01 July 2024

Danket dem allerhöchsten Gott

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Dancket dem allerhöchſten Gott” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm CXXXVI, Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus, with title “God’s eternal goodness . . .” and melody assignment “Erstanden ist der heilige Christ.” Another translation by D. Reuning, “Thanks be to God, O give him praise,” is available from CPH.

TO God most High give thanks and praise,
The Lord is good and full of grace,
For lo, His mercy doth endure
Forever firm, forever sure.

2 Thank ye the God of gods most High,
At whose command all angels fly.
For lo, &c.

3 Thank ye the Lord, where’er ye be;
The Lord above all lords is He.
For lo, &c.

4 Great wonders He throughout the land
Performs alone by His own hand.
For lo, &c.

5 The heavens gloriously arrayed
He in their order wisely made.
For lo, &c.

6 Upon the waters deep did God
Stretch out the earth so great and broad.

7 He made two great and shining lights
To separate the days and nights.

8 At morn the sun arises high
And fills the day with light and joy.

9 The moonlight and so many a star
Gleam through the night both near and far.

10 Old Egypt into grief did fall,
God smote to death the firstborn all.

11 He brought His people Israel
From labor hard and danger fell.

12 He stretched His arm across the land,
Did wonders by His mighty hand.

13 The Lord God for His people split
The Red sea, and they passed through it.

14 But Pharaoh did He overthrow,
O’er him the waters made to go.

15 His blessed people thence He led
And wondrously through deserts sped.

16 He smote great kings in glory bright,
And blotted out their power quite.

17 Upon the field He princes laid,
They lost their lives and silent stayed.

18 And Sihon, Amorites’ great king
The Lord did to his ruin bring.

19 And Og, of Bashan mighty lord,
And others, fell before the sword.

20 Their house and home they had to leave;
Which God did unto others give.

21 A heritage His servant gave,
To Isr’el, whom He chose to save.

22 From our destruction He redeemed
And brought us, when we hopeless seemed.

23 The Lord redemption did disclose,
And saved us from the hands of foes.

24 He for all flesh doth food prepare,
Provides for us with utmost care.

25 So thank ye God, the heav’nly Lord,
And praise His name with one accord.

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.


Dancket dem allerhöchſten Gott,
Ihm ſtehn all Engel zu Gebot, Ref.

3  Dancket dem HErren weit und fern,
Dem HErren über alle Herrn, Ref.

4  Die Wunder groß in allem Land
Schafft Er allein durch ſeine Hand, Ref.

5  Den Himmel mit all ſeiner Pracht
Hat Er ſo ordentlich gemacht, Ref.

6  Er hat am tieffen Meer bereit
Den Kreiß der Erden groß und breit, Ref.

7  Zwey Lichter groß hat er gemacht,
Zu unterſcheiden Tag und Nacht, Ref.

8  Des Morgens früh geht auff die Sonn
Und giebt dem Tage Liecht und Wonn, Ref.

9  Des Mondes Liecht, viel tauſend Stern
Glentzen des Nachtes weit und fern, Ref.

10  Egypten kam in groſſe Noth,
GOtt ſchlug all Erſtgeburt zu Todt, Ref.

11  Er führet ſein Volck Iſrael
Aus ſchwerem Dienſt und Ungefell, Ref.

12  Er reckt ſein Arm aus übers Land,
That Wunder durch ſein mächtig Hand, Ref.

13  Für ſeinem Volck das Rothe Meer
Theilet in zwey Theil GOtt der Herr, Ref.

14  Den Pharao mit ſeinem Heer
Stürtzet der Herr ins Rothe Meer, Ref.

15  Sein liebes Volck er führet fort
Gar wunderbar durch wüſte Ort, Ref.

16  Die Könige mit ihrer Pracht
Vertilgt der HErr durch ſeine Macht, Ref.

17  Viel Fürſten blieben auff dem Plan,
Sie muſten da ihr Leben lan, Ref.

18  Der Amoriter König groß,
Sihon ſein Leben da beſchloß, Ref.

19  Zu Baſan Og, ein mächtger Herr,
Blieb auff dem Platz und andre mehr, Ref.

20  Sie muſten weg von Hof und Hauß,
GOtt teilt ihr Land zum Erbe aus, Ref.

21  Zum Erbe gab ers ſeinem Knecht,
Dem Iſrael und ſeim Geſchlecht, Ref.

22  Aus dem Verderben Er uns rückt,
Als wir faſt waren unterdrückt, Ref.

23  Der HErr uns ein Erlöſung ſand
Und halff uns aus der Feinde Hand, Ref.

24  Allem Fleiſch gibt er ſein Speiß,
Verſorget uns mit allem Fleiß, Ref.

25  Drumb dancket GOtt von Himelreich,
Und lobt ſein Namen allzugleich, Ref.

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