19 June 2024

Zum Herrn aus meim Geschlechte

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Zum Herrn aus meim Geschlechte” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm CX, Dixit Dominus, with title “Christ’s royal priesthood” and melody assignment “Herr Christ, der einig Gotts Sohn.” A later variant is known from Schütz’s settings, beginning “Der Herr ſprach zu meim HErren,” in which the first four lines have undergone some euphonic revision, but show little substantial difference. The constraints of the meter and the English language, moreover, would render any differences invisible. Luther writes of the psalm,

It is a prophecy of Christ, telling how He will be an everlasting King and Priest, and glorified and acknowledged as true God seated at the right hand of God. And this psalm has no like in all of Scripture, and is fittingly cited as the most notable one wherewith to confirm the Christian faith. For Christ is nowhere prophesied as King and everlasting Priest with such clear and solid words, and with which the priesthood of Aaron is annulled, even as the psalm is further and more gloriously emphasized in the epistle to the Hebrews. It has also been expounded by us. For it were a pity that this psalm should not be emphasized richly and mightily among Christians.


THE Lord, my God and Father,
Gave to my Lord command:
Sit Thou above all other
Enthroned at My right hand
In majesty and splendor;
Thy foe and Thine offender
Shall as Thy footstool stand!

2 The Lord shall send from Zion
Thy kingdom’s rod of pow’r,
The Word, God’s chosen Scion,
Shall be proclaimed that hour
All men shall bow before Thee,
When Thou shalt rule in glory
Among Thy foes who cow’r.

3 When Thou art shown victorious,
Thy people willingly
Shall bring Thee off’rings glorious
Robed in Thy sanctity,
Thy children, the elected,
Like dew of heav’n perfected,
Shall be new-born to Thee.
4 The Lord an oath hath spoken,
And shall repent it ne’er;
His pledge shall not be broken:
Thou art a Priest fore’er,
All blessings to us sending,
Lord without start or ending,
Melchizedek’s true Heir!

5 The Lord with indignation
Upon Thy right shall smite
The heathen generation,
And set all things to right.
He shall the princes shatter,
The heathen nations scatter,
And put all foes to flight.

6 Though of the brook of anguish
He drinketh in the way,
And on the cross must languish
And die th’ appointed day,
He shall with life be gifted,
He shall, with head uplifted,
Be King of all for aye.

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

Zum Herrn aus meim Geschlechte [Der Herr ſprach zu meim HErren:
Sprach also Gott der Herr: [Setz dich zur Rechten mein :,:
Setz dich zu meiner Rechten [Der Thron göttlicher Ehren
In Thron Göttlicher Ehr, [Soll dir gegeben ſeyn,
Der Herrſchaft ſolltu pflegen,
Ich wil die Feinde legen
Zum Scheml der Füſſe dein.

2  Gott wird aus Zion ſenden
Das Scepter deines Reichs :,:
Das Wort an allen Enden
Gepredigt wird mit Fleiß,
Dein Gegenwart man ſpüret,
Wenn du krefftig regiereſt,
Erlangſt an Feinden Preiß.

3  Wenn du den Sieg erhalten,
Wird dein Volck williglich :,:
Dir opffern mannigfalte,
Geſchmücket heiliglich,
Dein Kinder außerkoren
Werden dir newgeboren,
Dem Taw des Himmels gleich.
4  Gott hat ein Eyd geſchworen,
Wird ihm gerewen nicht :,:
Er hat dich außerkoren
Zum Prieſter ewiglich,
Deinn Segen zu uns wende,
HERR, ohn Anfang und Ende,
Nach Art Melchiſedechs.

5  Der HERR zu deiner Rechten
Im Zorn wird grimmiglich :,:
Zerſchmeiſſen die Geſchlechte
Und uben ſein Gericht,
Er wird die König ſchlagen,
Die Heyden auch verjagen,
Die Feind macht er zunicht.

6  Wann er nu hat getruncken
Vom Angſtbach an dem Weg :,:
Ins Creutz tieff iſt geſuncken,
Ja auch in Tod gelegt,
Wird er erweckt zum Leben,
Empor hoch ſein Häupt heben
Und herrſchen ewiglich.

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