10 August 2022

Hilf uns Herr in allen Dingen

Here is my supplemental translation (and re-translation) of the vocation hymn “Hilf uns Herr in allen Dingen (M. Rinkart, 1655?), inspired by and expanding on Psalm 118:25, the rest of which appears in a different form in Lutheran Prayer Companion #67. Fischer surmises that it was composed under the harsh events of the Thirty Years’ War, though it is not mentioned in Wetzel or Rambach’s anthologies, nor in Plato’s biography of Rinkart; he first finds it in Niedling’s Handbüchlein (Altenburg, 1655) as a morning devotion hymn for Mondays, with the title: “King David’s and every Christian suppliant’s daily votum, whenever he goes to work, from Psalm 118 [:25]: “O Lord, save, O Lord, send prosperity. To the tune: ‘Wie nach einer Wasserquelle [Freu dich sehr],’ etc. M. Mart. Rinckharti.” He adds that many hymnals only include the original stanzas 1, 2, 4, 7, and 11. To be more precise, they include a cento, with st. 7a and 8b, so the usual form now is: 1, 2, 4, 7a-8b, 11, the last two lines of 11 being modified as well. This is the case both in the Gebetsschatz (Lutheran Prayer Companion) and in the Wisconsin Synod hymnal as well. Because of this, and because of some repeating themes across several stanzas, I thought it best to offer a new translation in toto. That found in LPC is probably smoother, and could be augmented with the new stanzas here if attention is taken to ensure that stanza “7” (7a-8b) is carefully dissected. In researching the origin for the final alternate lines, I discovered in Unschuldige Nachrichten (1713) that the one credited for creating the shorter cento as well as these lines (and two lines in stanza 1) is none other than Angelus Silesius, Dr. Johann Scheffler, who includes the cento in his works as a “Brief Litany,” since it offers petitions for various things. The author here notes that stanzas 5–6 can only be omitted in time of peace. Interestingly, he also notes that although Scheffler sadly poped, the hymns in his collection may be sung because there is nothing popish in them, except the first one which “praises Mary at length.”

HELP us, Lord, in all our labors,
That we start and end aright
Our due task for Thee and neighbors;
Give us wisdom, pow’r, and might,
For without Thy blessing hand
Lost is city, lost the land;
Help us, Lord, in each endeavor,
And let all things prosper ever!

2 Help us, Lord, in every station,
Where we need Thee, God, our Rock,
Break hell’s gates and domination,
Give to us, Thy needy flock,
And to Christians gen’rally
Love and peace and unity.

Help us, Lord, in each endeavor,
And let all things prosper ever!

3 Help us, Lord, in all our living,
Both in good times and in ill,
Working, striving, battle giving
’Gainst the devil’s guileful will,
’Gainst the flesh’s lust and pride,
’Gainst the world’s vainglory snide;

Help us, Lord, in each endeavor,
And let all things prosper ever!

4 Help us, Lord, in all distresses,
All afflictions, dangers, needs.
All that to our death would press us,
All that to our ruin leads,
By Thine hand, as seen in past,
Shall be for our good at last!

Help us, Lord, in each endeavor,
And let all things prosper ever!

5 Help us, Lord, from war deliver,
Save us from its torrents dire;
Break the rod of wrath forever,
Cast it in the glowing fire;
Let us, from this yoke releas’d,
Die in peace, our warfare ceased;

Help us, Lord, in each endeavor,
And let all things prosper ever!

6 Help us, Lord, from famine’s power,
From starvation’s empty shelf,
Which leads us to death’s dark bower
And is worse than death itself
Let us our due portion gain,
Both excess and want restrain;

Help us, Lord, in each endeavor,
And let all things prosper ever!

7 Help us, Lord, in all our sadness,
In our last, distressing breath,
Let us journey hence with gladness,
By Thee and Thy bitter death
*Till at last we have acquired
Yonder gate of Life desired.

Help us, Lord, in each endeavor,
And let all things prosper ever!

8 Help us, Lord, from all the anguish
Of this brief and idle age,
From this exile, where we languish,
To our blessed heritage,
*To Thy Paradise on high—
Thine the glory, ours the joy.

Help us, Lord, in each endeavor,
And let all things prosper ever!

9 Help us, Lord, from all our doubting
In the anguish of the soul,
Reason, world, and devil routing,
Which in us long took their toll.
Let Thy Word, O Jesus, be
Our dear prize eternally!

Help us, Lord, in each endeavor,
And let all things prosper ever!

10 Help us, Lord, from every terror
In the anguish of our sin,
That we build on our Sin-bearer,
Who did our atonement win:
O Lord Jesus, let Thy blood
Be for me the highest good.

Help us, Lord, in each endeavor,
And let all things prosper ever!

11 Help us, Lord, in life’s subsiding,
From the dread of hellish flame,
That we, manfully abiding,
Overcome, as Christ o’ercame;
Let Thine hand, O Christ, we pray,
Give us help and be our stay,
That we may, in each endeavor, [That we may, when done contending,]
Sing Thy praise and glory ever. [Bring Thee praise and thanks unending.]

Translation © 2016, 2022 Matthew Carver.


Hilf uns, Herr, in allen Dingen,
daß wir unser Amt und Werk
wohl anfangen und vollbringen!
Gieb uns Weisheit, Kraft und Stärk!
Ohne deine Segenshand [ohn deine Hilf und Gunst]
ist verloren Stadt und Land. [ist all unser Werk umsonst.]
Hilf uns, Herr, in allen Dingen
und laß Alles wohl gelingen.

2 Hilf uns Herr, an allen Orten,
wo wir dein bedürftig sein,
brich der Höllen Macht und Pforten
und gieb deinem Häufelein
und der ganzen Christenheit
Liebe, Fried und Einigkeit.
Hilf uns, Herr in allen Dingen
und laß Alles wohl gelingen.

3 Hilf uns, Herr, auf allen Seiten,
in dem Glück und in Unglück,
kämpfen, streiten und arbeiten
wider Satans List und Tück,
wider Fleisches Lust und Pracht,
wider weltlich Ehr und Macht,
Hilf uns, Herr in allen Dingen
und laß Alles wohl gelingen.

4 Hilf uns, Herr, in allen Nöten,
aller Trübsal und Gefahr;
alles, was uns könnte töten
und verderben ganz und gar
durch dein Hand und deinen Fuß
uns zum Besten dienen muß.
Hilf uns, Herr in allen Dingen
und laß Alles wohl gelingen.

5 Hilf uns, Herr, aus allen Fluten
der betrübten Kriegesnot,
wirf einmal die Zornes-Ruten
in die Glut, die Feuer-rot:
Laß uns ohne dieses Joch
nur im Friede sterben noch:
Hilf uns, Herr in allen Dingen
und laß Alles wohl gelingen.

6 Hilf uns, Herr, aus allem Jammer
der besorgten Hungersnot,
die uns führt zur Todeskammer
und ist ärger als der Tod.
Unser Mäßlein uns bescher,
Überfluß und Mangel wehr:
Hilf uns, Herr in allen Dingen
und laß Alles wohl gelingen.

7 Hilf uns, Herr aus allem Leiden
in der letzten Todesnot,
laß uns fahren hin mit Freuden,
und durch dich und deinen Tod [cento: und durch deinen bittern Tod]
*bald und glücklich kommen fort
zum erwünschten Lebensport.
Hilf uns, Herr in allen Dingen
und laß Alles wohl gelingen.

8 Hilf uns, Herr, aus allen Ängsten
dieser eiteln, kurzen Zeit,
in das Land, da wir am längsten
bleiben in all Ewigkeit,
* in das schöne Paradeis [cento: kommen in das Paradeis,]
uns zur Freude, dir zum Preis.
Hilf uns, Herr, in allen Dingen
und laß alles wohl gelingen.

9 Hilf uns, Herr, aus allem Zweifel,
in der größten Seelenangst,
die uns Welt, Vernunft und Teufel
eingebildet hat vorlängst.
O Herr Jesu, laß dein Wort
sein und bleiben unser Hort.
Hilf uns, Herr, in allen Dingen
und laß alles wohl gelingen.

10 Hilf uns, Herr, aus allen Grauen
in der größten Sündenangst,
daß wir auf die Zahlung bauen,
die u hast getan vorlängst:
O Herr Jesu, laß dein Blut
mir ja kommen auch zugut.
Hilf uns, Herr, in allen Dingen
und laß alles wohl gelingen.

11 Hilf uns, Herr, in letzte Zügen;
hilf: nach unsre Zuversicht
laß uns ritterlich obsiegen
und zu Schanden werden nicht.
O, Herr Jesu, deine Hand
leist uns Hülfe und Beistand,
daß wir dir in allen Dingen [daß wir nach vollbrachtem Ringen]
ewig Lob und Ehre singen. [Lob und Dank dir ewig bringen.]


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