29 May 2024

Erhör mein Stimm, Herr, wenn ich klag

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Erhör mein Stimm, Herr, wenn ich klag” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm LXIV, Exaudi Deus orationem meam cum deprecor, with title “Treachery strikes its own master . . . A psalm of David to precent with the song” and melody assignment “Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält.” On the psalm, Luther writes (Vierling’s Biblia, 756),

It is a psalm of supplication wherein David prays against his betrayers and slanderers, who painted his case in the darkest terms with poisonous words and evil mischief, such as Absalom, Ahitophel, and their ilk, and earlier, Doëg in the court of Saul, etc. But he was consoled knowing that it would return upon their own head, and their tongue would bring not his fall but their own (v. 5), as even befell Abasolom, Ahitophel, and Doëg also. In the same way, we also pray against our betrayers in the courts of princes, bishops, and kings, who undertake all manner of mischief, schemes, and machinations. But it shall (as has already often been the case) return upon their own heads, and men shall say, It was God that punished them (v. 9).


OH, hear my voice, God, when I pray,
And in my life preserve me,
For else I cannot stand a day!
Foes frighten and unnerve me
And swarm around me wickedly;
Their hearts are sworn to slaughter me.
Therefore, I pray Thee, hide me!

2 Their bitter words like arrows fly,
Like swords their tongues are ever;
They aim in manner swift and sly
To shoot the true believer;
They shoot him suddenly, nor fear
How wicked all their works appear
Which brazenly they venture.

3 When they purvey their villainy,
Their snares in secret laying,
They proudly say, What man shall see?
Who shall our hand be staying?
Their heart is filled with evil thoughts,
No man evades their wicked plots,
They carry on their scheming.

4 God suddenly shall from afar
His arrow’s target make them,
So that they know not where they are,
And fear shall overtake them;
Their tongue shall make them fall that day
In shame, and all shall flee away
Who see their devastation.

5 All they shall freely then declare
Who look upon this matter,
And say, Behold, our God is there,
Who foes’ attacks can shatter!
The people shall attentive stand
And say: This work is from God’s hand,
Thus are false tongues rewarded!

6 The righteous shall in God the Lord
Be glad with jubilation,
And trust in Him with one accord,
Who gladly brings salvation.
All faithful hearts shall glory then
To see how God brings help to men
And leaves the foe confounded!

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

Erhör mein Stim Herr wenn ich klag,
Behüte mir mein Leben,
Denn ich ſonſt nicht beſtehen mag,
Weil mich die Feind umbgeben,
Rings umb mich iſt die böſe Rott,
Die mir geſchworen hat den Tod,
Drumb wollſtu mich verbergen.

2  Ihr gifftig Wort ſind wie die Pfeil,
Wie ſcharffe Schwert ihr Zungen,
Sie zielen heimlich in der Eil,
Sie ſchieſſen auff den Frommen,
Plötzlich ſie ſchieſſen ohne Schew,
Ihr Anſchläg ſind nur Büberey,
Darauff ſies künlich wagen.

3  Wenn ſie mit Büberey umbgehn,
Und legen heimlich Stricke,
So ſprechen ſie: Wer kan es ſehn?
Wer mercket unſer Tücke?
Ihr Hertz iſt böß und Schalkheit voll,
Niemand ihrr Liſt entgehen ſoll,
Geſchwinde Renk ſie treiben.

4  Gott wird ſie plötzlich und geſchwind
Schieſſen mit ſeinen Pfeilen,
Daß ſie nicht wiſſen, wo ſie ſind,
Für Angſt ſie werden heulen,
Wenn ſie wird felln ihr eigne Zung,
Denn wird ihr ſpotten wiederumb,
Wer ihr Elend wird ſehen.

5  Denn wer die Gſchicht wird ſchawen an,
Wird frey und rund bekennen:
Sih diß hat unſer Gott gethan,
Der kan Anſchläg zertrennen,
Die Leute ſtehen zum Gemerck,
Daß man ſprech: Diß iſt Gottes Werck,
So geht es falſchen Zungen.

6  Die Grechten werden fröhlich ſeyn
Und frewen ſich im HErren,
Auff Gott ihr Trawen ſteht allein,
Er hilfft von Hertzen gerne,
All fromme Hertzen rühmen ſich,
Daß ihnen Gott hilfft mächtiglich
Und macht die Feind zuſchanden. 

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