18 November 2022

Ach, mein Herr Jesu, dein Nahesein

 Here is my supplement, composite, and correction of a few partial and heterometrical translations of the Prayer hymn “Ach, mein Herr Jesu, dein Nahesein” (Christian Gregor, d. 1801), a Moravian hymn with a decided pietistic flavor, found in Ev.-Luth. Gesangbuch #233, originally appearing in the Brethren hymnal of 1778. Fischer says: “The tenth stanza, of specifically Moravian content, was omitted in our [Lutheran] hymnals.” He also notes that the original text was set to a newer form of Luther’s “Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist” which had been put into treble time. A nine-stanza translation, but with iambic endings in the 3rd and 4th line, set to a 4/4 version of the melody, is found in the Moravian Liturgy and the Offices (1908), p. 303f., in a translation by Edward Reynolds, which also omits the 10th stanza. In my composite, drawing on Reynolds predominantly, but also Winkworth and the older Moravian translation, as well as this one, I have sought to conform everything to the meter of Luther’s original ( with the final line trochaic rather than iambic, so that it may be sung with the form familiar, e.g., from The Lutheran Hymnal (1941), which differs slightly from that of Layriz (below).

THY nearness, Lord Jesus, doth impart
Mighty peace unto the longing heart,
And Thy gracious smile us with blessing filleth,
Soul and body with sweet pleasure thrilleth,
That we thank Thee.

2 Not yet do we see Thy friendly face,
Nor with eyes behold its love and grace,
But within our soul we can surely feel Thee,
For to sense Thou canst clearly reveal Thee,
Though we see not!

3 Were we but all minded day and night
To enjoy Thee, O what high delight
Would both soul and body taste in Thy favor!
And would have to ask of Thee, Dear Savior,
“Who is like Thee?”

4 Kind, patient, and merciful to be,
Sin forgiving daily, bounteously,
To heal, cheer, and comfort, and show’r Thy blessing
On us, tenderly Thy love expressing
Is Thy pleasure.

5 For Thy salvation, Lord, hear our pray’r,
Daily give us an abundant share;
May our souls and senses without cessation,
Prompted by love and for consolation,
Look to Thee, Lord.

6 In sorr’wing hours comfort us at once
With Thy blood-strewn dying countenance,
Yea, forever let the Cross stand before us,
And in constant view keep Thy true, glorious
Life within us.

7 A heartfelt life and a childlike mind
Lord, at all times may’st Thou in us find!
And from Thy wounds may we receive the powèr
Through life’s weal and woe in every hou-r
To embrace Thee.

8 So shall we all, till Thy heav’n we see,
Evermore like children joy in Thee,
Though, while here we tarry, we’re often grievèd,
May we turn to Thee and be relievèd
In all sorrows.

9 Thou reachest down Thy nail-piercèd hand,
And before Thy cross ashamed we stand,
All Thy faithful suff’rings for us recalling,
Till our tears as torrents are falling
In thanksgiving.

10 The tender kiss of Thy lips so pale,
Gives our heart a wound that ne’er shall fail,
And the crimson show’r of Thy lifeblood flowing,
Makes the soul and body, sense and knowing
Thine resemble.

Composite (stanzas 1–9) © 2022 Matthew Carver.
Translation (stanza 10) © 2022 Matthew Carver.

Jesus, my Lord, Thy nearness doth impart
Sweet peace and gladness to the longing heart,
Thy gracious smile infuse a joyous thrill,
And soul and body with sweet pleasure fill,
And thankfulness.

2 We see not with our eyes Thy friendly face,
So full of kindness love and gentle grace;
But in our hearts we know that Thou art here,
For Thou canst make us feel Thy presence near,
Although unseen.

3 Whoever makes it life’s chief aim and end
To have his happiness on Thee depend,
In him a well of joy forever springs,
And all day long his heart is glad, and sings,
“Who is like Thee.”

4 To meet us ever with a friendly face,
In mercy, patience, and the kindest grace,
Daily Thy rich forgiveness to bestow
To comfort, heal, in peace to bid us go,
Is Thy delight.

5 Lord, for Thy rich salvation, hear our prayer,
And daily give us an abounding share,
And let our souls in all their poverty,
From deepfelt love be looking unto Thee
Till life’s last end.

6 In sorr’wing hours may our o’erflowing eyes
For comfort look to Thy dear Sacrifice;
And, with Thy Cross before us, may we find
Thy genuine image, stamped upon our mind
In constant view!

7 Lord, at all times may’st Thou within us find
A loving spirit and a childlike mind;
And from Thy wounds may we receive the power
Through all life’s weal and woe in every hour
To cling to Thee.

8 Thus, till the heav’ns receive us, shall we be
Like children, finding all our joys in Thee;
And though the tears of sorrow oft must fall,
Yet if Thou to our hearts art All in all,
Sweet peace will come.

9 Thy wounded hands, dear Savior, as a Friend,
Thou dost to us in faithfulness extend;
At the sad sight our tears of grief must flow,
And conscious shame come o’er us as we go,
With thankful praise.

WINKWORTH (omits 4, 10)
Oh dearest Lord! to feel that Thou art near
Brings deepest peace, and hushes every fear;
To see Thy smile, to hear Thy gracious voice,
Makes soul and body inwardly rejoice
With praise and thanks.

2 We cannot see as yet Thy glorious face,
Not yet our eyes behold its love and grace,
But Thee our inmost soul can surely feel,
Oh clearly, Lord, canst Thou Thyself reveal,
Though all unseen!

3 Oh well for him who ever day and night
Still only seeks to feed on Thee aright!
In him a well of joy for ever springs,
And, all day long his heart is glad and sings:
Who is like Thee?

5 For Thou dost love to meet us as a Friend,
Our comfort, healing, hope, and joy to send;
Patient to pity and to calm our woe,
And daily to forgive us all we owe,
Of Thy rich grace.

6 Or though we weep soon bid our tears to cease,
And make us feel how strong Thy love and peace;
And let the soul see Thee within, and learn
From need and love alike to Thee to turn
With ceaseless gaze.

7 A warm and loving heart, a childlike mind,
Through every change mayst Thou within us find;
The comfort of Thy holy sorrows keep
Our hearts at rest, in peace most calm and deep,
In joy or woe!

8 So shall we all, until Thy heaven we see,
Like children evermore be glad in Thee,
Though many a time the sudden tear may start,--
If only Thou wilt touch the throbbing heart
And still its pain!

9 Thou reachest down to us Thy wounded hand,
And at Thy cross, dear Lord, ashamed we stand,
Remembering all Thy truth through weal and woe,
Until our eyes with tears must overflow
Of thanks and praise.

Ach, mein Herr Jesu, dein Nahesein
bringt großen Frieden ins Herz hinein;
und dein Gnadenanblick macht uns so selig,
daß auch's Gebein darüber fröhlich
und dankbar wird.

2 Wir sehn dein freundliches Angesicht
voll Huld und Gnade wohl lieblich nicht;
aber unsre Seele kann's schon gewahren:
du kannst dich fühlbar g'nug offenbaren,
auch ungesehn.

3 O wer nur immer bei Tag und Nacht
dein zu genießen recht wär bedacht!
der hätt ohn Ende von Glück zu sagen,
und Leib und Seele müßt immer fragen,
Wer ist wie du?

4 Barmherzig, gnädig, geduldig sein,
uns täglich reichlich die Schuld verzeihn,
heilen, still'n und trösten, erfreuen und segnen,
und unsrer Seele als Freund begegnen,
ist deine Lust.

5 Ach gieb an deinem kostbaren Heil
uns alle Tage vollkommen Theil,
und laß unsre Seele sich immer schicken
aus Noth und Leide nach dir zu blicken
ohn Unterlaß.

6 Und wenn wir weinen, so tröst uns bald
mit deiner blutigen Todsgestalt;
ja, die laß uns immer vor Augen schweben
und dein wahrhaftiges Inunsleben
zu sehen sein.

7 Ein herzlichs Wesen und Kindlichkeit
sei unsre Zierde zu aller Zeit,
und die Blutbesprengung aus deinen Wunden
erhalt uns solche zu allen Stunden
der Freud und Leid.

8 So werden wir bis in Himm'l hinein
mit dir vegnügt wie die Kindlein sein;
muß man gleich die Wangen noch manchmal netzen:
wenn sich das Herz nur an dir stets setzen
und stillen kann.

9 Du reichst uns deine durchgrabne Hand,
die so viel Treue an uns gewandt,
daß wir beim Drandenken beschämt dastehen
und unser Auge muß zübergehen
vor Lob und Dank.

10 Der Küß von deinem erblaßten Mund
macht und erhält unser Herz verwundt,
und die Ueberströmung mit deinem Blute
macht uns nach Seele, Leib, Sinn und Muthe
dir ähnlich sein.

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