11 June 2024

Der Herr ist König herrlich schön

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Der Herr ist König herrlich schön” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm XCIII, Dominus regnavit, with title “The sea and wind obey Christ” and melody assignment “Hats Gott versehn, wer will es wehrn,” from B. Musculus (1597), which he also uses elsewhere,  e.g., his rendering of Psalm CXLVI, which I translated in 2012. Quirsfeld’s hymnal, however, assigns the more familiar “Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort.” Of the psalm itself, Luther writes,

It is a prophecy of the kingdom of Christ, which is as wide as the world and to last forever. Although the floods and waters roar, that is, the world rages and raves against it and slays many, but it does no good, for He is higher and greater than the world and its prince as well. This kingdom and all is established by His Word without sword and armor, and this adorns it and makes His house holy. For it is the true divine service which shines and gives light in this house, namely, preaching, praising, and thanking, where no Moses or Old Testament belong.


THE Lord is King o’er every land,
We see Him in His glory stand,
He hath a kingdom founded sure,
That shall, when all things pass, endure.

2 Established in the surest way,
His throne stands firm both now and aye,
His glory evermore abides,
His majesty no more subsides.

3 The floods have lifted up, O Lord,
They lift their voice with one accord,
The floods lift up their waves on high,
The waters in great tumult fly.

4 The many waters on the sea
Are great and murmur noisily,
Yet is the Lord on high by far
More mighty than the waters are.

5 Thy Word is doctrine true and right,
Who trusts therein has joy and light,
Thy holiness with certainty
Becomes Thine house eternally.

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

Der HErr iſt König herrlich ſchön,
In ſeinem Schmuck ſehn wir ihn ſtehn,
Er hat ein Reich gefangen an,
Biß an der Welt End ſoll es gahn.

2  Er hat es zugericht auffs beſt,
Sein Stuel von nun an ſtehet feſt,
Und bleibet biß Ewigkeit
Ohn Ende ſeine Herrlichkeit.

3  Die Waſſerſtröm erheben ſich,
Ihr Brauſen geht gewaltiglich,
Die Wellen ſteigen in die Höh,
Groß Ungeſtüm iſt auff der See

4  Die Waſſerwogen auff dem Meer
Sind gros und brauſen grewlich ſehr,
Doch iſt viel gröſſer unſer Gott
In der Höh, der HERR Zebaoth.

5  Dein Wort iſt eine rechte Lehr,
Wer daran gleubt, hat Frewd und Ehr,
Die Heiligkeit iſt ſicherlich
Die Zierd deins Hauſes ewiglich.


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