02 August 2024

Laß fahren der Gottlosen Rott

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Laß fahren der Gottlosen Rott” (Burkard Waldis, d. 1556), based on Psalm CXXV, Qui confidunt, with title “A psalm of consolation that God would protect and sustain His church and cast down the ungodly.” The Aeolian melody by Waldis agrees in meter with Luther’s expanded stanza (878787877), and the Wolfenbüttel copy has handwritten in the margin “Es wöllt uns Gott genädig sein” as a suggested melody. Heugel’s Tenor line shows some rhythmic changes. It may be noted from Zahn’s form of the melody (which like mine transposes it down a fourth) that the paraphrase found continued use in Strassburg.



LET all the godly horde depart
With all their doctrine lying!
Let us trust God with all our heart,
To Christ our Savior flying;
For those in need who trust in Him
He crowns with grace and favor,
Consoles and keeps in life and limb,
And they shall never waver—
Not henceforth nor forever!

2 The wicked’s kingdom shall not stand,
Nor shall their doctrine erring,
With which they would corrupt the land,
Upon us long be stirring.
They press in with their erring word;
O God, do Thou prevent them!
Defend Thy little flock, dear Lord,
Lest wicked men should tempt them
To put their hand to evil!

3 Lord, keep with power from on high
The upright heart securely
From all their doctrines false and sly,
From their deceit and fury,
And let those who to their own lies
And erring claims are given
Be judged with all who Thee despise
And from Thy kingdom driven,
But in Thy peace preserve us!

¶ We pray Thee, Lord, the highest One,
Who madest all creation,
Grant that we may through Christ Thy Son
Receive for our salvation
What in His holy Manhood He
On earth achieved and suffered,
By scourging, cross, and agony,
For all the world’s sin offered,
According to Thy goodness!

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

Laß faren der Gottlosen rott,
Mit iren falschen lehren,
Laß uns trawen auff unsern gott,
Auff Christum unser Herren,
Die im vertrawn in aller fahr,
Wil Er mit gnad umbgeben,
Trösten und schützen immerdar,
Mit fristen leibs und leben,
Jetz und zu allen zeiten.

2 Der bösen reich wirt nicht bestan,
Ir lehre nicht bekleiben:
Damit all unglück richten an,
Gar hart sich an uns reiben,
Sie dringen rein mit falscher lehr,
Das wöllstu Gott verkommen,
Ach schütz dein heufflin lieber HERR,
Daß nicht zuletst die frommen
Sich thetlich an in rechen.

3 Du wöllest HERR die hertzen frumm,
Schützen und wol behüten:
Vor irer lehre falsch und krumm,
Vor irem trutz und wüten,
Und lassen, die in irem sinn,
Und irrthumb wöllen bleiben,
Mit den verächtern richten hin,
Auß deinem Reich vertreiben,
Und uns im frid erhalten.

¶ Wir bitten HERR himels und erdt,
Du schöpffer aller dinge:
Gib daß durch deinen Son so werdt
Zum besten uns gelinge,
Was Er in seiner menscheyt fron
Hat auß gericht auff erden,
Durch geyssel, Creutz, und dörnenkron,
Wir dort theylhafftig werden,
Nach deinr Guottlichen güte.

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