12 October 2024

Seht zu, ihr Gotteskinder all

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Seht zu, ihr Gotteskinder all” (Burkard Waldis, d. 1556), based on Psalm CXXXIV, Ecce nunc benedicti, with title “Exhortation to the church ministers concerning their office.” The melody by Waldis follows the mixed iambic-trochaic meter The Tenor line by Heugel for his 4-part setting is lost. I give the melody transposed down a little.


BEHOLD, God’s children, bless the Lord,
His glory praising;
Proclaim His Word with one accord,
His anthems raising!
As He doth bid, / let naught be hid,
Let all the earth be ringing!

2 Though worldlings rise to cause dismay,
Peace to deny you,
And madly rage, as is their way,
To terrify you,
Yet yield not hence / this confidence:
The Lord God shall preserve you!

3 To all the lands with all your might,
God’s message gifting,
Sing, preach, and praise both day and night,
Your hands uplifting.
Continually / seek heartily
To do His will and pleasure.

4 So shall the Lord pour richly down
His grace and blessing
From heaven, Zion’s head to crown
With joy unceasing,
That she therefore / may e’er adore
The God of earth and heaven.

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

Seht zu, ir Gotteskinder all,
Lobet den HERREN,
Predigt sein wort mit grossem schall,
Zu seinen Ehren,
Nach seim bevehl, / on alles heel,
An allem ort erklinge.

2 Ob sich die welt dawider legt,
Unglück zur wecken,
Mit wüten toben wie sie pflegt,
Euch abzuschrecken,
So weicht doch nicht, / der zuversicht,
Der HERR wirt euch erhalten.

3 Drumb treibts allzeit mit grossem fleis,
An allen enden,
Singt, predigt, lobt auff alle weiß,
Hebt auff ewr hende,
Beyd tag und nacht, / stedts darnach tracht,
Seinn willen zu volnbringen.

4 So wirt der HERR auß himels thron,
Sein gnad und segen,
Reichlich ausgiessen auff Zion,
Sie zu erregen,
Daß sie darob, / sagen gros lob,
Dem Gott himels und erden.

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