Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Herr Gott, ich bitt dich, sieh doch drauf” (Burkard Waldis, d. 1556), based on Psalm XXXV, Judica Domine nocentes, with title “A psalm of supplication against the enemies of our Lord Christ, that God would restrain them.” The Ionian melody by Waldis in the meter 847.847 D provides an unusual instance of a major key sound for a supplicatory psalm, lending it a confident and joyful tone consistent with the several references to praise. I give it here transposed down a little.
LORD God, I pray Thee, plead my cause
With all my foes,
So fiercely with me striving!
Take hold of shield, Thy spear draw out,
Their forces rout,
Them to their ruin driving.
Come to my aid with Thy defense,
Disperse them hence
Who seek my condemnation;
Say unto me: Forsaken soul,
I make thee whole,
I am Thy one salvation.
2 Make them to fall confused, forlorn,
In shame and scorn
Who are my death desiring;
Rebuff them with Thy mighty hand
Confound the band
Against my life conspiring.
Let them like chaff be blown abroad
On winds of God
And by Thy Spirit driven;
And let them stumble on their way
In darkness stray,
Forsaken e’en by heaven.
3 For without cause they hid their snares,
Me unawares
To catch and bind securely;
In secret they have digged a pit
That I in it
Might meet my ruin surely.
In their own snares, Lord, catch Thou them,
Disaster grim,
Give them, for me devisèd,
Yea, what they had designed for me
Let them soon be
By those deceits surprisèd.
4 That so my soul may joyful be,
O Lord, in Thee,
With praise for Thy salvation.
My marrow, heart, and every bone
Laud Thee alone,
For such a demonstration
Of pow’r and help to those in need
Redeemed indeed
By Thee from their transgression,
In which as evil’s spoils they lay,
Now torn away,
Thy life is their possession.
5 False witnesses in spite and hate
Charge me with that
Of which I am unknowing;
For all my good they pay me ill,
From evil will,
A hateful name bestowing;
For benefits that I have done,
I’m thanked by none,
Yet pray I for them ever,
Like as a friend with others does,
I did with those,
In need did them deliver.
6 But they exclaimed with gloating voice
And did rejoice
That sorrow did not spare me;
They gather for my injury
They envy me,
Unceasingly they tear me;
In faithlessness, hypocrisy
And mockery
Since youth they have confided;
They think of harm, but sweetly talk,
They crooked walk,
In thought and deed divided.
7 They tear the truth down to the ground,
And lies propound
And trample on this treasure;
Yea, they would but their belly fill,
And feast and swill
To satisfy their pleasure.
My Word and doctrine, deed and life,
They meet with strife,
Their teeth together gnashing.
They wickedly the truth resist,
They raise their fist,
And promise me a thrashing.
8 Ah, how long wilt Thou sit and watch
And suffer such?
Oh, save me, Lord of heaven!
Let not my soul by foes be caught
And thus distraught
Be to the lions given!
So I in church my thanks will give
While here I live,
And praise Thee ’mongst the nations;
Let them not joy so wrongfully
Over me
With unjust accusations!
9 They seek how they may do me hurt,
The truth pervert,
All mockery intending;
A wicked matter they devise
To blind the eyes
Of those the peace defending.
Glad at my hurt, against God’s Law,
They say: Aha!
This sight gives jubilation!
Their mouths are spread and gaping wide
With gleeful pride
When I have tribulation.
10 Thou see’st, O Lord! Keep not Thy peace,
Thy silence cease,
Bring help and be not distant!
Stir up Thyself, my God, judge for
Thy servant poor,
My Refuge great, my God and Lord,
Send out Thy Word,
To judge between us rightly,
And let Thy godly righteousness
Bring heart-distress
On those who would indict me.
11 Let them not joy against Thy Law,
Nor say: Aha!
Lord, cease with Thy forbearing!
Put them to shame, their heart convert
Who seek my hurt,
Of their own selves despairing;
Clothe them with shame and with disgrace,
Now and always,
By Thee fore’er o’erpow’rèd,
And henceforth let them no more claim
To my great shame
That they have me devourèd.
12 May all the godly shout for joy
And see that I
At last have justice meted;
And say, the Lord be magnified,
His grace is undefeated!
Therefore let us at all times bless
His righteousness,
In every tongue adore Him,
And sing His praise at every hour
With all hour pow’r,
Both young and old, before Him.
Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.
With all my foes,
So fiercely with me striving!
Take hold of shield, Thy spear draw out,
Their forces rout,
Them to their ruin driving.
Come to my aid with Thy defense,
Disperse them hence
Who seek my condemnation;
Say unto me: Forsaken soul,
I make thee whole,
I am Thy one salvation.
2 Make them to fall confused, forlorn,
In shame and scorn
Who are my death desiring;
Rebuff them with Thy mighty hand
Confound the band
Against my life conspiring.
Let them like chaff be blown abroad
On winds of God
And by Thy Spirit driven;
And let them stumble on their way
In darkness stray,
Forsaken e’en by heaven.
3 For without cause they hid their snares,
Me unawares
To catch and bind securely;
In secret they have digged a pit
That I in it
Might meet my ruin surely.
In their own snares, Lord, catch Thou them,
Disaster grim,
Give them, for me devisèd,
Yea, what they had designed for me
Let them soon be
By those deceits surprisèd.
4 That so my soul may joyful be,
O Lord, in Thee,
With praise for Thy salvation.
My marrow, heart, and every bone
Laud Thee alone,
For such a demonstration
Of pow’r and help to those in need
Redeemed indeed
By Thee from their transgression,
In which as evil’s spoils they lay,
Now torn away,
Thy life is their possession.
5 False witnesses in spite and hate
Charge me with that
Of which I am unknowing;
For all my good they pay me ill,
From evil will,
A hateful name bestowing;
For benefits that I have done,
I’m thanked by none,
Yet pray I for them ever,
Like as a friend with others does,
I did with those,
In need did them deliver.
6 But they exclaimed with gloating voice
And did rejoice
That sorrow did not spare me;
They gather for my injury
They envy me,
Unceasingly they tear me;
In faithlessness, hypocrisy
And mockery
Since youth they have confided;
They think of harm, but sweetly talk,
They crooked walk,
In thought and deed divided.
7 They tear the truth down to the ground,
And lies propound
And trample on this treasure;
Yea, they would but their belly fill,
And feast and swill
To satisfy their pleasure.
My Word and doctrine, deed and life,
They meet with strife,
Their teeth together gnashing.
They wickedly the truth resist,
They raise their fist,
And promise me a thrashing.
8 Ah, how long wilt Thou sit and watch
And suffer such?
Oh, save me, Lord of heaven!
Let not my soul by foes be caught
And thus distraught
Be to the lions given!
So I in church my thanks will give
While here I live,
And praise Thee ’mongst the nations;
Let them not joy so wrongfully
Over me
With unjust accusations!
9 They seek how they may do me hurt,
The truth pervert,
All mockery intending;
A wicked matter they devise
To blind the eyes
Of those the peace defending.
Glad at my hurt, against God’s Law,
They say: Aha!
This sight gives jubilation!
Their mouths are spread and gaping wide
With gleeful pride
When I have tribulation.
10 Thou see’st, O Lord! Keep not Thy peace,
Thy silence cease,
Bring help and be not distant!
Stir up Thyself, my God, judge for
Thy servant poor,
My Refuge great, my God and Lord,
Send out Thy Word,
To judge between us rightly,
And let Thy godly righteousness
Bring heart-distress
On those who would indict me.
11 Let them not joy against Thy Law,
Nor say: Aha!
Lord, cease with Thy forbearing!
Put them to shame, their heart convert
Who seek my hurt,
Of their own selves despairing;
Clothe them with shame and with disgrace,
Now and always,
By Thee fore’er o’erpow’rèd,
And henceforth let them no more claim
To my great shame
That they have me devourèd.
12 May all the godly shout for joy
And see that I
At last have justice meted;
And say, the Lord be magnified,
His grace is undefeated!
Therefore let us at all times bless
His righteousness,
In every tongue adore Him,
And sing His praise at every hour
With all hour pow’r,
Both young and old, before Him.
Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.
HERR Got ich bitt dich, sih doch drauff,
Der böse hauff,
Wider mich hefftig fichtet,
Ergreiff dein schilt, spieß, waffen, schwert,
Daß sie verzert,
Und hin werden gerichtet.
Komm mir zuhilff mit dienem schutz,
Wider irn trutz,
Die mich sogar verdringen,
Sprich du zu mir:
Verlaßne seel,
Ich bin dein heyl,
So wirt mir wol gelingen.
2 Sie müssen werden al schamrot,
Zum hon und spott,
DIe nach meim leben stellen:
Stoß sie zuruck mit deiner hand,
Und machs zuschand,
All die mir ubel wöllen,
Wirff sie wie sprewr hinauß fürn wind,
Daß mans nit find,
Dein Geyst wöll sie verstossen,
Laß sie gleitten auff irem weg,
Und losem steg,
Im finsterniß verlassen.
3 Sie haben mir on all ursach,
Zum ungemach,
Ir strick begundt zu stellen:
Heimlich ein gruben angericht,
On zuversicht,
Drinn sie mich möchten fellen,
Drumb fah sie auch ir eygen strick,
Zu irm unglück,
Eh daß sie sichs versehen,
Und was sie mir auß abgunst han
Zu leydt gethan,
Das müs in selbs geschehen.
4 Daß sich mein seel mög frewen sehr,
In dir O HERR,
Und deine hülffe preisen:
Es sprech mein marck und all mein bein,
Du bists allein,
Dein macht kanstu beweisen,
Den armen und die elenden
Erlößst von den,
Die in sind uberlegen,
Und der von bösen rauben gar,
Hingrissen war,
Den bringstu hülff zu wegen.
5 Fälschlich zeugt man auß neid und haß
Bezeiht mich das,
Des ich bin gar unschuldig:
Mit arg bezalen sie mirs gut,
Auß bösem mut,
Und machen mich unhuldig,
Der wolthat mich nit gniessen lan,
Die ich in than,
Trewlich für sie zubetten,
Gleichwie ein freund beim andern helt,
Hab ich mich gstelt,
Sie auß der not zu retten.
6 Sie aber halten uber mich,
Und frewen sich
Meins unfals in meim schaden:
Sie rotten sich uz meinem leyd,
Auß haß und neid,
Unglück auff mich zu laden,
Sie sind in untrew, gleißnerei,
Und heuchelei
Von jugent aufferwachsen,
Sie meynen leydt, und reden lieb,
Gehn krumb und schieb,
Tragen auff beyden achseln.
7 Die warheyt reissen sie zu grund,
Mit falschem mund,
Und tretten sie mit füssen:
Ja alls zu willen irem bauch,
Und vollem schlauch,
Daß sie irn wollust büssen,
Meim wort, meinr leer, meim thun und lebn,
Stedts widerstrebn,
Ir zeen zusamen beissen,
Freflich der warheyt widerbelln,
Damit sich stelln,
Als woltens mich zerreissen.
8 Ach HERR wie lang wiltu zusehn,
Und lassen gschehn,
Errett mir doch mein leben:
Sih, wie mein seel wirt grichtet hin,
Sogar auch bin
Den Löwen ubergeben,
SO wil ich in deinr grossen gmeyn
Dir danckbar sein,
Und vor dem volck dich rhümen,
Laß nit so freflich frewen sich
Jetz uber mich,
Die mich unbillch verthumen.
9 Sie trachten wie sie schaden thün,
Sind vil zu kün
Mit spott und aller schande:
Brechen vom zaun ein böse sach,
Zum ungemach
Den fridsamen im lande,
Lachen, und sind meins schadens fro,
Sprechen: da, da,
Das hettn wir gern gesehen,
Ir maul han sie vonander zerrt,
Weit auffgesperrt,
Wann mir unglück ist gschehen.
10 Das sihstu HERR, drumb schweig doch nicht,
Dein hülff herricht,
Und sei von mir nit ferne:
Wach auff mein Got, und schaff doch Recht
Deim armen knecht,
Dein gnad seh ich jetz gerne,
Mein HERR, mein Got, du höchster hort,
Send auß dein wort,
Das zwischen uns mög richten,
Laß walten dein gerechtigkeyt,
Schaff hertzeleyd
Den, die mich so vernichten.
11 Laß werden nit meins unglücks fro,
Sprechen: da, da,
Gestatts in nit zu sagen:
In irem thun mach sie allsant
Zum hon und schand,
Laß an in selbst verzagen,
Daß mit schanden werden bekleydt,
Jetz und allzeit,
Ewig von dir verdrungen,
Und sich hinfort nit rhümen mehr,
Und schreien sehr,
Sie haben mich verschlungen.
12 Die frommen müssen frewen sich,
Und sehn daß ich
Zuletzt hab recht behalten:
Sprechen, dem HERRN sei lob und ehr,
Er ist der HERR,
Der seine gnad läßt walten,
Drumb wölln wir sein gerechtigkeyt,
Loben allzeit,
In aller spraach und zungen,
Und lobsingen mit hohem preiß,
Nach allem fleiß,
Bei alten und bei jungen.
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