15 May 2024

Ich will bei meinem Leben

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Ich will bei meinem Leben” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm XXXIV, Benedicam Dominum, with melody assignment “Von Gott will ich nicht lassen.” 

Of the psalm itself, Vierling (Bibia, 730) writes

This also is a psalm of thanksgiving, almost of the same thrust as the previous, adducing the account of David as a general example for all the upright that they may learn from him how God does not despise the cries of His saints. He teaches at the same time how we are to fear God and no man else; then that we are also to keep ourselves from false doctrine, cursing, murmuring, and slander, and rather keep patience, and rather bless our enemies than curse them, and wish and do all good to them in exchange for evil; and thus peaceably to live with all people, insofar as in us lies, be they evil or good. For it is settled (he says) that the righteous must suffer many things; there is no way around it. If you wish to be righteous, prepare yourself for cross and suffering; it must be so. But by the same token, it is also settled fact that the Lord delivers out of it all (he says, v. 20) so faithfully that not one of their bones is lost nor omitted, indeed, even the hairs of their head are all numbered. For although many bones of the saints were broken in their torments, and some were even burned to ashes, and many were corrupted in their tombs, etc., yet they must return and not be nor be called eternally broken, but for a time be broken, and afterward be wholly restored, more beautiful than they were before. 

Moreover, note here that this is the first psalm that speaks of angels and how they care for and attend the righteous, they they do not simply surround us, but encamp round about us as a host and armed warriors (he says, v. 8), set up their camp, watch and fight for us against the devil and his minions, which is a great and glorious comfort to all who believe it. As the prophet Elisha validates and clarifies this verse later with his example (2 Kings 6:17). But this verse is taken from Genesis 34:24, where the angels met the patriarch Jacob, for which he names the place “host” or “camp.” For they were his escorts on the way and encamped round about him for his defense, as the psalm says here.


I WILL, while I am living,
Extol and bless my Lord;
Due honor and thanksgiving
Shall from my heart be poured.
His praise continually
Shall in my mouth be spoken,
That humble hearts and broken
In grief yet glad may be.

2 Let us, dear congregation
Of Christians, magnify
The Lord, with exaltation
And lift His name on high!
I sought the Lord and cried
When danger was before me
From those whose hearts deplore me,
And He my help supplied.

3 Those who to God will hasten
And run to Him assured,
Their cries of supplication
He will not leave unheard.
To God thy sorrows tell,
And all thy heart’s desiring
Thou shalt then be acquiring
What hour He thinketh well.

4 He hath commandment given
To many an angel band
To be our guard from heaven,
And round us e’er to stand,
A wall to front and rear,
The foe to battle ever,
And His own to deliver
Who live in godly fear.

5 Well may we taste and savor
The goodness of the Lord,
Who in His grace and favor
Safe-conduct doth afford.
Who in His shelter stands
And on the right way goeth
All good and blessing knoweth
From God’s almighty hands.

6 The rich, who lack the blessing,
Must suffer hunger yet,
And though much wealth possessing,
Their hearts with av’rice fret.
But he that trusts the Lord,
And of His will is heedful,
Shall find that all things needful
Upon his head are poured.
7 O come, dear children, duly
And hear with one accord,
And I will teach you truly
The fear of God the Lord!
Whoe’er good days would see,
And asketh me sincerely,
To him I will speak clearly
As God’s Word teacheth me:

8 From all false teaching labor
To keep thy lips and tongue,
And slander not thy neighbor
With guile, nor do him wrong;
Curse none behind his back,
Let evil e’er be hated,
Nor good be e’er omitted,
Seek peace and be not slack!

9 God’s eyes in grace are fastened
On those who firm confide,
And to their cries impassioned
His heart is opened wide,
Whereas His face is turned
To blot out from creation
The life and reputation
Of those who Him have spurned.

10 The righteous cry, God heareth,
And doth from trouble save;
Th’ afflicted souls He neareth,
Those sinking to the grave;
To those of broken heart,
And contrite spirits bearing,
Though of the world despairing—
Yet God doth help impart.

11 Much must the righteous suffer,
For such is God’s good will,
Who doth deliv’rance offer
And change to joy their ill.
Then patiently Him trust!
Thy bones are in His keeping;
The righteous in Him sleeping—
Not one of them is lost.

12 Calamity and evil
At last the wicked slay;
Those who now cause upheaval
Grim death shall take away;
God doth in loving grace
His faithful servants treasure;
They seek to do His pleasure,
And trust in Him they place.

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.


Ich will bey meinem Leben
Rühmen den Herren mein,
Im Hertzen ſoll mir ſchweben
Das Lob der Ehren ſein,
Mein Mund ſoll allezeit
Des Herren Ruhm verkünden,
Daß der Elend empfinde
In Trübſal Troſt und Freud.

2  Laſt uns beyſammen ſtehen,
Ihr lieben Chriſtenleut,
Des HErren Nam erhöhen,
In Lieb und Einigkeit.
Ich rieff in meiner Noth,
Als in Fahr ſtund mein Leben,
Den Feinden ubergeben,
Halff mir der trewe Gott. :,:

3  All, die zum Herren eylen,
Getroſt ihn lauffen an,
Mit beten und mit geylen,
Die wil er nicht verlahn.
Klag Gott dine Schmertz und Leid,
Alls was du wirſt begehren
Wird dich der HErr gewehren,
Er hilfft zu rechter Zeit. :,:

4  Er hat Befehl gegeben
Den lieben Engelein,
Sie ſolln im ganzten Leben
Stets unſre Wechter ſein,
Gleich wie ein Wagenburg,
Die Feinde zu beſtreiten,
Sie denen ſtehn zur Seiten,
Die lebn in Gottesfurcht. :,:

5  Greifflich wir ſollen ſpüren
Des HErren Freundligkeit,
Der uns gar trewlich führet
In ſo ſtarckem Geleit.
Wer ſteht in Gottes Schutz,
Und geht auff rechten Wegen,
Empfeht von ihm den Segen,
Das iſt ſein groſſer Nutz. :,:

6  Den Reichen ohne Segen
Der Hunger ſtetig plagt,
Er darbt bey ſeinm Vermögen,
Der Geitz ſein Hertze nagt.
Wer Gott vertawen thut,
Dem wird reichlich gegeben
Zur Notdurfft in dem Leben
Vom HErren alles Guts. :,:
7  Kompt her mit Fleiß zu hören,
Ihr lieben Kinderlein :,:
Ich will euch trewlich lehren,
Die Fucht des HErren rein.
Wer gute Tag begehrt,
Und mich darumb wird fragen,
Dem wil ichs deutlich ſagen
Aus Gottes Wort bewert. :,:

8  Mit Fleis für falſcher Lehre,
Bewar dein Mund und Zung,
Den Nechſten nicht beſchwere,
Mit Trug und Läſterung,
Red niemands übel nach.
Was böß iſt ſoltu haſſen,
Das Gut nich unterlaſſen,
Zum Fried richt all dein Sach'. :,:

9  All, die im Glauben ſtehen,
Siht Gott in Gnaden an ,
Leſt ihr Geſchrey und Flehen
Ihm ſehr zu Hertzen gan.
Sein Antlitz iſt gericht,
Zu tilgen von der Erden
All die erfunden werden,
Daß ſie ihn fürchten nicht. :,:

10  Des Frommen Gſchrey Gott höret,
Hilfft ihm aus aller Noth ,
Zu denen er ſich kehret,
Die btrübt biß in den Todt,
Zerbrochens Hertzens ſind,
Wenn ſie gleich ſind zerſchlagen,
Und alle Welt verzaget,
Dennoch Gott Hülffe find. :,:

11  Viel muß der Grechte leiden,
Das iſt des HErren Will,
Doch wirds verkehrt in Freuden
Mit Gnad, drumb halt nur ſtill,
Und gieb dich willig drein.
Der HErr bewahrt die Gbeine
Der Grechten groß und kleine,
Keins muß verloren ſeyn. :,:

12  Das Unglück wird erjagen,
Endlich die böſe Rott,
Die Feinde, die uns plagen,
Sterben keins guten Todts.
Gott faßt in ſeine Huld
All ſeine treue Knechte,
Die halten ſeine Rechte
Und haben keine Schuld. :,:

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