05 October 2024

Ihr Himmel, ihr sollt loben

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Ihr Himmel, ihr sollt loben” (Burkard Waldis, d. 1556), based on Psalm CXLVIII, Laudate Dominum de caelis, with title “A psalm of thanksgiving that all creatures would praise and thank God, who preserves all things through His gracious help and blessing.” The Mixolydian melody by Waldis follows the meter 76.76.777.66 (ABABCCCDD). I give it slightly transposed down.



YE heav’ns, sing praises glorious
To God in heaven’s throne,
All heav’nly armies o’er us,
Praise God the Lord alone,
Sun, moon, and stars bright-shining,
Your glories now aligning,
To God due laud assigning,
Sing gladly of His light,
His holiness and might.

2 Ye heavens, all together,
And what therein is found,
Praise ye your God and Father,
Ye waters all around,
His mighty Word’s creation,
Armed without reservation,
Above disapprobation,
So standeth His decree,
Unchanged eternally.

3 Praise Him, ye beasts earth-dwelling,
Fish, fowl, and creeping thing,
Hail, snow, the heat dispelling,
Fire, storm, and lightning-sting,
All hills and mounts high-standing,
Trees, plants with fruit expanding,
All that by His commanding
Was made by His decree:
Praise Him eternally!

4 Ye kings, the lordship sharing,
All ye with pow’r to reign,
All ye great honor bearing,
His praises e’er sustain,
The old and young united,
Now join with tongues delighted,
His deeds let be recited,
His name forever praise,
Who doth us highly raise!

5 His praises, earth, now give Him,
High over heav’n and earth,
Whose pleasure e’er propounding
His people, high of worth,
His children He elected,
All those by Him selected,
Let praise not be neglected!
Sing, all in earth and heav’n,
Praise ye the Lord, Amen!

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

Ir himel, ir solt loben,
Den Gott im höchsten thron,
All himlisch heer dort oben,
Ir Engel wolgethon,
Sonn, Mon und alle Sterne,
Die leuchten nah und ferne,
Sein ehr verkündet gerne,
Lobt all mit grossem pracht,
Sein heyligkeyt und macht.

2 Ir himel all zusamen,
Und was man drinnen findt,
Lobt all des HERREN Namen,
All wasser wo sie sind,
Durch sein Wort wirts geschaffen,
Mit rüstung, wehr und waffen,
Daß niemandt hat zu straffen,
Er ordents wies da steht,
Und daß nicht anderst geht.

3 Lobt in all thier auff erden,
Vieh, vögel, visch und gwürm,
Der dampff, hagel leßt werden,
Fewr, blitz, schnee, windig stürm,
All hügel, berg und thale,
Bewm, kreuter allzumale,
UNd was nach seim befehle
Durchs wort erschaffen ist,
Lob in zu aller frist.

4 Ir König, Fürsten, Herren,
Und was zu richten hat,
All leut mit grossen ehren,
Lobet in frü und spat,
Die alten mit dne jungen
Frisch, mit frölichen zungen,
Daß sein lob werd gesungen,
Seinn Namen Ewig lobt,
Der uns so hoch begobt.

5 Sein lob müß weit erschallen,
Hoch uber himl und erd,
Der im leßt wolgefallen
Sein volck, helts thewr und werdt,
Seinn außerwelten kinden,
All die sich zu im finden,
Sollen sein lob verkünden,
Singen Amen und Ja,
Frölich Haleluia.

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