30 June 2024

Wie ists so fein, lieblich und schön

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Wie ists so fein, lieblich und schön” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm CXXXIII, Ecce quam bonum, with title “Peace is paradise . . . A song of David in the higher choir” and melody assignment “Hats Gott versehn, wer will es wehrn.” The common meter melody by Calvisius from ca. 1597 can be found in some early hymnals. I also include a setting by Schöberlein. Quirsfeld in his version of Becker’s psalter appoints the more familiar melody “Wo Gott zum Haus.”


HOW good and fair it doth appear
When brethren dwell together here,
And Christian people gen’rally
In concord live and unity!

2 As precious ointment on the head
Of Aaron flowed and further spread
Upon his beard and garments all,
Its fragrance doth the heart enthrall.

3 And as the morning dew descends
From Hermon to the meadow’s ends,
And moistens even Zion’s height,
And leaf and grass spring fair and light:

4 So God doth grace and life impart
To those who love peace from their heart,
For friends of peace He doth prepare
Good here, eternal blessing there.

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

Wie iſts ſo fein, lieblich und ſchön,
Wenn Brüder wohl zuſammen ſtehn,
Auch in gemein die Chriſtenleut
Leben in Fried und Einigkeit.

2  Gleichwie der edle Balſam gut
Von Aarons Häupt fließen thut
In ſeinen Bart und gantzes Kleid,
Wol ſein Geruch das Hertz erfreut.

3  Und wie der kühle Morgentaw
Von Hermon fället in die Au,
Befeuchtet auch die Berg Zion,
Laub und Graß lieblich wächſt davon.

4  Alſo GOtt Gnad und Leben giebt
Dem, der von Hertzen Frieden liebt,
Friedfertgen Leuten iſt bereit
Hier Guts und dort die Seligkeit.

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