27 May 2024

Gott mein Geschrei erhöre

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Gott mein Geschrei erhöre” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm LXI, Exaudi Deus deprecationem, with title “Long live the King . . . A psalm of David to sing before [the people] to the playing of strings” and melody assignment “Herr Christ, der einig Gotts Sohn.” Of the psalm, Vierling writes (Biblia, 754),

It is a psalm of supplication against the enemies and especially in behalf of the king and authorities, that they may fear God and enjoy a long reign, nor that the rule of law may be destroyed by enemies and warfare. For Solomon also says that because of the sin of the land, many and various princes come, but where there are many lords, it seldom fails that what one builds up, the other breaks down, according to the saying, Nova rex, nova lex. And indeed, changes in political governance have always been dangerous and harmful. But blessed it is where it is abides in lengthy and venerable goodness.


GOD, hear my cry, I bid Thee,
Attend unto my pray’r,
Of all my anguish rid me,
Of worry and despair!
Amid earth’s many offenses,
My heart and mind and senses,
O Lord, are turned to Thee.

2 My needful help provide me,
My rock and fortress be,
Within Thy shelter hide me
Safe from the enemy!
Within Thy house forever
I’ll praise Thy grace and favor,
And in Thy wings I’ll trust.

3 My vows, O God, Thou hearest,
And givest rich reward,
To all who hold Thee dearest,
And, fearing, name Thee Lord.
Thy king shall long be living
By Thy most gracious giving,
And evermore abide.

4  Im Ampt wird er geehret,
HErr Gott durch deine Güt,
Dein Trew an ihm vermehret,
Sein Reich gar wohl behüt,
Ewig Lob wil ich ſingen,
Deins Namens Ehr erklingen,
Bezahlen mein Gelübd.

Thy grace his crown surroundeth,
Thy glories him enfold,
Thy truth on him aboundeth,
And doth his reign uphold,
I will sing praise before Thee
And give Thy name all glory,
And all my vows perform!

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

GOtt mein Geſchrey erhöre,
Und merck auff mein Gebeth,
In meiner Angſt ſo ſchwere,
Wenn mich Trübſal angeht,
Hienieden auff der Erden
Mein Hertz, Sinn und Geberden
Hab ich zu dir gericht.

2  HErr thu bey mir das Beſte,
Auff einen Fels mich ſtell,
Sey du mein Burg und Feſte,
Daß mich der Feind nicht fäll,
In deim Haus wil ich bleiben,
Dein Lob ewiglich treiben,
Trawen den Flügeln dein.

3  Mein Glübd, Gott, thuſtu hören,
Und giebſt gar reichen Lohn
Allen, die dich hoch ehren,
Deinn Namen fürchten ſchon,
Dem König langes Leben
Auff viel Jahr wirſtu geben
Zu bleiben für und für.

4  Im Ampt wird er geehret,
HErr Gott durch deine Güt,
Dein Trew an ihm vermehret,
Sein Reich gar wohl behüt,
Ewig Lob wil ich ſingen,
Deins Namens Ehr erklingen,
Bezahlen mein Gelübd.

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