REMOVE FROM us, O faithful God,
Thy dreadful and avenging rod,
Which all our foul and countless crimes
Have well deserved a thousand times.
Prevent by Thy good providence
Sad famine, war, and pestilence,
2. Have mercy on Thine heirs untrue:
We pray for grace, not judgment due,
Which Thou, Lord, art full right to give
According to the way we live,
For all the earth would pass away
Nor might one man before Thee stay.
3. Oh Lord God, by Thy faithfulness
With salve and help our sighings bless,
Give us an instance of Thy grace
And turn to us Thy kindly face;
By true repentance bring us home
And save us from the wrath to come.
4. Why wilt Thou raise Thy dreadful storms
Against so vile and feeble worms?
Thou Author of our being know'st
That this our frame is filth and dust;
Our best endeavors are but frail,
If Thou dost search we greatly fail.
5. Sin still corrupts us everywhere,
And Satan lays us many a snare,
The wicked world, our flesh and blood
Conspire to rob us of all good.
O Lord, this is not hid from Thee,
Have mercy on our misery!
6. Look on Thy Son’s most bitter death,
His holy wounds, His parting breath,
For all the world these do atone
For every sin, unknown and known,
Our comfort this: Thou wilt forgive,
And for His sake let sinners live.
7. O Lord, conduct us by Thy hand,
And bless these realms by sea and land;
Preserve Thy Word amongst us pure,
Keep us from Satan’s wiles secure;
Grant us to die in peace and love,
And see Thy glorious face above.
Tr. 1, 3b-7, C.S. Terry, 1917, alt.
Tr. stanza 2, 3a © Matthew Carver, 2009.
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