Next in the series on Benedictus-hymns is my translation of “Gelobt sei Gott mit Freuden” (J. Rist). A cento combines 2–4, 6–8, & 12, with the first line sometimes being that of the first original stanza (ignoring the rhyme). Tune: “Von Gott will ich nicht laßen.”

BLEST BE our God with gladness,
Who to our mis’ry came,
Who to our mis’ry came,
When we in grief and sadness
No remedy could name:
No wisdom, wealth, or might
In our poor state could aid us;
Hell’s captives sin had made us;
No rescue was in sight.
2. Blest be our God forever
Who came in season due
And by His gracious favor
Brought us redemption true,
Who in His Word hath proved
A Light of light unbounded,
In which, our hearts, well grounded,
Shall nevermore be moved.
3. Blest be our God and Father,
Who gave us His own Son,
Who as our elder Brother,
His Father’s heart made known;—
This our poor heart empow’rs!
When fears and trials face us
The plagues of hell it chases.
The highest Good is ours!
4. Blest be our God who brought us
Release from hell’s dark hole,
And from the fiend who caught us,
Redeem’d our wretched soul.
The weight of sin severe,—
Oh God—had sore oppressed us;
Death in its bonds possessed us,
Our hearts knew naught but fear.
5. Our will in bondage languished
In all unrighteousness,
Sin had our senses vanquished,
Our mind it did oppress;
In prison chained we lay,
The Law stood fierce before us,
The Father’s wrath hung o’er us,
Hell filled us with dismay.
6. No pow’r in all creation,
Could break sin’s awful cords,
And bring us true salvation,
Save He, the Lord of lords:
Christ Jesus, who alone
Hath died and ris’n to save us,
And thus our freedom gave us,
Our liberty He won.
7. Avenged He thus hath made us,
His people thus made great,
Thus broke the yoke that weighed us
Gained us a free estate;
He by His mighty hand
Chased off the foes o’erbearing,
That now, of all despairing,
None can against us stand.
8. This work was not effected
By any earthly good,
But Christ, to death subjected,
Poured out His precious blood,
By which alone man gains
Forgiveness and remission
For all of his trangression:—
This blood removes all stains.
9. Blest be our God most truly,
Who by a mighty Horn
Hath quelled sin’s sorrows fully
And His own wrath and scorn.
This Horn salvation brings,
Which mightily avails us,
Nor as an armor fails us
To foil the devil’s stings.
10. This Horn with speed subdueth
And lays the tyrant low,
Who in the fight pursueth
And threatens with his bow.
This Horn by faith we wield
Where troubles would annoy us;
Though all seek to destroy us,
This Horn shall hold the field.
11. Where’er this Horn is sounded
And Christ’s redemption taught,
The devil is astounded,
His fury comes to naught.
This Horn a salve contains
Which, Satan disappointing,
Makes kings by its anointing,
Yea, body and soul sustains.
12. Blest be our God and Savior
Who by Christ’s blood and pain
Hath blotted out forever
Our every sin and stain.
May He our tongue inspire
E’ermore to praise His merit,
And fervent make our spirit
In heavenly desire.
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.
No remedy could name:
No wisdom, wealth, or might
In our poor state could aid us;
Hell’s captives sin had made us;
No rescue was in sight.
2. Blest be our God forever
Who came in season due
And by His gracious favor
Brought us redemption true,
Who in His Word hath proved
A Light of light unbounded,
In which, our hearts, well grounded,
Shall nevermore be moved.
3. Blest be our God and Father,
Who gave us His own Son,
Who as our elder Brother,
His Father’s heart made known;—
This our poor heart empow’rs!
When fears and trials face us
The plagues of hell it chases.
The highest Good is ours!
4. Blest be our God who brought us
Release from hell’s dark hole,
And from the fiend who caught us,
Redeem’d our wretched soul.
The weight of sin severe,—
Oh God—had sore oppressed us;
Death in its bonds possessed us,
Our hearts knew naught but fear.
5. Our will in bondage languished
In all unrighteousness,
Sin had our senses vanquished,
Our mind it did oppress;
In prison chained we lay,
The Law stood fierce before us,
The Father’s wrath hung o’er us,
Hell filled us with dismay.
6. No pow’r in all creation,
Could break sin’s awful cords,
And bring us true salvation,
Save He, the Lord of lords:
Christ Jesus, who alone
Hath died and ris’n to save us,
And thus our freedom gave us,
Our liberty He won.
7. Avenged He thus hath made us,
His people thus made great,
Thus broke the yoke that weighed us
Gained us a free estate;
He by His mighty hand
Chased off the foes o’erbearing,
That now, of all despairing,
None can against us stand.
8. This work was not effected
By any earthly good,
But Christ, to death subjected,
Poured out His precious blood,
By which alone man gains
Forgiveness and remission
For all of his trangression:—
This blood removes all stains.
9. Blest be our God most truly,
Who by a mighty Horn
Hath quelled sin’s sorrows fully
And His own wrath and scorn.
This Horn salvation brings,
Which mightily avails us,
Nor as an armor fails us
To foil the devil’s stings.
10. This Horn with speed subdueth
And lays the tyrant low,
Who in the fight pursueth
And threatens with his bow.
This Horn by faith we wield
Where troubles would annoy us;
Though all seek to destroy us,
This Horn shall hold the field.
11. Where’er this Horn is sounded
And Christ’s redemption taught,
The devil is astounded,
His fury comes to naught.
This Horn a salve contains
Which, Satan disappointing,
Makes kings by its anointing,
Yea, body and soul sustains.
12. Blest be our God and Savior
Who by Christ’s blood and pain
Hath blotted out forever
Our every sin and stain.
May He our tongue inspire
E’ermore to praise His merit,
And fervent make our spirit
In heavenly desire.
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.
1. Gelobt sei Gott mit Freuden,
der uns besuchet hat,
als wir in Angst und Leiden
doch funden nirgends Rat,
da niemands Witz noch Pracht
uns arme konnte schützen,
noch aus der Höllen Pfützen
erlösen uns mit Macht.
2. Gelobt sei Gott mit Schalle,
der uns zur rechten Zeit
von dem so schweren Falle
gar gnädig hat befreit;
der ein so klares Licht
im Wort uns angezündet,
worauf das Herz sich gründet,
so daß es wanket nicht.
3. Gelobt sei Gott mit Singen,
der uns sein Kind geschenkt,
das uns vor allen Dingen
des Vaters Herz zulenkt,
ja stärket unsern Mut
in Trübsal, Angst und Zagen,
vertreibt der Höllen Plagen
bring uns das höchste Gut.
4. Gelobt sei Gott mit Danken
der aus der finstern Höhl
und des Versuchers Schranken
erlöset unsre Seel.
Ach Gott, es hat uns sehr
der Sünden Last gedrücket,
der Tod hielt uns verstricket
und schreckt uns mehr und mehr.
5. Der Wille war gebunden
mit Ungerechtigkeit,
die Sinnen überwunden
durch Bösheit weit und breit;
wir saßen in der Haft,
da das Gesetz uns plagte,
des Höchsten Grimm uns nagte,
die Höll uns Zittern schafft.
6. Aus solchen Marterketten
vermocht in dieser Welt
uns kein Geschöpf zu retten
als bloß der starke Held,
der Heiland Jesus Christ,
der hat uns Fried erworben,
nachdem er erst gestorben,
hernach erstanden ist.
7. Der hat sein Volk gerochen,
der hat uns groß gemacht,
der hat das Joch zerbrochen,
die Freiheit wiederbracht,
der hat mit starker Hand
die Feind hinweggejaget,
so daß sie ganz verzaget,
nicht hielten Fuß noch Stand.
8. Doch dieses ist geschehen
durch kein vergänglichs Gut;
zur Marter mußt er gehen
und stürzen selbst sein Blut,
durch welches wir allein
mit Freudigkeit empfinden
Vergebung unsrer Sünden;
dies Blut macht alles rein.
9. Gelobt sei Gott von Herzen,
der durch ein starkes Horn
gedämpft der Sünden Schmerzen,
auch seinen eignen Zorn.
Dies Horn ist unser Heil,
das uns kann trefflich nützen,
ja Leib und Seel beschützen
vor manchem Satanspfeil.
10. Dies Horn kann die Tyrannen
bald legen in den Staub,
wenn sie den Bogen spannen,
zu ziehen auf den Raub.
Dies Horn ergreifen wir
auch in den höchsten Nöten;
will uns die Welt gleich töten,
so siegts doch für und für.
11. Dies Horn wird stark geblasen
durch alle Teil der Welt,
wodurch des Satans Rasen
zu Boden wird gefällt.
Dies Horn begreift ein Öl,
das (trotz dem alten Drachen)
kann Könge aus uns machen,
ja stärken Leib und Seel.
12. Gelobt sei Gott mit Freuden,
der unsre Mißethat
durch Christi Blut und Leiden
nun ganz getilget hat;
der laß uns für und für
dies große Werk erkennen,
und unsre Seelen brennen
in himmlischer Begier.
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