Here for my next instalment in the Benedictus hymn series is my translation of “Gelobet sei der Herr, der Gott (E. Alberus, 1561). The tune is “Erbarm dich mein, O Herre Gott.”

BLEST BE Israel’s God, the Lord,
Who in our need His love outpoured
And visited with boundless grace
His people cursed with sin’s disgrace,
Redeemed us lest in death we die,
And raised salvation’s horn on high
Within His servant David’s house
To save alive the Church, His spouse.
2. This wondrous love, this gracious hour,
Came not by our own fallen pow’r,
But God declared since days of old
And by His prophets’ mouths foretold
The tidings of His promise dear,
That He in grace would draw us near
Deliv’ring us from every foe
That we to Him in heav’n might go.
3. ‘Twas naught but God’s mercifulness
That He showed us in our distress
Remembering His cov’nant sure,
The oath that long ago He swore
With holy lips that cannot lie,
To him on whom He cast His eye:
Our faithful father Abraham,
Through whom our true salvation came.
4. God’s heart was moved with pity great
When He beheld the wretched state
In which the world a pris’ner lay
Afflicted by the devil aye,
Oh everlasting, gracious God!
How great Thy love, how deep and broad,
When Thou didst pledge th’ eternal crown
To sinners through Thine only Son!
5. Now since Christ our redemption gains
From sin and death and countless pains,
We need not fear the devil’s pow’r,
For he is judged and bides his hour.
Now God will be our Father dear
Him only let us serve and fear,
With service that well pleases Him
While yet we walk earth’s valley dim.
6. Yet, dearest child, regarding thee,
The Most High’s prophet shalt thou be!
To cry His advent is thy part,
To preach the Lord with all thy heart,
His way to ready smooth and straight,
That every man may Him await;
And needful knowledge to afford
Of man’s salvation: Christ our Lord.
7. This shall thy teaching be, that men
Forgiveness find for all their sin
By tender mercy of our God,
Who evermore shall spare the rod.
This is a gift surpassing all
Come down to us from heaven’s hall—
Here brightly shines Christ’s Godhead high,
As doth the Sunrise in the sky.
8. He is the Father’s Radiance true,
Who doth our heart with light imbue
And by His arm of boundless might
Delivered us from sin’s dark night,
Which did o’er every man impend,
Who were by Satan e’er condemned,—
The straying of our foot to cease
And guide us in the way of peace.
9. O gracious Holy Trinity,
Hear us, Thy church, which praises Thee,
And cannot give Thee thanks enough
That Thou, Our Father, full of love,
Hast given us Thine only Son
Who our release from Satan won,
And sent the Holy Ghost below
That we Thy Son might truly know.
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.
And visited with boundless grace
His people cursed with sin’s disgrace,
Redeemed us lest in death we die,
And raised salvation’s horn on high
Within His servant David’s house
To save alive the Church, His spouse.
2. This wondrous love, this gracious hour,
Came not by our own fallen pow’r,
But God declared since days of old
And by His prophets’ mouths foretold
The tidings of His promise dear,
That He in grace would draw us near
Deliv’ring us from every foe
That we to Him in heav’n might go.
3. ‘Twas naught but God’s mercifulness
That He showed us in our distress
Remembering His cov’nant sure,
The oath that long ago He swore
With holy lips that cannot lie,
To him on whom He cast His eye:
Our faithful father Abraham,
Through whom our true salvation came.
4. God’s heart was moved with pity great
When He beheld the wretched state
In which the world a pris’ner lay
Afflicted by the devil aye,
Oh everlasting, gracious God!
How great Thy love, how deep and broad,
When Thou didst pledge th’ eternal crown
To sinners through Thine only Son!
5. Now since Christ our redemption gains
From sin and death and countless pains,
We need not fear the devil’s pow’r,
For he is judged and bides his hour.
Now God will be our Father dear
Him only let us serve and fear,
With service that well pleases Him
While yet we walk earth’s valley dim.
6. Yet, dearest child, regarding thee,
The Most High’s prophet shalt thou be!
To cry His advent is thy part,
To preach the Lord with all thy heart,
His way to ready smooth and straight,
That every man may Him await;
And needful knowledge to afford
Of man’s salvation: Christ our Lord.
7. This shall thy teaching be, that men
Forgiveness find for all their sin
By tender mercy of our God,
Who evermore shall spare the rod.
This is a gift surpassing all
Come down to us from heaven’s hall—
Here brightly shines Christ’s Godhead high,
As doth the Sunrise in the sky.
8. He is the Father’s Radiance true,
Who doth our heart with light imbue
And by His arm of boundless might
Delivered us from sin’s dark night,
Which did o’er every man impend,
Who were by Satan e’er condemned,—
The straying of our foot to cease
And guide us in the way of peace.
9. O gracious Holy Trinity,
Hear us, Thy church, which praises Thee,
And cannot give Thee thanks enough
That Thou, Our Father, full of love,
Hast given us Thine only Son
Who our release from Satan won,
And sent the Holy Ghost below
That we Thy Son might truly know.
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.
1. Gelobet sei der Herr, der Gott
Israel, der in dieser Not
sein Völklein, das da war verflucht,
mit Gnaden hat daheim gesucht
und uns erlöst vom ewigen Zorn,
und aufgericht ein heilsam Horn
in seines Dieners David Haus!
es war sonst ewig mit uns draus.
2. Solch überschwenklich groß Genad
kommt uns nicht her aus unserm Rath,
sie ist vorzeiten worden kund
durch seinr hehilgen Propheten Mund,
durch welche Gott verheissen hat,
er wöll von Sünden, Hell, und Tod
und allen Feinden gnädiglich
sein Volk erlösen ewiglich.
3. Es ist eitel Barmherzigkeit,
die Gott in unserm Herzen Leid
erzeigt und denkt an seinen Bund,
wie er mit seinem heilgen Mund
ein Eid vorzeiten hat geschworn,
eim mann, den er hat auserkorn,
unserm Vater, dem Abraham:
das Heil kommt uns aus seinem Stamm.
4. Gott seines Herzen Grund aufschloß,
da er ansah das Elend groß
darin die WElt gefangen lag
und hat vom Teufel ewig Plag!
Ach lieber Gott in Ewigkeit,
wie groß war dein Barmherzigkeit,
da du verheißt die ewge Kron
durch deinen eingebornen Sohn!
5. Dieweil wir nu erlöset sein
von Sünden, Tod und ewger Pein,
so sollen wir uns fürchten nicht
vorm Teufel: er ist schon gericht.
Gott will nu unser Vater sein,
dem wöllen wir auch dienen allein
weil wir leben in dieser Welt
mit solchem Dienst der ihm gefällt.
6. Und du, mein liebes Kindelein,
wirst ein Prophet des Höchsten sein!
Du wirst von unserm lieben Herrn
verkündigen von Herzen gern
und seinen Weg bereiten wohl,
daß jedermann sein warten soll;
du wirst das Volk erkennen lehrn
das ewig Heil Christi unsers Herrn.
7. Das wird die Lehr sein, daß man könnt
Vergebung haben aller Sünd
durch herzliche Barmherzigkeit
unsers Gottes in Ewigkeit.
Das ist ein überschwenklich Gab,
die kommt uns aus der Höh herab,
die Gottheit Christi leucht herein,
gleichwie der Sonnen Aufgang fein.
8. Er ist allein des Vaters Glanz,
der unser Herz erleuchtet ganz,
er hat uns durch sein grosse Macht
errettet von der finstern Nacht
darin wir sassen allesamt,
von Satan ewiglich verdammt,
daß unser Füß aufrichtig stehn
und auf dem Weg des Friedes gehn.
9. Du heilige Dreifaltigkeit,
dein auserwählte Christenheit
kann nicht genug voll loben dich,
daß du, ihr Vater, gnädiglich
dein eingen Sohn gegeben hast,
der sie vom Teufel hat erlöst,
und auch den heilgen Geist gesendt,
dadurch sie deinen Sohn erkennt.
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