13 October 2024

Lobt Gott in seinem Heiligthum

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase “Lobt Gott in seinem Heiligthum” (Burkard Waldis, d. 1556), based on Psalm CL, Laudate Domino in sanctis, with title “A pslam of thanks and praise that God preserves His church, and hath given us the Lord Christ and His Word.” The stately Mixolydian melody by Waldis carries the meter, a shortened version of the Lutheran hymn meter also used for Pss. XX, LXXXV, and CXXXIII.


PRAISE God within His holy place,
Ye Christians earth indwelling!
Give Him the honor, thanks, and praise,
Spread forth His Word excelling,
His wonders good / by which He would
Show us His might and favor,
That we might praise Him ever.

2 For Christ, His dear and only Son,
He for our sins hath given
Who grace with God the Father won,
And died to gain us heaven,
That freed from sin / without, within,
We may through Him our Brother
Pray boldly, Abba, Father!

3 Let this His Word be spread abroad
To every tribe and nation,
To earth’s far ends the grace of God
Let sound with jubilation,
Yea, let this grace / to every race
With praise and thanks be ringing,
Your Alleluias singing!

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.


Lobt Gott in seinem heyligthum,
Ir Christen hie auff erden,
Sagt im lob, danck, preiß, ehr und rhum,
Sein Wort verbreyt mus werden,
Sein wunderthat, / dadurch Er hat
Sein macht uns wolt beweisen,
Sein herrlichkeyt zu preisen.

2 Daß Er Christ seinen lieben Son,
Für unser sünd hat geben,
Durch den wir gnad beim Vatter han,
Durch seinen todt das leben,
Von Sünden sein / die gwissen reyn,
Frölich für Gott zu tretten,
Abba zum Vatter betten.

3 Das solchs sein Wort verkündet werd
Bei allen menschen kinden,
Sich vom anfang zum end der erd
All völcker zu im finden.
Was athem hat / las solche gnad
Mit lob und danck erklingen,
Und Haleluia singen.

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