28 August 2024

Wenn ich, Herr Gott, mein Stimm heb auf

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Wenn ich, Herr Gott, mein Stimm heb auf” (Burkard Waldis, d. 1556), based on Psalm XXVIII, Ad te Domine clamavi, with title “A consolation and supplication against the enemies of the church.” The Mixolydian melody by Waldis follows the meter 827.827.87.887 (AABCCBDEDDE), used only here in his Psalter; which he may have taken from Vogtherr’s Psalm LXXI, “Herr Gott, ich trau allein auf dich” (Strassburg, 1525). I give the melody transposed down somewhat.


WHEN unto Thee, Lord God on high,
I cry,
Spare not Thy help amending;
Lest if Thou silent be to me,
I be
Like those to hell descending!
When I lift up my hands to pray,
Let me not be forsaken,
Lest evil draw me clean away
Or I with evildoers stay,
And be from Thee, Lord, taken.

2 They speak fair sayings foully meant,
That we should not discern it;
Just payment give their wicked horde,
O Lord,
As surely as they earn it!
They carry on so self-assured,
And will not trust Thee ever;
Regarding not Thy works and Word,
Their ruin let not be deterred,
And build their forces never!

3 Blest be the Lord, who heard with care
My pray’r;
In Him my heart is trusting.
He comforts me, when I’m dismayed
Gives aid,
Therefore my heart is boasting.
The Lord my strength and shield shall be,
His heirs doth help and cherish;
Feeds and uplifts them ceaselessly
So that His grace they ever see
And none of His shall perish.

¶ For all these gifts so great and good
We should
Praise Him with sweetest singing,
Extolling Him our whole life long,
Our song
Of thanks in all things bringing,
In Jesus Christ His only Son,
Who took our human nature,
And came to earth from heaven’s throne,
And life for us by dying won,
As our dear Mediator.

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

Wenn ich HERR Gott mein stimm heb uff,
Und ruff,
So wöllst dein hülff nit sparen,
Daß, wo du schweigst, ich nit auff erd,
Gleich werd,
Den die ind Helle faren,
Ja wenn ich schrei, mein hend auff heb,
So stoß mich nit hinunder,
Daß mich der böß nit ubergeb,
Unnd ich mit ubelthätern leb,
Mich gar von dir absunder.

2 Sie reden guts auß bösem sinn,
Daß wirs nit sollen mercken:
Gib in nach irer falschen leer,
Und nach irn bösen wercken,
In irem sinn farn sie stedts fort,
Und wölln dir nit vertrawen,
Verachten beyd dein werck und wort,
Wöllst sie zerstörn mein Got und hort,
Und nimmer wider bawen.

3 Globt sei der HERR, Er hat mein wort
Auff in mein hertz sol hoffen:
Er tröst und hilfft mir allezeit,
Auß leyd,
Wann mich unfal hat troffen,
Der HERR ist stedts der seinen sterck,
Segnets und hilfft seim Erbe,
Weydet, ernert seinr hende werck,
Daß man sein güt Ewigklich merck,
Und keins von in verderbe.

¶Für solche theure gaben groß,
On moß,
Sölln wir im lobe singen.
In rhümen unser leben lang,
mit danck
In allen unsern dingen,
In Jesu Christo seinem Son,
Der kommen ist auff erden,
Auß lauter gnad von himelsthron,
Durchs blut und theuren todt so fron,
Wolt unser mitler werden.

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