10 May 2024

Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt / dem ich mich ganz vertraue

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt / dem ich mich ganz vertraue” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm XXIII, Dominus me regit, with melody assignment “Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr,” a melody with connections to that of the paschal Gloria and medieval songs related thereto, in turn reminding us of the thematic connection to Misericordias Domini. The hymn is previously translated by R. E. Wunderlich for the Berkeley Lutheran Choir as “The Lord Is Now My Shepherd True,” and was also rendered in different meter (and rather loosely) by Miss C. H. Dunn as “My Shepherd is the Saviour dear.” The German shares the first line with other paraphrases (of which there are too many to count for present purposes), which may be distinguished by their second lines and numbers of stanzas, especially that of W. Meusel, or Anonymous (“. . . hält mich in seiner Hute,” 5 stanzas) and B. Ringwaldt (“Der Herre ist mein treuer Hirt, / hält mich in seiner Hute,” 7 stanzas). 

Vierling writes on the Psalm XXIII (Biblia, 721), “It is a psalm of thanksgiving, in which a Christian heart praises and thanks God for teaching and preserving him on the right way and comforting and protecting him in every trouble by His Holy Word (v. 3). And he compares himself to a sheep that a faithful shepherd pastures well on fresh grass and by cool water (v. 2); likewise, by way of parable it draws the table, cup, and oil from the Old Testament and divine service, and it uses all these to mean God’s Word, as it also uses the words rod and staff, grass, water, and the right way. It pertains to the Third Commandment and the Second Petition.”


MY faithful shepherd is the Lord;
To Him I yield me wholly.
He leads me on the fair green sward,
And feeds His sheep so lowly.
To living waters leading me,
My soul He quickens mightily
By His blest Word and gracious.

2 For His name’s sake upon the way
That erreth not He guides me,
Though on death’s gloomy paths, dismay
Or sadness oft betides me,
I have no fear, my Shepherd true
Remains with me the whole way through;
His rod and staff console me.

3 A splendid feast for me He’s spread
(Despite the foes unwilling),
Fills up my cup, and on my head
Sends oil of gladness spilling.
His grace and mercy follow me
For all my days. His house shall be
My dwelling-place forever.

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

1  Der Herr iſt mein getreuer Hirt,
Dem ich mich gantz vertraue,
Zur Weid er mich, ſein Schäfflein führt,
Auf ſchöner grünen Auen,
Zum friſchen Waſſer leit er mich,
Mein Seel zu laben kräftiglich,
Durchs ſeelig Wort der Gnaden.

2  Er führet mich auf rechter Ban
Von ſeines Namens wegen.
Ob gleich viel Trübſal geht heran
Auffs Todes finſtern Stegen,
So grawet mir doch nichts dafür,
Mein trewer Hirt ist stets bey mir,
Sein Steck und Stab mich tröſtet.

3  Ein köstlichn Tisch er mir bereit,
(Solts auch die Feind verdrieſſen)
Schenckt mir voll ein, das Oel der Frewd
Uber mein Häupt thut flieſſen.
Sein Güte und Barmherzigkeit
Werden mir folgen alle Zeit,
In seinem Hauß ich bleibe.

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