29 December 2011

Das alte Jahr vergangen ist* Original Tune

In case anyone is interested in using the original tune for "The Old Year Now Hath Passed Away" for the office of New Year's Eve or New Year's Day (not to be confused with the Feast of the Circumcision), here it is in a setting by Layriz, along with the text as translated by Winkworth, which is in the public domain.

THE OLD year now hath passed away; 
We thank Thee, O our God, today 
That Thou hast kept us through the year 
When danger and distress were near.

2. We pray Thee, O eternal Son, 
Who with the Father reign’st as One, 
To guard and rule Thy Christendom 
Through all the ages yet to come.

3. Take not Thy saving Word away, 
Our souls’ true comfort, staff, and stay. 
Abide with us and keep us free 
From errors, following only Thee.

4. Oh, help us to forsake all sin, 
A new and holier course begin! 
Mark not what once was done amiss; 
A happier, better year be this,

5. Wherein as Christians we may live 
Or die in peace that 
Thou canst give, 
To rise again when Thou shalt come 
And enter Thine eternal home.

6. There shall we thank Thee and adore 
With all the angels evermore. 
Lord Jesus Christ, increase our faith 
To praise Thy Name through life and death.

—J. Steuerlein, 1588; tr. C. Winkworth, 1863.

19 December 2011

Warum sollen dich so schmerzen* (Alt.)

Here is my suggested emendation and modernization of J. Kelly’s translation of Paul Gerhardt’s hymn on the Circumcsion suitable for use on the Feast of the Circumcision on January 1. I Include below his original version, as well as Miss Cox' two-stanza version, which I believe is on the whole poorer than Kelly's.

WHY SHOULD they such torment give You?
Why so pain You, dearest Christ?
Why by such a rite so grieve You,
With their hearts uncircumcised?
Jesus! Oh, but You are free
From the Law’s severity,
For, although man's nature wearing,
You are free of sin and erring,

2. For Yourself You do not bear it,
Of the Cov’nant You are Head;
’Tis our debts that make You share it,
That, like grievous loads of lead,
Lie upon us, and Your heart
Pierce unto the inmost part;
These You suffer to deliver
Those who could have paid them never.

3. Let your hearts be glad, O debtors!
Let the world rejoice today!
For God’s Son now breaks our fetters,
Here our price begins to pay.
Now the Law has been fulfilled
Now God’s anger has been stilled.
Now are we, to death once given
Made by Christ the heirs of heaven.

4. Who can tell the grace and favor,
Or of thanks repay Your due!
Heart and mouth shall own You ever,
As our Savior honor You!
We shall praise with all our pow’r
All Your goodness, You adore,
While in weakness here we wander,
And Your praises echo yonder!

J. Kelly, 1867, alt. Matthew Carver, 2011.

J. KELLY, 1867:
1. Why should they such pain e’er give Thee,

Why inflict such cruel smart?

Jesus, why should they so grieve Thee,

Who’re uncircumcis’d in heart,

By this rite? Though Thou art free

From the law’s yoke utterly,

Yet man’s nature art Thou wearing,

But no sin its beauty marring.

2. For Thyself Thou dost not bear it,

Of the Cov’nant Thou art Head;

’Tis our debts that make Thee share it,

That like grievous load of lead

Lie upon us, and Thy heart

Pierce e’en to the inmost part;

These Thou bearest to deliver

Us, who could have paid them never.

3. Let your hearts be glad, ye debtors!

Let the world rejoice to-day,

For the Son of God our fetters

Breaks, the price begins to pay.

This day is the Law fulfill’d,

This day is God’s anger still’d,

Whom to death law did deliver,

God’s Son makes God’s heirs for ever.

4. We this grace enough can never

Own, nor for it grateful be;

Heart and mouth, O Saviour! ever

Shall exalt and honour Thee!

We shall praise with all our pow’r

All Thy goodness, Thee adore,

While in weakness here we wander,

And Thy praise re-echo yonder!
Paul Gerhardt's Spiritual Songs, 1867

F. E. COX, 1841 (sts. 3-4 only):
3. Mortals, who have God offended,

Sinners all, rejoice to-day!

Gods own Son, from heaven descended,

Now your ransom 'gins to pay:
See the law this day fulfill'd,

God's just wrath and vengeance still'd;

He for sin who would have slain us,

Now for sons and heirs hath ta'en us.

4. Well may we this grace and favour

Evermore with blessings tell !

Well may heart and mouth for ever

Hail Thee our Immanuel !

Here in weakness while we stay,

Lord, we praise Thee as we may;

Earthly bonds our tongues here fetter,

But in heaven we'll praise Thee better.

1. Warum machet solche Schmerzen,
Warum machet solche Pein,
Der von unbeschnittnem Herzen,
Dir, herzliebstes Jesulein,
Mit Beschneidung, da du doch
Frei von des Gesetzes Joch.
Weil du, einem Menschenkinde
Zwar gleich, doch ganz ohne Sünde?

2. Für dich darfst du dies nicht dulden,
Du bist ja des Bundes Herr,
Unsre, unsre große Schulden,
Die so grausam, die so schwer
Auf uns liegen, daß es dich
Jammert herz- und inniglich,
Die trägst du ab, uns zu retten,
Die sonst nichts zu zahlen hätten.

3. Freut, ihr Schuldner, euch deswegen,
Ja, sei fröhlich alle Welt,
Weil heut anhebt zu erlegen
Gottes Sohn das Lösegeld;
Das Gesetz wird heut erfüllt,
Heut wird Gottes Zorn gestillt.
Heut macht uns, so sollten sterben,
Gottes Blut zu Gottes Erben.

4. Wer mag recht die Gnad erkennen?
Wer kann dafür dankbar sein?
Herz und Mund soll stets dich nennen
Unsern Heiland, Jesulein!
[30] Deine Güte wollen wir
Nach Vermögen preisen hier,
Weil wir in der Schwachheit wallen;
Dort soll baß dein Lob erschallen.

15 December 2011

Sankt Stephanus voll Glaubens war

Here is my translation of Nicolaus Selnecker’s hymn for the feast of St. Stephen (Dec. 26), originally published in Christliche Psalmen, Lieder und Kirchgensenge (Leipzig, 1587). The melody, according to Kümmerle, seems to be a simplification of a tune first appearing in Lauterbach’s Cithara, Christiana, Psalmodiarum sacrarum libri VII, latine et germanice (Leipzig, 1585).

SAINT STEPHEN, full of faith and might,
Great wonders wrought in open sight,
Christ Jesus freely praised as Lord,
False teachers shamed with one accord.

2. Wherefore He soon was called to cease,
To preach Christ’s news of heavn’ly peace,
Was taken from the city bound,
By wicked men a martyr crowned.

3. He saith, My Lord to stand I see
Upon the right of Majesty.
Him will I with my death adore
And gladly go, content e’ermore.

4. His spirit then he humbly laid
Into the hands of Christ, and prayed,
Lord Jesus, oh, my spirit now
Receive, and with Thy grace endow.

5. Forbear my foes’ misdeeds to bind,
Who in their rage are rendered blind
Make known to them their misery,
And loose them from sin’s tyranny.

6. Lord Jesus, help us every hour,
That we may thus be given pow’r
With constancy Thee to confess,
And ever dwell in blessedness.

Translation © M. Carver, 2011.

1. Sankt Stephanus voll Glaubens war,
tat kräftig Werk ganz offenbar,
preiset den Herren Christum frei
und straft die Heuchler ohne Scheu.

2. Darum er mußt bald halten her,
um Christi willen neue Mehr
hören, zur Stadt gestossen aus,
getötet durch Gottlosen Strauß.

3. “Ich seh Christum den Herren mein
zur Rechten Gottes stehn gar fein,”
sprach er, “den will ich loben do
mit meinem Tod willig und froh.”

4. Sein Geist er bald aufgeben tät
in Christi Hand, mit dem Gebet
“Herr Jesu, nimm auf meinen Geist
und mir dein Gnad und Güte leist.

5. Behalt mein Feinden nicht die Sünd,
sie sind jetzt wütig und staar blind,
Laß sie ihr Elend kennen noch
und kommen aus der Sünde joch.

6. Hilf, Herr Jesu, zu aller Zeit,
laß uns auch werden solche Leut
die dich bekennen bständiglich
und selig werden ewiglich.

12 December 2011

O Vater der Barmherzigkeit (Kyrie for Christmastide)

Here I repost, in advance of the proper date, my translation of the Christmastide Kyrie trope, “O Vater der Barmherzigkeit,” from a German rendering of the beautiful Kyrie Magnae Deus Potentiae; here with words by Peter Herbert (Kirchengeseng 1566; see Kirch. 1580 p. 150). It should be sung on Sundays of Christmastide.

The 2-phrase version represents the form found in Layriz' Choralbuch, where it is appointed as an optional Kyrie for Christmas. The original has three stanzas to each Person (per the ninefold Kyrie use accepted in Lutheranism); Layriz' has two, with the 2nd stanza being entirely new, and the whole shorter, including the kyrie addresses, and all in all much more fitting for public worship. In the German below, the original 2nd and 3rd stanzas are labeled "b" and "c" resp., while the newer closing stanzas from Layriz are labeled "b-c.


O FATHER, God of mercies great,
Our hearts to Thee we elevate,
Praying Thee, Thy grace bestow
On rich and poor below.
:: O Father God of matchless might,
We beg Thee to attend our plight:
In Thy mercies inifinite,

CHRIST the Savior of the earth
Thy children save by heav’nly birth,
That they in Thee / May flourish ceaselessly.
:: Hear us, Christ, our Helper sure,
Made man and born of Mary pure,
To be our Cure: / Christe eleison!

O HOLY GHOST, true God, we pray,
Regard Thy people’s needs today;
By Thy grace make bright and fair
The hearts of those who err.
:: O Holy Ghost, grant us the pow’r
To love Thee truly every hour,
And in Thy good virtue flow’r,

Translation © Matthew Carver, 2010.

3-PHRASE VERSION (Boh. Brethren):
O FATHER, God of mercies great,
Our hearts to Thee we elevate,
Praying Thee, Thy grace bestow
On rich and poor below.
:: All those who seek Thee heartily,
Will find such grace and help from Thee,
That they ever may fulfill
Thy gracious, holy will.
:: Give them the truth for which they long,
And pardon for all sin and wrong,
In Thy holy house as one,
Until our life on earth is done.

CHRIST the Savior of the earth
Thy children save by heav’nly birth,
That they in Thee / May flourish ceaselessly.
:: As on earth Thy yoke they bear,
Oh, suffer not the devil’s snare
To cast them down / And steal the victor’s crown.
:: Through the shedding of Thy blood
Assist them here to know Thy good,
And worship Thee / For all eternity.

O HOLY GHOST, true God, we pray,
Regard Thy people’s needs today;
By Thy grace make bright and fair
All the hearts of those who err.
:: O come, Thou promised Comforter,
Thy heav’nly priesthood to confer,
That we may to Thee upraise
Fitting offerings of praise.
:: Oh, let us all by faith be giv’n
The blest inheritance of heav’n,
That we may Thy name adore
With our praises evermore.

Translation © Matthew Carver, 2010.

1a. O Vater der Barmherzigkeit,
wir bitten dich mit Innigkeit
du wollest dich erbarmen
der Schwachen und Armen.
1b. Die sich herzlich zu dir kehren
Gnad und Hilf von dir begehren,
aufdaß sie deinen Willen
stets mögen erfüllen.
1c. Hilf, daß sie die Wahrheit finden,
zur Vergebung aller Sünden,
in heiliger Gemeinschaft-
en denn ihr Bilgerschaft.
[1b-c. O Vater, allmächtiger Gott!
zu dir schreien wir in der Not:
Durch dein groß Barmherzigkeit
erbarm dich über uns!]

2a. Christe, aller Welt Heiland,
hilf allen die dich han erkannt,
daß sie in dir / zunehmen für und für
2b. Laß sie nicht kraftlos werden,
unter deinem Joch auf Erden,
aus deim Gesetz / fallen ins Teufels Netz.
2c. Hilf durch dein Blut vergiessen,
daß sie dein hie wohl geniessen,
und benedeit / dich loben allezeit.
[2b-c. O Christ! wollst uns erhören,
für uns bist du Mensch geboren
von Maria, / erbarm dich über uns!]

3a. O Heiliger Geist, wahrer Gott,
sieh heut an der gläubigen Not
und erleucht durch deine Güt
der irrenden Gemüt.
3b. O komm du verheissner Tröster,
und mach uns geistliche Priester,
daß wir dich unsern Schöpfer,
preisen mit Dankopfer.
3c. O hilf, daß wir durchs Glaubens Kraft,
erlangen die himmlisch Erbschaft,
und deinen edlen Namen.
ewig loben Amen.
[3b-c. O Heilger Geist, wollst uns geben,
dich allzeit– herzlich lieben
und nach deim Willen streben,
erbarm dich über uns.]

06 December 2011

O Freude über Freud

Here is my translation of the Christmas hymn “O Freude über Freud” (Georg Reimann, 1598). The tune is proper, by Eccard (the most famous of three). Here are two others

JOY of joys! that we
This happy day should see,
When in our flesh was given
Th’ eternal God of heaven
Through sinless incarnation,
For our true consolation;
The Virgin Mary, pure and bright
’Twas gave Him to the world this night.

2. Oh, what a noble Guest
Is welcomed here to rest!
O world, now humbly bending
To Him thy praise be lending,
Who shall, the Law fulfilling,
The wrath of God be stilling.
And righteousness to us restore
And heav’nly bliss forevermore!

3. Rejoice we now therefore
With songs this Child adore:
And from thy heart sincerely
Sing out with gladness clearly,
With heart and mouth we render
Due glory, praise, and splendor,
For on this day we celebrate
The time of grace from dawn till late.

4. O Christ, we sing to Thee,
Who man didst come to be,
The serpent’s head to smother,
And bring us to Thy Father,
His grace and love renewing,
Else death were our undoing:
O, grant us grace to worship Thee
Both now and in eternity.

Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.

1. O Freude über Freud, 

Wir habn erlebt die Zeit, 

Da uns zu Trost und Frommen

Der ewig Gott ist kommen 

Ins Fleisch ohn alle Sünden, 

Mit uns sich zu verbinden; 

Jungfrau Maria auserkorn,
Die hat ihn zu der Welt geborn.

2. Ach welch ein großen Gast 

Du überkommen hast. 

O ganze Welt, dich neige, 

Ihm göttlich Ehr erzeige, 

Der wird das Gsetz erfüllen,
Des Vaters Zorne stillen, 

Uns wiederbringn Gerechtigkeit,
Darzu die ewig Seligkeit.

3. Drumb laßt uns fröhlich sein, 

Und diesem Kindelein 

Singen und jubiliren, 

Mit Freuden musizieren, 

Ihm Lob und Ehr beweisen, 

Mit Mund und Herzen preisen.
Weil wir die gnadenreiche Zeit 

Begehn und celebrieren heut.

4. O süßer Jesu Christ,
Der du Mensch worden bist, 

Der Schlang den Kopf zertreten,
Beim Vater uns verbeten,

Sein Huld und Gnad erworben,
Sonst wären wir verdorben, 

Gieb Gnad, daß wir auch loben dich
Darfür zeitlich und ewiglich.

04 December 2011

O freu dich, Jerusalem

Here is my translation of the Bohemian Brethren hymn, “O freu dich, Jerusalem” (J. Horn, 1544), on the Incarnation, suitable for Advent (esp. Ad Te Levavi) and Laetare, referencing both Isaiah 66 and Jeremiah 23. The tune is proper. Note that my scheme has been based on that of the German translation, which was done in couplets with a last unrhymed line, and the presumably trochaic endings of the original Bohemian lines slurred into monosyllables, so that the scheme is rigid AABBCCDDE. It seems at second glance, however, that the translation might be better served with interlocking rhymes and trochees where the melodic lines end in slurred monosyllables (A-Bn-A-Bn-Cn-Cn-A-Cn [or Dn]). I may venture that sometime in the future, since it would probably sound more natural.

O REJOICE, Jerusalem;
O Church, thy silence stem!
Praise thy God exultingly,
Who turned His wrath from thee,
And, in thy need, to prove
His unfailing love,
Sent His one begotten Son
From heaven’s lofty throne,
To this vale of tears.

2. This He did thy sin to take,
And thee from bondage break,
And, partaking of our flesh,
Salvation bring afresh,
Which never human might
Could itself set right:
Thus, lest thou be ever doomed,
Thy nature He assumed,
Stooping down so low.

3. In a servant’s humble frame
Into our world He came.
From the Father hither sent,
Thy King and Savior bent
His will most readily
To give up for thee
His own life to shameful death
That all distress and wrath
Might from thee be kept.

4. Jesus is the Seed divine,
The Branch of David’s line
Who Himself the human race
Restored by boundless grace
Of mighty majesty,
God of heav’n is He,
And the true Immanuel
Who did our souls from hell
Wondrously redeem.

5. Grace and comfort fill His name,
And are His rightful claim,
Called: The Lord our Righteousness,
Clothed in our human dress,
For us He rules and crowns
And adorns with gowns
Of His glory unalloyed
Which, heaven’s hosts, o’erjoyed,
Ever long to see.

6. Therefore Christ the Savior praise,
Sent down, our souls to raise,
And beseech Him for our sake
That here we may partake
Of His own righteousness
And the holiness
Of His conception ay:
To Christ thy Lord then pray,
Ne’er Thy Church forsake!

Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.

1. O freu dich, Jerusalem,
du christliche Gemein,
lob Gott mit fröhlicher Stimm,
daß er von dir sein Grimm
aus Lieb gewendet hat
und um deiner Not
gesandt seinen lieben Sohn
von dem himmlischen Thron
auf den Jammerthal.

2. Aufdaß er dich deiner Sünd
benehm, davon entbünd,
und durch sein Theilhaftigkeit
bring zu der Seligkeit
welch sonst kein menschlich Macht
hat zu wegen bracht
darum nimmt er dir zugut
in so großer Demut
dein Natur an sich.

3. Sehr in niedriger Gestalt
ist er auf diese Welt
vom Vater herab gesandt,
dein König und Heiland,
der also williglich
sein Leben für dich
hie opfert bis in den Tod,
daß du aus aller Not
möchtest ledig sein.

4. Er ist der verheißne Sam,
der Zweig von Davids Stamm,
durch den das menschlich Geschlecht,
wird wiederbracht zurecht,
von sehr großer Gewalt
göttlicher Gestalt,
der rechte Immanuel,
welcher uns aus der Hell,
selbst erlöset hat.

5. Sein Nam ist voll Trosts und Gnad,
denn er hat von der That
Herr, unser Gerechtigkeit
heißt er in der Menschheit,
damit er uns regiert,
lieblich schmückt und ziert,
und schenkt uns solch Herrlichkeit
welch die Engel erfreut
und gelüst zu sehn.

6. Ei, lob Christum den Heiland,
vom Vater uns gesandt;
bitt ihn auf daß er uns auch
allhie theilhaftig mach
seiner Gerechtigkeit
wird und Heiligkeit
darinn er mpfangen ist
sprich, O Herr Jesu Christ,
verlaß dein Volk nicht.

03 December 2011

Nun laßt uns zu dieser Frist

Here is my translation of the hymn “Nun laßt uns zu dieser Frist” (M. Weisse, 1544), a Bohemian Brethren hymn for the Incarnation, suitable for Annunciation, Advent, and Christmas. Michael Weisse translated this from the Bohemian, “Všichni věrní křesťané.” It was included in the Bohemian Brethren hymnal (1544 seqq.), Frankfurt-a.-M. (1569), Wittenberg (1573), and Dresden (1589). Note the tune, Gaudeamus pariter, was also employed for the Easter hymn “Come Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain,” and has long been used by the Moravians for John Horn’s text “Join We All with One Accord.”

LET US now this time accord
To chaste meditation
On Christ Jesus, our dear Lord,
And His incarnation,
Wherein God shows grace and love,
For us in our weakness,
And came down from heav’n above,
In a form of meekness.

2. In His grace our grief He saw,
And our desolation,
For we could not keep His law
Nor work our salvation:
By the fall of Adam bound,
Cursed was our condition;
God another Adam found
To bring sin’s remission.

3. What the prophets long ago
Told of Eve’s Descendant,
God hath made us here to know,
By His good attendant:
Gabriël, who like a flame,
Swift from heaven faring,
To the Virgin Mary came
Joyful tidings bearing.

4. Said the angel, “Have no fear,
O most favored Lady:
For the Lord with thee is near,
And His throne hath made thee:
In thy womb to bear His Son,
Christ, thy Lord and Savior,
Who upon King David’s throne,
Shall be King forever.”

5. Mary said, “How shall it be
As thy words have told me?
Pure is my virginity,
Never man hath known me.”
Gabriël said, “God’s own Pow’r
Shall a mother make thee,
Yet thy maidenhead endure,
And no wise forsake thee.

6. God’s true Son that fruit shall be
From thy womb forth-springing,
Our atoning Lamb is He,
True salvation bringing,
And behold, Elizabeth
These six months is bearing:
God hath heard her pray’r of faith,
His great wonders sharing.

7. Mary said, “Behold and see,
God’s handmaiden meekest,
Be it wholly unto me,
Even as thou speakest.”
God at once a Man became,
In her body lowly,
Yet His Godhead bore no shame—
Fruit of man most holy.

8. Here the human nature mild,
Yielded to God’s pleasure.
And the Virgin was with child;
Breached, the laws of nature.
Overshadowed was she then
By God’s pow’r and action,
Yet a virgin did remain—
Wondrous, that transaction!

9. Now to us is clearly known
God’s great news of gladness,
How He made our flesh His own,
Crushed hell, death, and sadness,
Dwelt among us in our grief,
Suffered in our station,
To procure our soul’s relief,
Life, and true salvation.

10. Thank we rev’rently as one,
God our heav’nly Father,
Who in mercy sent His Son
Here to be our Brother:
Unto Thee be praise and laud,
Christ, our precious Savior,
Praise to Thee, eternal God
Be both now and ever.

Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.

1. Nu laßt uns zu dieser Frist
begehn einträchtiglich
die Menschwerdung Jesu Christ,
dadurch Gott gnädiglich
seine Lieb und Gütigkeit
reichlich erzeiget hat,
menschlicher Gebrechlichkeit
nach seim Göttlichen Rat.

2. Er sah das menschlich Geschlecht
verderbet jämmerlich,
das nach seim Göttlichen Recht
nicht kunnt erretten sich.
Denn Adams böse Begierd
macht all Menschen unrein
daß davon geholfen würd
mußt ein neu Adam sein.

3. Was vor längst verheissen war
dem menschlichen Geschlecht,
das ist worden offenbar,
da dieser Gottes Knecht
der Erzengel Gabriel
von dem himmlischen Thron,
gesandt kam zur Jungfrau schnell
mit neuer Botschaft schon.

4. Er sprach zu ihr, Biß gestrost,
du holdesliges Weib,
Gott der Herr hat an dir Lust,
du sollt in deinem Leib,
empfahn den Gottes Sohn,
in aller Reinigkeit,
derselb wird auf Davids Thron
herrschen in Ewigkeit.

5. DIe Jungfrau kunnt nicht verstehn
diesen Göttlichen Sinn:
Sie sprach, Wie soll das zugehn,
keins Manns ich schuldig bin.
Der Engel sprach, Gottes Kraft,
die wird dich umgeben,
also daß dein Jungfrauschaft
wird unversehrt bleiben.

6. Die Frucht, so aus dir entspringt,
wird heißen Gottes Sohn,
ein Lamm, welchs die Sünd wegnimmt,
das selig machen kann.
Nimm wahr, die Elisabeth
geht auch mit einem Kind;
Gott hat erhört ihr Gebet,
dem all Ding möglich sind.

7. Die Jungfrau sprach, Ey, nimm wahr,
ich bin des Herren Magd.
Mir gescheh nun ganz and gar
wie du mir hast gesagt.
Alsbald nahm Gott die Menschheit
an sich in aller Zucht,
ohn Versehrung der Gottheit
ward Mesnch ein reine Frucht.

8. Allda mußt menschlich Natur
weichen Göttlichem Will.
Denn die Jungfrau schwanger wur[d],
wider natürlich Ziel.
Dem Göttliche Macht und Kraft
umschättigt ihren Leib,
also daß ihr Junfrauschaft
rein unversehret bleib.

9. Es ist allen kundgethan,
dieses Göttlich Geschicht,
daß Gott Mensch ist worden schon
der Hell und Tod zerbricht.
In kummer und Dürftigkeit
ist er hie erschienen,
daß er uns die Seligkeit
wieder möcht verdienen.

10. Dank wir Gott mit Innigkeit
allesamt einträchtiglich,
daß er aus Barmherzigkeit
sine Sohn so gnädiglich
auf Erden gegeben hat
zu unser Seligkeit:
Lob sei dir, ewiger Gott,
nun und in Ewigkeit. Amen.