16 March 2023

Fang dein Werk mit Jesu an (was zum Segen)

Here is my translation of the Vocation hymn, “Fang dein Werk mit Jesu an (was zum Segen)” (Ehrenfried Dürr, d. 1715), from Ev.-luth. Gsb #563, first appearing posthumously in the Eisleben Gsb 1720 with the title: “When going from divine service to work.” It is clearly distinguished from the similarly beginning “Fang dein Werk mit Jesu an / Jesu hats in Händen,” a hymn often found in translation (e.g., “With the Lord begin Thy task”). Perhaps by confusion, our present hymn has been left untranslated till now. The circumstance alluded to in the title does not suggest that it was for going to work on a Sunday, which was always observed as a day of rest civically as well as religiously, but the “divine service” here is the devotional morning office (morning prayer), whether in church or at home, which has preceded the day of honest labor in the Christian household from earliest times (a Communion service would be called a “chief divine service”). The appointed melody is “Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier.”


TO Thy work with Jesus go,
That a blessing may betide thee;
He the wisest course doth know,
Can and will all help provide thee.
Soon thy task will be perfected,
If it be by God directed.

2 Father, Son, and Spirit, bless
All the work of my vocation!
Grant Thy succor and success
With Thy Word of confirmation;
So let Thy good blessing soften
Bitter toils that try me often.

3 Now then, I will cast my net
At Thy Word and promise, Savior!
On Thy law my heart is set
And Thy help I’ll praise forever:
To Thy honor and Thy glory,
Grateful strains I’ll sing before Thee.

Translation © 2023 Matthew Carver.

Fang dein Werk mit Jesu an,
wenns im Segen soll gedeihen; [was zum Segen soll gereichen]
dieser Heiland will und kann [dieser Beistand…]
dich mit Rath und Hülf erfreuen. [Wege, Rath und Hülfe zeigen]
Alles lässet sich vollenden,
wenn der Herr es hat in Händen. [mit Gott, der…]

2 Vater Sohn und heilger Geist!
gieb zu des Berufes Werke,
wie dein wahres Wort verheißt,
mir Gedeihen, Kraft und Stärke, [dein…]
so wird Müh uns nicht verdrießen, [drüßen]
die dein Segen will versüßen.

3 Nun, so werf ich aus mein Netz,
Herr, auf deines Worts Verheißen! […dein Wort und V.]
Dein Befehl ist mein Gesetz,
deine Gnade will ich preisen: [deinen Beistand…]
gieb, das deines Namens Ehre, [denn mein Mund soll dir zu Ehren]
Hand und Herz und Mund vermehre. [sich stets dankend lassen hören.]

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