06 September 2023

Willst du mit Segen Hochzeit halten

Here is my translation of the Epiphanytide hymn, “Willst du mit Segen Hochzeit halten” (Paul Henkel, d. 1825), in NEGB #29 for Epiphany II (John 2:1–11) with melody assignment “Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten.” An English adaptation in 6 stanzas of Long Meter appears in Solomon Henkel’s Church Hymn Book as “To such is bless'd, their marriage day,” which I include below.


WILT thou be married with all blessing,
Bid Jesus come with all His grace;
His counsel in all things possessing,
Thou shalt have blessing, rest, and peace;
Yea, bid His wedding servants, too,
Then will a wedding fair ensue.

2 And if thou suffer some privation
Of that which men most sorely need,
Thou losest there no consolation,
For Jesus can bring help with speed,
He helps for certain, thou shalt see,
He keeps His promise certainly.

3 When for His gifts we come imploring,
His answer oft may rough appear,
As though our proffered needs ignoring,
Which certainly doth seem severe.
But though His hour be not yet come,
His help is nigh, dear Christendom!

4 Let us as wedding servants fitting,
Do what the Son of Mary says,
To His commands and will submitting,
And He will soon His grace display,
A wonder-worker is the Lord,
He always can and will bring aid.

5 We will at last experience truly
What comfort and what good we gain
When we await with patience duly,
And faithful to our Lord remain.
He who the water turns to wine
Will gladden us with help divine.

6 Oh, how beyond our comprehending,
The wondrous ways Thou lead’st Thy saints!
Yet to our good all must be tending
Where Thou Thyself dost hold the reins.
Oh, by Thy counsel lead us on,
Until our doing here is done.

Translation © 2023 Matthew Carver.

TO such is blessed, their marriage day,
Who humbly to their Savior pray,
To be with them, and to attend:
To be their Guest, their Lord and Friend.

2 God, who ordained our marriage state,
Provides for us in every fate,
To Him is known all we do need,
Our wants He will supply indeed.

3 Should He appear to hide His face,
Yet the rich bounties of His grace
Are ever present, ever near,
Though they do not always appear.

4 The truth of this we may be taught:
The miracles that Jesus wrought
In Cana-town of Galilee,
Sufficient proof thereof may be.

5 His counsels and His deep decrees
No eye of human creature sees;
His wond’rous ways are best revealed,
Where His dear promise is fulfilled.

6 Oh, let us then by faith endure!
Till all our trials shall be o’er,
Then by experience we shall know
What Jesus for His friends will do.

Willst du mit Segen Hochzeit halten,
so lade Jesum auch dazu:
wirst dus nach seinem Rath verwalten,
so findst du Segen, Fried und Ruh;
laß seine Diener auch da sein,
so geht die Hochzeit gut und fein.

2 Und sollte sich wohl Mangel finden,
an dem was man höchst nöthig hat,
so darf der Trost doch nicht verschwinden,
dann Jesus weiß gleich Hilf und Rath,
er hilft gewiß, es fehlet nicht,
er hält gewiß was er verspricht.

3 Wir bitten oft um seine Gaben,
er antwortet auf solche Art,
als wollt er nichts zu schaffen haben
mit uns, das scheint wohl freilich hart.
Ist seine Stunde noch nicht da,
so ist doch seine Hilfe nah.

4 Wir sollen wie die Hochzeit Knechte
nur thun was er befohlen hat,
nur halten sein Gebot und Rechte,
so zeigt er uns bald seine Gnad,
dann Jesus ist der Wundermann,
der allzeit helfen will und kann.

5 Wir werden es zuletzt erfahren,
wie tröstlich und wie gut es sei:
daß wir auf seine Hilfe harren,
und ihm, in allem bleiben treu.
Er, der das Wasser macht zu Wein
wird uns mit seiner Hilf erfreun.

6 Ach Gott, wir können nicht einsehen,
wie du uns deine Kinder führst,
doch muß es alles glücklich gehen,
wann du die Sache selbst regierst.
Ach führe uns nach deinem Rath,
bis unser Thun ein Ende hat.

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