13 June 2024

Der Herr ist König überall

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Der Herr ist König überall” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm XCVII, Dominus regnavit, with title “Christ a mighty King” and melody assignment “Es wollt uns Gott genädig sein.” Wunderlich includes a condensed translation of this hymn with the Schütz setting in his 10 Psalms, by the title “The Lord Is Ruler over All.” Luther writes of the psalm,

It is a prophecy of the kingdom of Christ, like the preceding psalm, and the constant thought is that He will establish and uphold this kingdom by the Gospel, with which He issues thunder and lightning and burns His enemies and melts the hills, &c. That is, He humbles all holiness, wisdom, and authority, and whatever is great, so that they must become holy, wise, great, and mighty through Him alone and in no other way. With these enemies and hills the Jews’ kingdom and worship and all that is not Christ’s is also overthrown, for He is to be the only thing, and everything else is to be nothing, as the stone torn from the mountain in Daniel [2:34ff.] fills the whole world and shattered everything and turns it to nothing, and it becomes a mountain filling the whole world, &c.


THE LORD is King in every place,
Let earth rejoice with gladness,
The isles be glad and every trace
Cast off of gloom and sadness.
Unseen abodes He doth possess,
With clouds around Him stirring,
His throne stands firm on righteousness
And judgment never erring,
For which let earth be yearning.

2 Before Him goes devouring fire,
The foes around Him lashing,
His bolts the world with light inspire,
Earth trembled at the flashing;
The hills like wax did melt away,
The Lord of lords revering,
Who all things holdeth in His sway,
The whole creation steering,
All seeing, knowing, hearing.

3 The heav’ns His righteousness declare,
Adoring Him and praising;
All people see His glory fair,
Their hearts and minds amazing.
They all in shame confounded stand,
Who serve an image graven,
And yet dare boast so brazenly
Of praise to idols given,
Owed to the Lord of heaven.

4  Lo, Zion heareth and is glad,
The church on earth rejoiceth
That grace and mercy may be had,
And God so exerciseth
His judgments here and far abroad,
Above all earth high-reigning,
Exalted far o’er every god,
With majesty ordaining,
From men due praise obtaining!

5 5 All ye who love the Lord are blest;
Oh, hate ye evil ever!
The Lord your soul, whene’er distressed,
In mercy will deliver.
From the ungodly enemy
He saves those who implore Him,—
The saints, whom He loves heartily,
Who come in fear before Him
And in true faith adore Him.

6 For righteous men the light of grace
In season due ariseth,
Of joy they shall not lack a trace,
Whate’er their heart most prizeth;
Therefore, ye righteous, cheerful be,
In God the Lord rejoicing,
And glorify his majesty,
His praises widely noising,
And thanks sincerely voicing.

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

Der Herr, ist König überall
das Erdreich sich des freue,
die Inseln sollen allzumal
fröhlich sein ohne Scheue,
er wohnet im verborgnen Licht,
die Wolken um ihn schweben,
seins Stuhls Festung ist das Gericht, Gerechtigkeit daneben,
danach die Welt soll streben.

2  Für ihm geht fressend Feuer her,
welches die Feind anzünden,
es blitzt und wetterleuchtet sehr,
die Erd Schrecken empfindet,
wie Wachs die Berg zerschmelzen bald
vorm Herren aller Herren,
der alles hat in seiner Gwalt,
den ganzen Kreis der Erden
beherrscht er weit und ferne.

3 Die Himmel seiner Grechtigkeit
groß Lob und Preis vergehen,
des HErren Ehr und Herrlichkeit
werden all Völcker sehen,
mit Schaam und Schand müssen bestahn
all, die den Bildern dienen,
und sich dennoch, als wohlgethan,
ihrs Götzendienstes rühmen,
die Ehr allein GOtt ziemet.

4  Das hört Zion und ist sehr froh,
die Kirche aller Enden
die freuet sich, daß Gott also
schön führt das Regimente,
denn du, Herr, bist der Höchst allein,
der überall regieret,
vor allen Göttern insgemein
die Hoheit dir gebühret,
dein Herrlichkeit man spüret.

5  Wohl de nen, die von Herzensgrund ‘
Gott lieb'n, stehn ab vom Bösen,
der Herr ihr Seel zu aller Stund
in Gnaden wird erlösen.
Von der Gottlosen Leute Hand
wird er allzeit erretten
die Heilige, ihm wohl bekannt,
die in Furcht zu ihm treten,
und im Glauben anbeten.

6 Den Grechten muß der Gnaden-Liecht
zu rechter Zeit auffgehen,
an Freud soll es ihnn mangeln nicht,
den Frommen wirds wohl gehen.
Darumb ihr Grechten frölich seyd,
und freuet euch im HErren,
und preiset stets sein Herrlichkeit,
rühmet sie weit und ferne,
dankt Ihm von Herzen gerne.

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