16 August 2024

Ihr Christen allegleich

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Ihr Christen allegleich” (Burkard Waldis, d. 1556), based on Psalm LXXXVII, Fundamenta, with title “A prophecy of the kingdom of Christ, to be disseminated into all the world in all tongues by the Gospel.” The Dorian melody, built on an unusual meter 649.649.66.44.99 (AABCCBDDEEFF), features a dynamic rhythm at the beginning that progresses to a slower, serious conclusion. Heugel’s setting in the Tenor features some ornamentation and repetition.


YE Christian subjects dear, / Now all give ear,
Come see this wonder all excelling:
How God His city willed / In grace to build
Upon Mount Zion for His dwelling.
Those who trust Christ on earth
He holds of far more worth
Than pomp and gold. / What He of old
In the old covenant demanded
Fulfilled by Christ, at last is ended.

2 In all the world so wide / This joyful tide
Shall glorious things be preached and spoken:
That Him men may acclaim / And Father name,
Whose word of mercy stands unbroken,
And hear in Zion said:
God’s Word wide hath spread
And nations hear / And turn in fear
And trust in God, with life renewèd
By God the Spirit’s bath imbuèd.

3 This church God sanctified / And made His bride,
And in all tongues makes proclamation:
His grace she none denies! / Who in faith cries,
Is thereby freed from his transgression.
Therefore while yet we live
To God we ought to give
Our thanks and praise / For all our days
And sing with joy in alternation,
No Christian hide his jubilation!

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

Ir Christen allegleich,
In Gottes reich,
Kumpt her und wöllt doch wunder schawen,
Wie Got sein heilge Stat Gegründet hat,
Auff den berg Zion wöllen bawen,
Der glaub an Jesum Christ,
Im gar vil lieber ist,
Dann alls gepreng,
Welchs nach der leng,
Gebotten im alten Testament
Durch Christum erfüllet hat sein endt.

2 In aller welt gar weit,
Zur selben zeit,
Herrlich ding gepredigt sol werden:
Daß man in recht erkenn,
Einn vatter nenn,
Daß Er uns gnedig sei auff erden,
Daß mann sag zu Zion,
Allerley Nation
Sein wort sol hörn,
Und sich bekern,
Zum leben gborn, und im vertrawet,
Im geyst durchs wasserbad vernewet.

3 Solch Kirch hat Gott gebawt,
Im selbst vertrawt,
In allen sprachen läßt verkünden:
Niemands versagt sein gnad,
Wern glauben hat,
Der wirt dadurch ledig von Sünden,
Daß mann im ewig danck,
All unser leben lanck,
Preiß, ehr und lob,
Sei frölich drob,
Sing eins umbs ander wie am reyen,
Keyn Christen zung sol sich lan schweygen.

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