Here is my translation of "Wir glauben an Gott den Vater" (M. Weisse, 1531), a paraphrase of the Creed set by Geistliche Psalmen to the tune "Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort" (but Weisse appoints "Die Sonne wird mit ihrem Schein").

IN GOD the Father we believe,
By whose strong Word all life receive,
Who spoke, and heav’n and earth became,
And by His Word upholds the same;
2. And in Christ Jesus, God’s true Son,
Our Lord, alike in pow’r and throne
With God the Father, whence is He
Begotten from eternity;
3. Who, by the Spirit, without shame,
In chastity true Man became,
When Mary did herself bequeath
And yet retained her virgin wreath.
4. Who, our atonement to obtain
Did suffer under Pilate’s reign,
Was truly crucified and dead
And in a tomb of stone was laid;
5. Who then ascended into heav’n,
And was as King all glory giv’n,
Was seated at God’s own right hand,
And reigns o’er every race and land;
6. Who shall from heaven come again,
Descending with His glorious train,
To judge the living and the dead
When every sentence shall be said;
7. And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord,
By whom men did God’s Word record
With heav’nly wisdom to direct,
For benefit of the elect;
9. In God’s one holy Church and true,
And by His Spirit born anew,
One blest communion of the saints,
The heirs of God’s inheritance;
10. In sin’s remission, found alone
In flocks which Christ their Savior own,
Imparted through His Sacraments,
A gift that God from heaven sends;
11. The resurrection we await,
When all the dead from sleeping state
Shall rise and full accounting give
Of how on earth they willed to live;
12. And we await the life to come,
Prepared with joy for Christendom,
But hell's eternal woe awaits
The devil and his reprobates.
13. God, help us by this solid ground,
Thy cov’nant where all grace is found,—
Yea, Christ, Thy Sun and Glorious Word,—
Of bliss with Thee to be assured.
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.
By whose strong Word all life receive,
Who spoke, and heav’n and earth became,
And by His Word upholds the same;
2. And in Christ Jesus, God’s true Son,
Our Lord, alike in pow’r and throne
With God the Father, whence is He
Begotten from eternity;
3. Who, by the Spirit, without shame,
In chastity true Man became,
When Mary did herself bequeath
And yet retained her virgin wreath.
4. Who, our atonement to obtain
Did suffer under Pilate’s reign,
Was truly crucified and dead
And in a tomb of stone was laid;
5. Who then ascended into heav’n,
And was as King all glory giv’n,
Was seated at God’s own right hand,
And reigns o’er every race and land;
6. Who shall from heaven come again,
Descending with His glorious train,
To judge the living and the dead
When every sentence shall be said;
7. And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord,
By whom men did God’s Word record
With heav’nly wisdom to direct,
For benefit of the elect;
9. In God’s one holy Church and true,
And by His Spirit born anew,
One blest communion of the saints,
The heirs of God’s inheritance;
10. In sin’s remission, found alone
In flocks which Christ their Savior own,
Imparted through His Sacraments,
A gift that God from heaven sends;
11. The resurrection we await,
When all the dead from sleeping state
Shall rise and full accounting give
Of how on earth they willed to live;
12. And we await the life to come,
Prepared with joy for Christendom,
But hell's eternal woe awaits
The devil and his reprobates.
13. God, help us by this solid ground,
Thy cov’nant where all grace is found,—
Yea, Christ, Thy Sun and Glorious Word,—
Of bliss with Thee to be assured.
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.
1. Wir glauben an Gott den Vater,
allmächtigen Herrn und Schöpfer,
der im Anbeginn ließ werden
durch sein Wort Himmel und Erden.
2. Und in seinen Sohn Jesum Christ,
unsern Herren der ihm gleicht ist,
in der Gottheit und Herrlichkeit,
aus ihm geborn von Ewigkeit.
3. Der vom heiilgen Geist allein,
empfangen ist heilig und rein,
von Maria Mensch geboren,
die ihr Zucht nit hat verloren.
4. Der auch alle Sünd vermitten,
unter Pilato gelitten,
gekreuziget und gestorben,
darnach begraben ist worden.
5. Darnach gen Himmel gefahren,m
als ein König der Heerscharen,
er sitzet zur Gottes Rechten,
und herrschet allen Geschlechten.
6. Von dannen er auch offenbara
am letzten Tag mit seiner Schar
herrlichen hernieder steigen,
richten wird und nichts schweigen.
7. Glauben auch in Heiligen Geist,
von welchem die Schrift allermeist
und alle Weisheit ist kommen,
den Auserwählten zu Frommen.
8. Eine Kirch von Gott auserkorn
und durch seinen Geist neugeborn,
eine heilige Gemeinschaft
und Ordnung zu Gottes Kindschaft.
9. Vergebung der Sünden allein,
in der Auserwählten Gemein,
durch Genießung aller Gaben,
welche ihr Gott schenkt von oben.
10. Auferstehung alles Fleisches,
am letzten Tag des Gerichtes,
da es von seim ganzen Leben
Rechenschaft wird müßen geben.
11. Ewig Leben, Freud und Klarheit,
allen Auserwählten bereit,
auch ewige Pein der Hellen
dem Satan und seinen Gsellen.
12. Hilf, Gott, daß wir durch diesen Grund,
den neun Gnadenrichen Bund,
die Sonn und Ordnung der Wahrheit,
gewiß werden deiner Klarheit.
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