Here is my translation of the hymn “Nach dir, O Herr, verlanget mich” (C. Spangenberg), a paraphrase of Ad te Domine (Ps. 25) from which the Introit for the Third Sunday after Holy Trinity is taken. Note that several paraphrases have a similar title, notably that of Paul Gerhardt. The melody is the proper here shown.

FOR THEE, O Lord my God, I long,
I trust in Thee completely.
Confound me not for all my wrong,
Lest foes in triumph greet me.
For no man shall confounded be,
(This well I know) who waits on Thee.
Thy foes shall meet confusion.
2. Show me, O Lord, Thy righteous ways,
And in Thy path instruct me.
In Thy truth keep me all my days,
And to Thyself conduct me,
For Thou art very God indeed,
Who helpest me from every need,
Each day I wait upon Thee.
3. Now to remembrance call again
Thy mercies great and tender,
Which Thine eternally remain—
From sin be my defender—
Nor call to mind against Thy truth
The sins committed in my youth;
Forgive me my offenses.
4. O God of mercy, think on me
Because of Thy good favor,
Thou Lord wilt kind and clement be,
And make the sinner ever
Thy good and even way to wend,
And wretched people’s cause defend
And on the right path set them.
5. The Lord’s own way is grace unblent,
There all is truth and goodness,
He keeps His holy covenant,
And they possess his witness.
For Thy name’s sake, O God and Lord,
Thy mercy for my sin afford,
For it is great in measure.
6. Whoso he be that loves the Lord
He shall not stray nor wander,
If God he fears, his soul shall dwell
At ease and praise Him yonder,
And his seed shall possess the land.
God’s mysteries are in the hand
And shown to those who fear Him.
7. Mine eyes are ever on the Lord,
From out the net He’ll save me.
O be not far from me, my God,
Nor turn Thy back, nor leave me,
Have pity and turn to me soon,
For I am wretched and alone,
And great is my heart’s anguish.
8. Lord, bring me out of every need,
Behold what sorrows grieve me,
Forgive me of my sins with speed,
Lest they in death should leave me.
Behold, my foes the country fill,
And hate me with malicous will;
My soul keep safe before them!
9. From sin and ill deliver me,
Let me not be confounded,
For I have put my trust in Thee.
Let me be firmly grounded,
As I upon Thee wait as well;
Deliver now Thine Israel,
O God, from all his trouble.
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.
I trust in Thee completely.
Confound me not for all my wrong,
Lest foes in triumph greet me.
For no man shall confounded be,
(This well I know) who waits on Thee.
Thy foes shall meet confusion.
2. Show me, O Lord, Thy righteous ways,
And in Thy path instruct me.
In Thy truth keep me all my days,
And to Thyself conduct me,
For Thou art very God indeed,
Who helpest me from every need,
Each day I wait upon Thee.
3. Now to remembrance call again
Thy mercies great and tender,
Which Thine eternally remain—
From sin be my defender—
Nor call to mind against Thy truth
The sins committed in my youth;
Forgive me my offenses.
4. O God of mercy, think on me
Because of Thy good favor,
Thou Lord wilt kind and clement be,
And make the sinner ever
Thy good and even way to wend,
And wretched people’s cause defend
And on the right path set them.
5. The Lord’s own way is grace unblent,
There all is truth and goodness,
He keeps His holy covenant,
And they possess his witness.
For Thy name’s sake, O God and Lord,
Thy mercy for my sin afford,
For it is great in measure.
6. Whoso he be that loves the Lord
He shall not stray nor wander,
If God he fears, his soul shall dwell
At ease and praise Him yonder,
And his seed shall possess the land.
God’s mysteries are in the hand
And shown to those who fear Him.
7. Mine eyes are ever on the Lord,
From out the net He’ll save me.
O be not far from me, my God,
Nor turn Thy back, nor leave me,
Have pity and turn to me soon,
For I am wretched and alone,
And great is my heart’s anguish.
8. Lord, bring me out of every need,
Behold what sorrows grieve me,
Forgive me of my sins with speed,
Lest they in death should leave me.
Behold, my foes the country fill,
And hate me with malicous will;
My soul keep safe before them!
9. From sin and ill deliver me,
Let me not be confounded,
For I have put my trust in Thee.
Let me be firmly grounded,
As I upon Thee wait as well;
Deliver now Thine Israel,
O God, from all his trouble.
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.
1. Nach dir, O Herr, verlanget mich,
mein Gott, auf den ich traue.
Laß mich zuschanden werden nicht,
daß sich mein Feind nicht freue.
Denn keiner wird zuschanden gar,
der deiner harret das ist wahr,
wer dich veracht hat Schande.
2. Herr, zeig mir deine Wege gut,
und deine Steig mich lehre.
Halt mich in deiner Wahrheit gut,
und mich zu dir bekehre,
denn du bist ja der wahre Gott,
der mir stets hilft aus aller Noth,
täglich will ich dein harren.
3. Gedenk an dein Barmherzigkeit,
und an dein grosse Güte.
Die du gehabt von Ewigkeit,
für Sünden mich behüte,
gedenk auch nicht der Sünden mein,
die jung von mir begangen sein,
vergib die Übertretung.
4. O Barmherziger Gott, denk mein,
um deiner Güte willen,
denn du, Herr, bist gut, fromm und fein,
den Sünder führst so stille,
den aller besten Weg so schlecht,
und lattest die Elenden Recht,
und kehrest sie dem Steige.
5. Der Weg des HErrn ist eitel Güt,
darbei Wahrheit thut walten.
Denn er sein heilgen Bund behüt,
und die sein Zeugnis halten,
um deines Namens willen Gott,
sei gnädig meiner Missethat,
die da groß ist ohn massen.
6. Wer ist der, der den Herren fürcht,
dem wird er sein Weg weisen.
Sein Seel wird, so er nur gehorcht,
wohnen bei Gott mit preisen,
sein Sam das Land besitzen wird,
Gottes Geheimnis den gebührt
zu wissen, die ihn fürchten.
7. Mein Augen sehn stet zu dem Herrn,
der wird mein Fuß fein ziehen
Wohl aus dem Netz, wollst ja nicht fern,
mein Gott, jetzt von mir fliehen,
sei gnädig mir, dich zu mir wend,
denni ch bin Einsam und Elend,
groß ist die Angst meins Herzens.
8. Herr, führ mich aus meinen Nöthen,
schau mein Jammer, Elende,
daß mich meine Sünd nicht töten,
vergib mir sie behende,
sieh, meiner Feind der sind so viel,
und hassen mich nur aus Mutwill,
mein Seel vor ihn bewahre.
9. Errette mich aus aller Noth,
daß ich nicht werd zuschanden,
denn auf dich trau ich lieber Gott,
recht und schlecht mich im Lande
behüten muß, denn ich harr dein,
ach Gott, erlös Israel fein,
aus allen seinen Nöten.
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