saul and those who had to flee the land before them to the Philistines, so vehemently they sought for him that he could nowhere be safe. But he was consoled that he had God’s Word and promise, and right of the kingdom, although they daily attacked and distorted, or even denied that he should be king, saying rather that it should be Saul and his heirs (v. 11). We may pray it against our tyrants who without ceasing persecute us and God’s Word and permit no peace in any place. But we also are consoled that we too have God’s Word before us, although they daily twist it and attack it in our hearing, declaring us heretics and themselves alone the true church.


HAVE mercy, God, Thy help bestow
When man would me devour!
From morn to eve I fear the foe
And their o’erwhelming power;
They fight against me every day,
But I will trust in Thee alway
Whenever fear assails me.

2 I have Thy Word, which is my praise,
On Thee my trust is founded;
I hope in Thee in dreadful days,
And shall not be astounded,
Nor fear what men can do to me,
Who are but flesh, not God like Thee,—
Yea, they are but poor creatures!

3 They wrest my words most wickedly
And all that I endeavor;
They plan for my calamity,
Their thoughts are evil ever.
They join together in their hate,
They mark my steps and lie in wait,
Intending thus to seize me.

4 They seek my soul with villainy
And gladly would destroy me;
Since thus they sin so brazenly
And vex me and annoy me,
They do not fear God’s vengeful rod;
In anger cast them down, O God,
And show them no more mercy!

5 Tell Thou my wanderings, O Lord,
My exile where I languish,
Remember Thou my tears outpoured,
My heart’s distress and anguish,
Keep them as sacred things to Thee,—
And Thou wilt do it doubtlessly,—
Thou canst not leave me hopeless.

6 Then back mine enemies shall turn
In shame and be derided,
When they God’s help to me discern
In whom my heart confided.
I have experienced in distress
That I a gracious God possess,
Wh hears my supplications!

7 In God the Lord I’ll praise His Word,
Yea, praise His Word forever;
I trust in Him, my Rock assured,
And fear will shake me never.
For what can man do unto me?
I’ve vowed to God exultantly:
To Him I’ll render praises!

8 Thou hast, O Lord, redeemed my soul
From death and condemnation,
Preserved my feet and kept me whole
Despite the foe’s aggression;
Thy grace and light of life, O Lord,
Are now and ever my reward,
In which I walk before Thee.

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

HErr Gott, erzeig mir Hülff und Gnad,
Wenn Menſchen mich verſencken,
Ich ſtreit und ängſt mich früh und ſpat,
Die Feind mich ſchmertzlich kräncken,
Sie ſtreiten täglich wieder mich,
Ich ſetz mein Hoffnung ſtets auff dich,
Wenn ich in Furchten ſchwebe.

2  Ich hab dein Wort, des rühm ich mich,
Setz auff dich mein Vertrawen,
Ich hoff in aller Noth auf dich,
Und laß mir gar nicht grawen,
Was ſollten mir thun Menſchenkind,
Die nicht Gott, ſondern Fleiſch nur ſind,
Die armen Creaturen?

3  Sie legen mirs zum ärgſten aus
Was ich red und beginne,
Auff mein Unglück ſol gehn hinaus,
Was ſie dencken und ſinnen,
Für einen Mann ſie alle ſtehn,
Wie Laurer ſie umb mich hergehn,
Und wollen mich erſchleichen.

4  Sie ſtellen nach der Seelen mein,
Daß ſie die möchten fangen.
Wenn ſie denn frech in Tag hinein
Ihr Büberey begangen,
So fürchten ſie Gotts Rache nicht,
HErr Gott ſtoß ſolche Böſewicht
Ohn alle Gnad hinunter.
5  Zähl meine Flucht und ſaure Tritt,
O GOtt mein treuer HErre,
Vergiß der heiſſen Thränen nicht,
Meins Hertzleids alſo ſchwere,
Heb ſie auff HErr heilig und ſchon,
Du wirſts ohn allen Zweifel thun,
Ich weiß, daß dus nicht leſſeſt.

6  Diß wird mein Feind zurückekehrn
Mit Spott und großen Schmertzen,
Wenn ſie ſehn, daß mich Gott thut ehrn,
Dem ich vertrau von Hertzen,
Ich habs erfahren in der Noth,
Daß ich hab einen gnädign Gott,
Der mein Gebet erhöret.

7  Ich will rühmen des HErren Wort,
Ja ſein Wort wil ich rühmen,
Ich hoff auff ihn, er iſt mein Hort,
Kein Furcht wil mir geziemen,
Was können mir denn Menſchen thun?
Gott hab ichs globt, der iſt mein Ruhm,
Ich will ihm allzeit dancken.

8  Du treuer HErr haſt mein Seel
Errett von Todt und Hellen,
Mein Füß bewahrt für Ungefell,
Da mir der Feind nachſtellet,
Dein Gnad HErr und des Lebens Liecht
Wird mir hie und dort mangeln nicht,
Ewig darin zu wallen.

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