26 December 2010

Der eingeborne Gottes Sohn,

Here is my translation of a carol on the nativity of Jesus, “Der eingeborne Gottes Sohn” (P. Herbert, 1531), based on “Vecny syn jednorozeny, Buh pravy,” the old Bohemian rendering of “En trinitatis speculum.” A three-stanza English carol from the Latin was done by G.R. Woodward, found in “The Cambridge Carol-book” (1924) with the title “The Mirrour of the Father’s Face.”

THE SOLE begotten Son of God
Very God from heav’n’s abode,
Came in flesh and gave us
His own life to save us:
Very low He humbled was,
The Lord and King of heav’nly hosts—
Through His incarnation
Brought us all salvation.

2. The Son whose Father is Most High
Chose a maiden meek and shy
Who by grace consented,
Thus in flesh presented
Him who would in Adam’s place
Repay our debts and win God's grace,
That He us might cherish,
And we never perish.

3. The One whom earth and heav’n obey
In a tender virgin lay,
Whom He had created
As in Scripture stated:
In but lowly rags is furled
The One who holdeth all the world,
Bedded in a manger,
Safely kept from danger.

4. Our human nature God put on,
His work did the Maker don,
And our flesh invested
With Godhead unbested:
He hath laid the devil low,
And let His chosen children go
Free from sin’s dark prison,
From new birth arisen.

5. For Adam’s sin and deadly fall
God forsook His heav'nly hall
With our grief was stricken
That He might us quicken.
Sin had cast us in the grave,
And no one else could help or save,
But the Seed that Mary
In God's grace did carry.

6. His name is called Immanuel,
As we hear from Gabriel:
God would dwell among us,
And from death would spare us.
That is why He sorely pined,
For great and small, yea, all mankind,
In death our willing Savior,
Bought us grace and favor.

7. By dying Christ our case has won,
Reconciled both God and man,
Raised us up in splendor;
So our praise we render:
Jesus Christ, all laud to Thee,
For Thou a man didst deign to be,
Our salvation willing,
All God’s anger stilling.

Translation © Matthew Carver, 2010.

1. Der eingeborne Gottes Sohn,
wahrer gott vom höchsten Thron,
ist auf Erd erschienen,
uns allen zu dienen:
Er hat sich geniedert sehr,
der Herr und König aller Heer,
und wollen Menschen werden
hie auf dieser Erden.

2. Der Gott zu einem Vater hat
ist von einer armen Magd,
die er hat erkoren,
wahrer Mensch geboren.
Aufdaß er es Adams Schuld
bezahlen möcht, und Gottes Huld,
uns allen erwerben,
und nicht ließ verderben.

3. Dem alle Ding gehorsam sein,
hat ein zartes Jungfräulein
in ihrm Leib getragen,
wie die Schrift thut sagen:
Und geborn in Armut groß,
der alle Ding in sich beschloß
in ein Kripp geleget,
sein fleißig gepfleget.

4. Gott nahm an sich unser Natur
der Schöpfer ein Kreatur,
und verfügt die Menschheit,
mit der hohen Gottheit:
Der hat den Teufel gefellt,
daß er nicht mehr gefangen hält
Gottes Auserkorne,
in ihm neugeborne.

5. Um Adams Sünd und schweren Fall
mußt Gott vom himmlischen Saal
sich herunter geben,
daß wir möchten leben:
Denn die Sünd hat all verwundt,
darum auch niemand helfen kunnt,
ohn des Weibes Samen,
der aus Gnad ist kommen.

6. Sein Namen heißt Immanuel,
wie uns saget Gabriel,
Gott werd mit uns wohnen,
und unser verschonen:
Drum er auch sehr grosse Pein
gelitten hat für groß und klein,
ist willig gestorben,
hat uns Gnad erworben.

7. Mit seinem Tod hat er verricht
unser Sach bei Gott geschlicht,
uns herzlich erhaben,
dafür wir ihn loben:
Lob sei dir, Herr Jesu Christ,
daß du für uns Mensch worden bist,
uns dir hast erkoren,
gestillt Gottes Zoren. Amen.

23 December 2010

Allein nach der Herr Jesu Christ verlanget mich

Here is my translation of the prayer hymn, "Allein nach dir, Herr Jesu Christ, verlanget mich" (N. Selneccer, ?1568), not to be confused with "Allein zu dir." The hymn was written in one long, interestingly structured stanza (with many repeats) to be sung in Passiontide, especially Holy Week. It is even listed in Bach's notebook, suggesting that he planned to compose a cantata on it (none exists, unfortunately). I include a translation of the original stanza, and the notation as given in Das Deutsche Kirchenlied, III, 2. Special thanks to Dr. J. Herl for locating it.

ALONE for Thee, Lord :: alone for Thee, Lord::
Jesus Christ, I'm longing, :: Lord Jesus Christ, I am longing ::
While here on earth ::while here on earth::
Within this world I wander.
Alone in Thee, Lord ::alone in Thee, Lord::
Jesus Christ, I'm trusting ::Lord Jesus Christ, I am trusting
With hope assured ::with hope assured::
That heav’n awaits me yonder,
Won by Thy merit and ::won by Thy merit and:: Thy bloody passion,
This I inherit for salvation.
O Lamb of God, hear ::O Lamb of God, hear:: this my heartfelt crying,
As I look to heaven, sighing ::as I look to heaven, sighing::
Lord God, Thy Comforter now send me,
In grief Thine aid lend me,
Till death, when I am sleeping,
My spirit in Thy keeping.
To Thee my soul have I commended
In life, and when ended,
Oh Lord Jesus, Christ, my soul keep safe forever,—
Keep it safe forever.

Translation © Matthew Carver, 2010.

Allein nach dir, Herr :/: Jesu Christ, verlangt mich, :/: [Herr Jesu Christ, verlanget mich]
Weil ich hie leb, :/: in dieser Welt auf Erden.
Allein an dich Herr, :/: Jesu Christe, glaub ich, :/: [Herr Jesu Christe, glaube ich]
hoffend gewiß, :/:, der Himmel soll mein werden,
den du erworben hast :/: mit deinem Blute,
am Kreuz gestorben mir zu gute.
O du Lamm Gottes, :/: erhör mein herzlichs Flehen;
Mein Augen gen Himmel sehen. :/:
Tröst mich mit deinem Geist, O Herre Gott,
hilf mir in meiner Noth
wann ich von hinnen fahre;
meine Seele wöllst du bewahren,
dann in dem Tod und auch im Leben
hab ich mich dir ergeben.
O Herr Jesu Christe, nimm mein Seel in deine Hände,
Nimms in deine Hände.

21 December 2010

Christe sanctorum (= Clare sanctorum, correcta)

Here is my translation of Bonnus' correcta of Notker's Sequence for Apostles, as given in Magdeburg 1613. Some of the accents are off, but then, Bonnus' version is slightly adapted from the original melody, not to mention the text, of course. Note that toward the end, the line structure has been adapted, which required departing from the numbering system employed by James Erb for the analysis of the original text, in his Recent Researches… Thanks to Rev. Weedon for the copy of the original (see this blog post.)

1. CHRIST, the Instructor of all Thine holy Apostles,
Prince of all things created, and Ruler of kingdoms:
2a. Direct, guide, and strengthen the ways and life of the churches.
2b. At first Thou didst summon fishermen, simple and common,
3a. And on them confer royal thrones and dominions across earth’s distant boundaries,
3b. By warfare to bring to an end sin and Satan’s twin tyranny,
4a. Not by the flesh’s poor weapons, but by the mighty Word of Thy ministry,
4b. Than which there is no office more worthy and dignified.
5. Peter Cephas, Paul, Matthew,
6a. Thomas, John, and Bartholomew, Philip, Simon, and James, both “Less” and of Zebedee.
6b. Andrew and Thaddeus, God’s faithful soldiers most luminous—
7. These men are they whom the whole world, from the dawn of the sun to its setting, acclaims as its fathers in doctrines of Christendom,
8. And therefore, we pray Thee, O Christ, that in their scriptural dogma we all may stand firm and unshaken forever.

Translation © Matthew Carver, 2010.

LATIN (correcta by H. Bonnus)
1a. Christe sanctorum Præceptor Apostolorum,
1b. Princeps orbis terrarum, Rectorque regnorum:
2. Ecclesiarum mores et vitam moderare
3. Tu primum rudes piscatores evocasti.
4. Illisque per totum orbem terrarum commisisti regni solium
5. Tyrannidem ut Satanae et peccati debellarent.
6. Non per arma carnalia: sed per Verbi tui ministerium.
7. Quo non est aliud munus sublimius atque dignius.
8. Petrus, Paulus, Matthæus, Thomas, Bartholomæus, Johannes, Philippus, Simon, et uterque; Jacobus,
9. Andreas, Thaddæus, Dei bellatores inclyti.
10. Hi sunt quos Oriens et Occidens, et totus mundi circulus se Patres habere gaudet, in doctrina Fidei.
11. Et idcirco omnes, ut in ipsorum dogmate sinceri permaneamus, te Christe precamur.

LATIN (original, by Notker Balbulus):
1a. Clare sanctorum senatus apostolorum,
1b. Princeps orbis terrarum, rectorque regnorum,
2. Ecclesiarum mores et vitam moderare,
3. Quae per doctrinam tuam fideles sunt ubique.
4. Antiochus et Remus concedunt tibi, Petre, regni solium.
5. Tyrannidem tu, Paule, Alexandriuam invasisti Graeciam.
6. Aethiopes horridos, Matthace, agnelli vellere.
7. Qui maculas nesciat aliquas, vestisti candido.
8. Thoma, Bartholomaee, Ioannes, Philippe, Simon Iacobique pariles,
9. Andrea, Thaddaee, Dei bellatores inclyti,
10. En vos oriens et occidens, immo teres mundi circulus se patres habere gaudet et expectat iudices.
11. Et idcirco mundus omnis laudes vobis et honorem sanctis debitum supplex impendit.

13 December 2010

Omnis mundus jocundetur (new translation)

As you may or may not have realized, the first day of Christmas is only a Christmas feast (12 days) away, so here is my translation of the old pia cantio for the nativity, "Omnis mundus jocundetur." An earlier "translation" — really a new creation— appeared by J.M. Neale in the Carols for Christmas-Tide. The only part I could not quite work in is "by the mouth of Gabriel." There is, it seems, a more faithful translation by Willis Wager, to whom I owe the first line, but I have been unable to find any more of his version. If found and acceptable, I withdraw mine. Here's another Latin version. The music I have transcribed from the white mensural notation in Piae Cantiones.

LET ALL earth ring out with gladness
To the new-born Savior;
For the Virgin's Son our sadness
Takes away forever.
Pure in tone lift your voice;
Pure in heart, now rejoice.
Let us celebrate this day with glad acclaim! (glad acclaim!)
By the Virgin Mary, Christ a man became. (man became.)
To the Virgin Christ is born so praise His name! (praise His name!)
Therefore let us all rejoice and praise His name! (praise His name!)
Therefore let us all rejoice and praise His name!

Translation © Matthew Carver, 2010.

Omnis mundus jocundetur nato salvatore
casta mater quae concepit Gabrielis ore.
Sonoris vocibus
sinceris mentibus,
exsultemus et laetemur hodie. ::
Christus natus ex Maria virgine, ::
[Christus natus ex Maria] gaudete. ::
Gaudeamus et laetemur itaque. ::
Gaudeamus et laetemur itaque.

12 December 2010

Gläubige Seel, schau dein Herr

Here is my translation of the Advent hymn “Gläubige Seel, schau dein Herr” (M. Weiße, 1531), from the Bohemian Brethren. The tune is proper. I assume the strange meter is due to its lyrics being originally written Czech. Here is an audio sample of M. Praetorius' version of the tune (demo).

FAITHFUL soul, behold! your Master and King is nearing,
For your comfort appearing.
His heralds have His advent sounded;
Let in Him your hope be founded,
Heartily seek His peace unbounded.

2. Long the prophets of His advent sang forth and warned us,
And in writing informed us,
How, when the age at last was ending
He would to His folk be wending,
Them as their champion king defending.

3. He is gracious, full of mercy beyond all telling,
In all pow-er excelling:
Of hearts and minds the firm foundation,
Naught is hidden from His vision;
All His foes will fall in derision.

4. Only Jesus has the pow-er to rule forever,
And crush the deceiver;
To extinguish in us sin’s reigning,
Grace and truth for us ordaining,
And His glory eternal gaining.

5. Faithful heart, rejoice this day in the Lord your Savior,
Your glorious King forever:
Your redemption, His gracious calling—
Like the rain of evening falling,
Cleansing you from your filth appalling.

6. Not because of your own merit stoops He to meet you,
But in mercy would greet you:
He would show you His love unfailing,
Feed your soul with food availing,
That you His praise be e’er exhaling.

7. Deck with beauty your heart and dress it for His dwelling,
Do the works of His telling:
In His pleasure thusly reclining,
In His light you will be shining,
With Him ever, free from all pining.

8. O Christ Jesus, our dear Savior, our Hope unshaken,
Leave Your Church not forsaken!
Make her ready with joy to hail You,
Let her never fall nor fail You,
But with praises greet and regale You.

9. Grant Your Church Your Holy Spirit, faith, and hearts willing,
With Your strength her limbs filling,
That to do Your will she endeavor,
And, when death her cord shall sever,
She may sing Your praises forever.

Translation: © 2010 Matthew Carver.

1. Glaubige Seel, schau, dein Herr und König will kommen
dir zu Trost und zu Frommen,
er läßt sich dir vorhin ansagen;
sieh daß du ihm wirst behagen,
und seim Fried von Herzen nachjagen.

2. Die Propheten han von seiner Zukunft prophezeit,
geschrieben vor langer Zeit,
wie er hie in den letzten Zeiten,
für sein Volk auf allen Seiten
als ein Held und König sollt streiten.

3. Er ist freundlich, sänftmütig, lieblich und wohlgestallt,
von sehr großer Kraft und Gwalt:
er durchgründt aller Herzen und Sinn,
es ist nichts verborgen vor ihm,
wer ihn veracht hat sein kein Gewinn.

4. Er ist dieser, der frei in Ewigkeit kann herrschen,
der Schlangen Kopf zerknirschen,
sein Volk freien von Sünd und Thorheit,
ihm mittheilen Gnad und Wahrheit,
zu erlangen ewige Klarheit.

5. Glaubig Herze, freu dich heut Gottes deines Herren,
und des Königs der Ehren:
denn er kommt nur von deinetwegen:
als ein gnädig Abendregen,
dich von all deim Unflat zu fegen.

6. Er kommt zu dir, nicht von wegen deiner Frömmigkeit,
sonder aus Barmherzigkeit:
er will dir seine Treu beweisen,
dich geistlicher Weise speisen,
daß du ihn ewig mögest preisen.

7. Schmück ihm dein Haus und gib ihm stets in deim Herzen Ruh,
und was er dich heißt, das thu:
so wirst du sein allerliebste sein,
in heiliger Zierd geben Schein,
und mit ihm ewig sein ohne pein.

8. O Jesu Christ, unser Heiland, Trost und Zuversicht,
verlaß dein armes Volk nicht,
verleih, daß es nach dir arbeite,
sein Herz dir mit Fleiß bereite,
und seine Werk dir unterbreite.

9. Gib ihm dein Geist, ein glaubig Herz und freiwillig Gmüt,
Kraft und Macht durch deine Güt,
daß es dein Willen hie verbringen,
von dem Tod ins Leben dringen,
und dir mög ewiglich lobsingen. Amen.

06 December 2010

The Second Major Revision of Walther’s Hymnal (Part 2 Cont.)

The following is translated from Lehre und Wehre, vol. 54, pp. 500–506.

II. Index of Authors

Ludämilie Elisabeth, countess of Schwarzburg-Rudolsadt, born 1640, died 1672 as wife of the count Christian Wilhelm von Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. #253, 372, 394.

Luther, Dr. Martin, founder and master of German hymnody, born in Eisleben, Nov. 10, 1483, died in the same place, Feb. 18, 1546. He formed his hymns partly in a free manner, partly by translation of Latin hymni or integration of old German stanzas or borrowing of biblical excerpts. # 15, 21, 36, 41, 42, 60, 65, 99, 110, 132, 134, 136, 142, 143, 145, 147, 158, 159 (sts. 1–3), 162, 166, 170, 171, 177, 180, 181, 183, 185, 186, 195, 205, 214, 243, 328, 337, 368, 399, 416.

Magdeburg, Johann, born 1525, Gardelegen in the Altmark, evangelical preacher in Esserding, Austria, exiled thence in 1583, pastor in Essen until 1587. #381 (st. 1), the first words of which used to be inscribed on many houses.

Mathesius, Johann, born 1504, Rochlitz, Saxony; a companion at Luther’s home and table while studying in Wittenberg, worked as pastor of the German Lutheran church in Joachimstal, Bohemia, where he died in 1565. His homiletic biography of Luther is among the popular books of our church. #361.

Mentzer, Johann, born 1658, Jahma, Lusatia; died 1734 as pastor in Chemnitz in the same region. His magnificent psalm of jubilation, #349, is a brilliant demonstration of his pious Christian outlook in all his afflictions.

Meyfart, Dr. Johann Matthäus, born 1590, Walwinkel, Gotha; died 1642, as professor of theology and pastor in Erfurt. During the oppression of the Thirty Years’ War he composed his hymn of longing for the heavenly Jerusalem, #443.

Möckel, Johann Friedrich, born 1661, Kulmbach; died 1729, as pastor of Steppbach in Bayreuth. #302.

Molanus, Dr. Gerhard Walther, born 1633 Hameln; died 1722, as abbot of Loccum cloister in Hannover. #203.

Moller, Martin, born 1547 in Kroppstädt by Wittenberg; died 1606 as senior pastor in Görlitz; was a man practiced in suffering, who in the letters of his name M. M. left the constant warning, “Memento mori” (Remember thou shalt die). #225, 258, 342, 352, 362.

Möller, Johann Joachim, born 1660, Sommerfeld; died 1733 as archdeacon in Krossen. #108, 235.

Mühlmann, Dr. Johann, born 1573, Pegau; died 1613 as professor of theology and archdeacon at St. Nikolai, Leipzig; fought the papists and Calvinists with great zeal from both the pulpit and the teacher’s lectern.

Mylius, Johann, from Themar, 1596, in Thuringia. #62.

Nachtenhöfer, Kaspar Friedrich, born 1624, Halle; died 1685 as pastor of Koburg. #27.

Neander, Joachim, the most important poet of the Reformed church in the age of Pietism; born 1650, Bremen; died 1680 as morning preacher at St. Martini, Bremen, wrote the popular, fervent hymn of praise #341.

Neumann, Kaspar, born 1648, Breslau; died 1715 in the same place as pastor of St. Elisabeth, professor, and inspector of the church. Among his 39 hymns, three have become common property of the singing Church: # 109, 268, 316.

Neumark, Georg, born 1612, Langesalza; died 1681 as librarian and archivist in Weimar. His worldly hymns are forgotten, but not his hymn of comfort, # 382, and his responses in hymn #417.

Neumeister, Erdmann, born 1671, Üchteritz by Weißenfels; died 1756 as head pastor at St. Jacobi in Hamburg; was an opponent of Pietism and Unionism. #222, 241.

Nicolai, Dr. Philipp, born 1556 in Mengeringhausen, Waldeck, where he assisted his father in the preaching office; in 1583 became pastor in Hardeck an der Ruhr, and in 1586, of the secret Lutheran congregation in Cologne; 1587 court preacher in Wildungen, and from 1596, in Unna, where, during the time of the plague, he wrote his Joyous Mirror of Eternal Life, as well as both of his famous hymns, #261 and 436; from 1601 head pastor at St. Katharine, Hamburg, where he died in 1608.

Niedlung, Johann, born 1602, Sangerhausen; 1626 was teacher at the college in Altenburg, where he died in 1668 as Scholae senior. #106, 125.

Olearius, Dr. Johann, hymnologist of our church, born in Halle, 1611; general superintendent and senior court preacher of duke August of Saxony in Halle; later in the same position in Weißenfels, where he died in 1684. His hymn #5 serves as a silent prayer upon entering church. #35, 63, 68, 137 (?), 144, 204, 232, 275, 327, 380, 391.

Olearius, Dr. Johann Gottfried, nephew of the preceding, born 1635, Halle, died 1711 as superintendent and consistory advisor in Arnstadt. #26, 151.

Öler, Ludwig, lived around 1530, canon of the St. Thomasstift, Strasbourg. #12.

Opitz, Martin, born 1597, Bunzlau; died 1639, Danzig, as secretary and historian of the King of Poland. It is to his efforts for the German poetic artform that our current hymns owe their greater smoothness. #57.

Pfeffer, Paul, born 1651, Neustadt, Principality of Glogau; died after 1710 as mayor of Budissin (Bautzen). #424 (the responding stanzas).

Pfefferkorn, Georg, born in the village of Iffta outside Eisenach; tutor to the prince at the court of Duke Ernst the Pious; died 1732 as superintendent and consistory assessor of Gräfentonna by Gotha. #285.

Prätorius, Benjamin, born 1636, Obergreislau by Weißenfels; died 1674 as pastor in Großlissa by Delitzsch. #283.

Quirsfeld, Johann, born 1642, Dresden, died 1686 as deacon in Pirna. #422.

Reimann, Georg, born 1570, Leobschütz, Upper Silesia; died 1615 as professor of rhetoric in Königsberg. #114, 155.

Reusner, Adam, (Reißner), born 1496 in Windelsheim, Bavarian Swabia; student of Reuchlin; private secretary of field commander Georg von Frundsberg; follower of Schwenkfeld; died ca. 1575 in the place of his birth.

Rinckart, Martin, born 1586, Eilenburg, Saxony, where he died in 1649; like Herberger and Heermann, he was a faithful leader of his flock during the appalling tribulations visited upon it the Thirty Years’ War. He probably wrote his hymn of thanks, #346, in the year 1630. Hymn #146 can also be trace back to a composition of Rinckart.

Ringwald, Bartholomäus, born 1530, Frankfurt an der Oder; died 1599 as pastor in Langenfeld, Neumark; a zealous defender of Lutheran doctrine and a faithful witness of the truth, who unflinchingly chastised the immorality of his day. #138, 216, 433.

Rist, Johann, writer of many splendid hymns; born 1607, Ottensen by Hamburg; died 1667 as pastor in Wedel, Holstein. Through his hymns he comforted and edified many thousands during the difficult times of the Thirty Years’ War, and continues to do so. # 13, 52, 67, 88, 120, 194, 207, 221, 238, 321, 434.

Rodigast, Samuel, born 1649, Gröben by Jena, died 1708 as headmaster of the Gray Cloister college in Berlin. His only hymn, #376, which however is heard in the whole singing Church, based on Deut. 32:4, was written in 1675 in Jena, for the consolation of an ailing cantor.

Rosenmüller, Johannes, from electoral Saxony, music director in Leipzig and Wolfenbüttel; died 1686. #397 (?).

Rothe, Johann Andreas, born 1688, Lissa by Görlitz; [Count] Zinzendorf’s pastor in Berthelsdorf; died 1758 as Lutheran pastor in Thommendorf in Upper Lusatia; was a powerful preacher of great pastoral faithfulness. He lives on in the Church through his hymn, #240.

Ruopp, Johann Friedrich, a native of Strasbourg; died 1708 as adjunct of the theological faculty in Halle. #266.

Sacer, Dr. jur. Gottfried Wilhelm, born 1635 in Naumburg, Saxony; died 1699 as private attorney in Wolfenbüttel. #14, 82, 121, 131, 425.

Saubert, Dr. Johann, the younger; born 1638 in Nürnberg; died 1688 as professor of theology and superintendent in Altdorf; published the Nürnberg Hymnal, which included his hymn, #393.

Schade, Johann Kaspar, born 1666, Kühndorf by Meiningen, from 1691 deacon at St. Nikolai, Berlin, a fellow minister with Spener; died in that place 1698. #81, 369.

Schalling, Martin, born 1532, Straßburg, died 1608 as pastor in Nürnberg; for his own consolement wrote hymn #271.

Scheffler, Johann, born 1624 in Breslau, from 1649 physician of the Duke of Öls; 1653 deserted to the Roman church under the name Angelus Silesius and became a vehement opponent of the Lutheran church. #72, 250, 280.

Scheidt, Dr. Christian Ludwig, born 1709, Waldenburg by Schwäbisch-Hall; died 1761 as court advisor and librarian in Hannover; was well known for his hymn, #234, which first appeared in 1743.

Schenk, Hartmann, born 1634, Ruhla by Eienach; died 1681 as pastor in Ostheim vor der Rhön. #9.

Schirmer, Michael, born 1606, Leipzig; a friend of Paul Gerhardt; died 1673 as joint headmaster of the Gray Cloister college in Berlin; a hymn-writer much used to bearing his cross, called the “German Job.” #418. Hymn #140 is a reworking of one of his hymns.

Schlicht, Levin Johann, born 1681 in Kalbe in the Altmark; teacher at the paedogogium in Halle; died 1723 as a pastor in Berlin; was able to speak Latin and understand Greek and Hebrew as early as ten years old. #311.

Schmidt, Christian, born 1683, Stolberg in Misnia; died 1754 as pastor at the Bergkirche outside Eilenburg. #332.

Schmolck, Benjamin, born 1672 in Brauchitschdorf by Liegnitz; died 1737 as senior pastor and inspector in Schweidnitz; known as a publisher of devotional literature. Of his 1,200 hymns, our hymnal has #190, 247, 267, 331.

Schneegaß, Cyriakus, born 1546, Busleben by Gotha; died 1597 as pastor in Friedrichroda by the Thuringian Forest; had a thorough knowledge of music; his spouse was a grandniece of Luther’s. #49, 51, 388.

Schröder, Johann Heinrich, born 1667 in Springe by Hannover; died 1699 as pastor in Meseburg by Magdeburg. #249.

Schütz, Johann Jakob, born 1640 in Frankfurt am Main; practiced law; died 1690 in the same place; at the end of his life fell under the influence of the Enthusiasts and renounced the Lutheran church. #350.

Selnecker, Dr. Nikolaus, born 1530 in Hersbruck by Nürnberg; studied under Melanchthon; died 1592 as professor of theology, superintendent, and pastor at St. Thomas in Leipzig; co-author of the Formula of Concord; a much-persecuted, steadfast confessor, whose prayer for constancy, so poignant in its simplicity, was granted by God. #193, 298, 420. Hymn # 165 was partly written by him.

Sonnemann, Ernst, 1608 became joint headmastor of Celle; 1661 pastor in Eimbeck; died there in 1670. #117 (?), reworked after Wegelin.

Spengler, Lazarus, supporter of the Reformation, born 1479, Nürnberg; councilor and jurist in his native city, where he died in 1534. His hymn #236 was once of similar meaning for the Reformation as the hymn of the following author.

Speratus, Dr. Paul, born 1484 in Rötlen, Swabia; was already openly preaching the Gospel from 1519 in Würzburg and Salburg; 1522 in Stephans cathedral in Vienna and in Iglau, for which he was put in prison in Olmütz in 1523, where he wrote his hymn, #237, which he sent to his congregation; the same year came to Wittenberg, at Luther’s recommendation became court preacher of Duke Albert of Prussia; was especially active there in the introduction of the Reformation; died 1551 as Lutheran bishop of Pomesania in Marienwerder.

Stegmann, Dr. Josua, born 1588 in Sulzfeld by Meiningen; died 1632 as professor of theology and superintendent in Rinteln; was force to endure great affliction during the time of the Thirty Years’ War, moving from placed to place as an exile. #2.

Stockmann, Ernst, born 1634 in Lützaen, died 1712 as senior consistory advisor and church advisor in Eisenach. #356.

Thebesius, Adam, born 1596 in Seifersdorf in the principality of Liegnitz; died 1652 as pastor in Liegnitz. #83.

Thilo, Valentin, the Elder, born 1579 in Zinten, East Prussia; died 1620 from the plague as deacon in Königsberg. #33 (sts. 1–3).

Tietze, Christoph (Titius), born 1641 in Wilkau by Breslau; died 1703 as pastor in Hersbruck, Nürnberg. #218, 371, 427.

Walther, Johann, the old Luther-cantor, became court cantor in Torgau around 1520; Luther’s assistant in the institution of the German mann and in the shaping of the evangelical church melodies; died after 1566 as kapellmeister in Dresden. His hymn on eternity, #16, shows that Walther was not only a musician, but also a poet of God’s grace.

Wandersleben, Martin, born 1608 in Wassertalheim, Schwarzburg-Sondershausen; died 1668 as superintendent of Waltershausen in the Gothaischen. #299.

Weidenheim, Johann; the personal details of this man who lived around the turn of the 17th century are unknown. #215.

Weise, Christian, born 1642 in Zittau; from 1676 professor of politics, rhetoric, and poetry in Weißenfels; died 1708 as headmaster of the college in his native city. #231.

Weiße, Michael, born in Neiße, Silesia; 1531 became priest and representative of the German congregation of the Bohemian Brethren in Landeskron, Bohemia; in the same year published the first German hymnal of the Bohemian Brethren; died in that place in 1534, a little over 40 years old. #22, 29, 32, 43, 100, 417, 440.

Weissel, Georg, born 1590 in Domnau, East Prussia; died 1635 as pastor in Königsberg; #31, 58, 148, 245. Hymn #112 is a reworking of one of his hymns.

Werner, Georg, born 1589 in Preußisch-Holland; died 1643 as deacon in Königsberg. #55, 101, 128.

Wiesenmeyer, Burkhard, ca. 1640 teacher at the Gray Cloister college in Berlin; reworker of older hymns; #305.

Zehner, Dr. Samuel, born 1594 in Suhl; died 1635 as superintendent in Schleusingen; wrote hymn #211 in the year 1633 while the Croats were laying siege to the place of his residence.

Zesen, Philipp von, born 1619 in Priorau by Dessau; led the life of a man of letters without a permanent position; died 1689 in Hamburg. #38.

Ziegler, Dr. jur. Kaspar, an authority on law of the first degree, born 1621 in Leipzig; died 1690 in Wittenberg as professor of law. #25.

Zihn, Johann Friedrich, born 1650 in Suhl; died 1719 as archdeacon in his native city. #359.

Zwick, Johannes, born in Constance ca. 1496; died 1542 as an evangelical pastor of his native city in Bischofszell, which he had committed himself to serve for the sake of the local congregation during the time of the plague. #118.

The authors of the following hymns and stanzas are unknown:

Hymns: # 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 17, 28, 34, 43, 69, 74, 78, 87, 92, 96, 98, 104, 107, 111, 115, 119, 123, 126, 127, 133, 146, 154, 165, 172, 173, 201, 209, 220, 226, 227, 233, 276, 239, 292, 295, 301, 306, 307, 313, 323, 324, 325, 333, 343, 344, 345, 357, 353, 363, 377, 386, 389, 395, 400, 404, 408, 411, 412, 415, 423, 439.

Stanzas: # 8 (st. 4), 10 (st. 7), 21 (st. 1), 33 (st. 4), 50 (st. 7), 35 (st. 7), 83 (st. 1), 136 (st. 1), 174 (sts. 2–3), 177 (st . 2), 195 (st . 1), 213 (st . 4), 320 (st . 10), 348 (st . 5), 381 (st . 2. 3), 417 (st . 8), 423 (st . 5).

The Commission on the Hymnal:
A. Crull.
O. Hattstädt.
J. Schlerf.

Translation © Matthew Carver, 2010.

03 December 2010

Gloria (Spangenberg 1545)

I realize this is ill-timed, since the Church omits the Gloria during Advent, but perhaps this will be a good setting to think about using when the Gloria returns, especially for Christmas. This is the way the ELHB set the alternate Gloria in excelsis in the back of the hymnal (#568). It is adapted from the Spangenberg Cantional (1545) setting, which is represented in Layriz' Choralbuch (liturgy, part 10). One departure you will note is that the "et in terra" ("and on earth") here begins on A rather than on D. It uses the words of the Common Service, with one exception: In the Domine addresses (line 6), it says "O Lord God, Thou Lamb…" which we are used to singing without "Thou." This could be easily be harmonized by slurring A-G on "God" and omitting "Thou." Another change from the ELHB which might be advisable (and familiar) is to amend the rubric, so that we have the celebrant sing the Gloria in excelsis "Glory be to God…", and the congregation and choir respond beginning with the Laudamus Te, "We praise Thee."

02 December 2010

O Gud, efter dig mig forlænger

Here is my translation of “O Gud, efter dig mig forlænger” (H.C. Sthen, 1589), a prayer and confession hymn inspired by Rom. 8:19. Below I include an earlier hetero-metrical English paraphrase by Tait, the original Danish version by Sthen (with stress-based rather than metrical lines), and finally the later normalized, altered version by Ingemann. The melody is “O Welt, ich muß dich lassen” (H. Isaac, 1539, after a sec. mel., 15th c.).

O GOD, for Thee I’m longing,
When sins my heart are thronging,
My trust is all in Thee.
Thy Word and grace so holy
Are all my refuge solely,
O Lord, be gracious unto me!

2. My heart, with fear encumbered,
Is pierced by sins unnumbered,
Yet Christ is my abode.
He only shall avail me,
Nor will He leave or fail me,
For He hath bought me with His blood.

3. If I should meet temptation,
Bound tight in my transgression,
O God, Thy help then lend!
In death and life, Lord, never
Leave me to perish ever.
So shall I praise Thee without end.

4. O Jesus, Lord and Savior,
Be Thou my Jesus ever,
Sweet, Jesus, is Thy name;
Thine, Jesus, kindly make me,
Oh Jesus, ne’er forsake me!
In Jesus I my harbor claim.

5. O Father, keep and cherish
Thy creature, lest I perish,
In hope I cling to Thee;
O Son, my sole salvation,
Grant help and consolation,
Build up what Thou beganst in me.

6. O Holy Ghost, most precious,
Thy grace and wisdom gracious,
Thy peace and counsel, give,
To manage my vocations
And bear my cross with patience,
Till I my heav’nly share receive.

Translation © Matthew Carver, 2010.

TAIT’S VERSION (After Ingemann’s version):
1. My God, my God, for Thee I pine! 

A heritage of woe is mine;
In Thee alone is all my trust;
A bulwark is Thy Word to me;
Thy grace can make me glad and free :
Compassionate the child of dust.

2. Before temptation I am frail;

Me sins, a countless host, assail.
O Father, succour and sustain,—
In life, in death Thy help I need;
Be Thou my God, my God indeed,—
I praise Thee, Healer of my pain.

3. Fainteth my weak and burdened heart,- 

Transgression's terrors through it dart;
But Holy Jesus died to save; 

On Him, the Mighty, I rely, 

Who gave me back the vanished sky,
By vanquishing the awful grave.

4. Although all life obeys Thy rule, 

Mine shalt Thou be, Thou Beautiful,
Blessed be my Redeemer's name !

Thou Merciful, oh, sever not 

The bond that binds Thee to my lot;
For ever shield, Thou valiant Flame.

5. Thou, Father, God, didst me create; 

Cry not to me, Too late, too late,—
My hope is in Thee evermore.

Thou, Son of God, didst me redeem; 

Enrich, enliven with Thy gleam ;
Perfect the work begun before.

6. Thou, Holy Spirit, counsel, guide, 

As wisdom, joy, and power abide
In my renewed, adoring breast;
Earth's labours may I cheerful share !
My cross with patience may I bear!
Then gain the everlasting rest.

DANISH (Original)
1. O Gud, efter dig mig forlænger,
naar Synden mit Hjærte trænger,
til dig staar al min Lid;
paa dit Ord og hellige Naade
vil jeg mig altid forlade,
o Herre, vær mig mild og blid!

2. Mit Hjærte gjøres mig ret bange,
det volde mine Synder saa mange,
Jesus er dog min Trøst;
jeg tror hannem vel for alle,
han vil mig aldrig undfalde,
han haver mig med sit Blod forløst.

3. Stor Fristelse monne jeg finde,
mine Synder de mig hart binde,
o Gud, hjælp mig derfra;
lad mig fortabt ej blive,
hverken i Død eller Live,
evig jeg dig vil prise da.

4. O Jesu, Livsens Herre!
vilde du min Jesus være,
Jesus er et sødt Navn;
min Frelser er Jesus lille,
o Jesu, dig ej fra mig skille,
Jesus han er min trygge Havn.

5. Gud Fader, som mig haver skabt,
lad mig aldrig blive fortabt,
mit Haab sætter jeg til dig;
Guds Søn, som mig haver forløst,
du være altid min Hjælp og Trøst,
styrke det du haver begyndt i mig!

6. Den Helligaand i lige Maade
forlæne mig Visdom og Naade,
giv Lykke og gode Raad
i mit Kald saa flittig at være,
og mit Kors taalmodelig bære,
siden fange i Himmerig Del og Lod!

DANISH (Reworked by Ingemann, 1854)
1. Gud, efter dig jeg længes,
når jeg af synden trænges,
til dig står al min lid:
Jeg på dit ord, o Fader,
på nåden mig forlader,
o Herre, vær mig mild og blid!

2. Mit hjerte gøres bange
for mine synder mange,
dog Jesus er min trøst:
jeg tror ham vel for alle,
han vil mig ej undfalde,1
han har mig med sit blod forløst.

3. Stor fristelse jeg finder,
og hårdt mig synden binder,
Gud, hjælp derfra mig ud!
I døden som i live
lad mig fortabt ej blive,
og evig priser jeg min Gud!

4. Du livsens Herre kære,
min Jesus vil du være,
livsaligt er dit navn.
Min frelser, Jesus milde,
du ej fra mig dig skille,
du altid er min trygge havn!

5. Gud Fader, som mig skabte,
tæl ej mig blandt fortabte,
mit håb er sat til dig:
Guds Søn, som mig forløste,
din hjælp mig altid trøste,
styrk det, du har begyndt i mig!

6. Du, Helligånd, mig råde,
giv visdom mig og nåde,
giv lykke, gode råd:
I kaldet flittig være,
mit kors tålmodig bære,
giv mig i Himlen del og lod!