30 May 2024

Eil Herr, mein Gott, zu retten mich

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Eil Herr, mein Gott, zu retten mich” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm LXX, Deus in adjutorium, with title “With Christ we suffer and pray . . . A psalm of David to precent for a memorial” and melody assignment “In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr.” Luther writes of the psalm, “It is a psalm of supplication against the persecutors and enemies of the upright, for the sake of God’s Word, whose life they seek after with hand and deed (he says in v. 5), with counsel and desire in the heart, with word and cry, that is, in earnest and with all they have, etc.”


MAKE haste, O God, to rescue me,
Make haste my Helper, Lord, to be!
Let them be shamed, confounded,
Who only seek
My soul to take
And thus have me surrounded.

2 Turn back my foes, O faithful Lord,
Let shame and scorn be their reward
Who in my hurt would revel!
Turn back in shame
Those who exclaim
O’er me with voices evil!

3 Let all rejoice with joy in Thee,
Who seek Thee ever heartily,
And love Thy great salvation,
And gladly say
Both now and aye,
Let God have adoration!

4 How I am poor and needy see!
Therefore, O God, make haste to me,
My Help and my Deliv’rer
And make, O King,
No tarrying!
Save me both now and ever!

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.


Eil Herr, mein Gott, zu retten mich,
mit deiner Hülff verzeuch doch nicht,
zu Schanden wolſt du machen,
die meine Seel,
in Ungefell,
zu bringen ſtetig trachten.

2  Zurück mein Feinde müſſen kehrn,
Dazu mit Spott gehöhnet werdn,
Die ſich meins Unglücks freuen,
Sie müſſn zuhand,
Werden zu Schand,
Die da, da übr mich ſchreyen.

3  Es müſſen fröhlich ſeyn in dir,
Die nach dir fragen mit Begier,
Und ſich von Hertzen frewen,
Sagn fort und fort,
Gelobt ſey Gott,
Und hoch gebenedeyet.

4  Ich aber bin elend und arm
Darumb O Gott dich mein erbarm,
Eil bald mich zu erretten,
Mein Zuverſicht,
Verzeuch doch nicht,
Hilff mir aus meinen Nöthen.

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