13 July 2024

Herr Gott, du wöllst uns gnädig sein

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Herr Gott, du wöllst uns gnädig sein” (Burkard Waldis, d. 1556), based on Psalm LXVII, Deus misereatur, with title “A prayer and thanksgiving that God will keep His word and bless this temporal life” and proper melody by Waldis. In absence of ligatures, the melody is here transcribed with my best conjectures in a couple spots, with adoption of a couple slight adjustments present in Johann Heugel's partbook, and finally, transposed down 3 semitones. The meter is 88.88.88, the same as “Vater unser,” but bears similarities in contour here and there to “Es wollt uns Gott” (Luther’s 67) and “Christ unser Herr.”


BE gracious to us, Lord divine,
Thy grace’s light on us let shine,
Grant us Thy blessing graciously,
That on this earth we may know Thee,
And Thy salvation, widely shown,
Among all nations may be known.

2 Then, when they of Thy grace receive,
Their thanks to Thee the people give.
The nations, glad, sing out with joy,
For This Thy grace so great and high,
That by Thy hand Thou dost protect,
Uphold, and rule Thy saints elect.

3 The nations all give thanks to Thee,
For Thou Thy Word hast lavishly
As Thou didst will, on them bestowed,
Redeemed them by Thy dear Son’s blood,
So that the land repentance yields
And faith and love fill all the fields.

4 May God the Father, by His grace
His blessing on His people place;
May Jesus Christ, our Savior true,
Our God and Lord, so bless us too;
May God the Spirit’s graciousness
All Christendom console and bless!

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.


HErr Got du wöllst uns gnedig sein,
Laß uns leuchten deinr gnaden schein,
Gib uns dein segen gnediglich,
Daß wir auff erd erkennen dich,
Auff das dein heyl in allem land,
Bei allen Heyden werd bekandt.

2 Wann sie empfinden deine gnad,
So dancken dir die völcker Got,
Jauchtzen, von hertzen frölich sein,
Ob solcher grossen güte dein,
Daß, die du dir hast außerwelt,
Dein hand regiert, schützt und erhelt.

3 Es dancken dir die völcker all,
Daß du nach deinem wolgefall,
Dein wort in reichlich geben hast,
Durchs blut deins liebens sons erlöst,
Drumb das land sein gewechs auch gibt,
In buß, glauben und lieb sich übt.

4 Uns segne Got der Vatter werdt,
Der schöpffer himels und der erd,
Uns segne der Herr Jesus Christ,
Der unser Got und heyland ist,
Seins geystes trost und gütigkeyt,
Segne die gantze Christenheyt.

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