Here is my translation of the hymn “Herr Christ, mein Hort, wenn ich zu dir” (J. Magdeburg, once wrongly attr. to J. Mathesius), a paraphrase of Ad te Domine clamabo (Ps. XXVIII). The appointed melody is “Ach Gott, von Himmel sieh darein.”

LORD CHRIST, my Refuge, when to Thee
I cry in tribulation,
Be silent not, but answer me,
And show Thy heart’s compassion,
Lest I become like men unblest,
Who from Thy blessed realm are cast
Into the pit of suff’ring.
2. Receive, I pray, my plaintive cry,
And hear how I beseech Thee,
I lift my hands to Thee on high,
Let my petition reach Thee,
Oh, pluck me not nor punish me
With those who love iniquity,
Whose kindness is deception..
3. Give them their rightful recompense,
The punishment best fitted
To all their wicked impudence,
And what their hands committed.
Thy works, Lord, they will not regard,
Build not those who Thy deeds discard,
But break them down in ruins.
4. To Christ the Lord be praise for ay,
For He heard my petition,
He is my Strength, my Shield and Stay,
My heart’s one Consolation.
Now I am helped, and in my heart
Is joy that naught else could impart,
And with my song I thank Him.
5. He is the Strength of all His train,
Of all His souls anointed,
Which must the King help and sustain,
With deed and work appointed.
Save, bless, and feed from age to age
Thy people and Thine heritage,
And set them up forever.
[6. To God all praise and glory be,—
The Father, Son, and Spirit—
As ’twas, and is, and e’er shall be.
His grace may we inherit,
To walk upon His righteous way,
That sin may not our soul dismay.
Who this desires, say: Amen.]
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.
I cry in tribulation,
Be silent not, but answer me,
And show Thy heart’s compassion,
Lest I become like men unblest,
Who from Thy blessed realm are cast
Into the pit of suff’ring.
2. Receive, I pray, my plaintive cry,
And hear how I beseech Thee,
I lift my hands to Thee on high,
Let my petition reach Thee,
Oh, pluck me not nor punish me
With those who love iniquity,
Whose kindness is deception..
3. Give them their rightful recompense,
The punishment best fitted
To all their wicked impudence,
And what their hands committed.
Thy works, Lord, they will not regard,
Build not those who Thy deeds discard,
But break them down in ruins.
4. To Christ the Lord be praise for ay,
For He heard my petition,
He is my Strength, my Shield and Stay,
My heart’s one Consolation.
Now I am helped, and in my heart
Is joy that naught else could impart,
And with my song I thank Him.
5. He is the Strength of all His train,
Of all His souls anointed,
Which must the King help and sustain,
With deed and work appointed.
Save, bless, and feed from age to age
Thy people and Thine heritage,
And set them up forever.
[6. To God all praise and glory be,—
The Father, Son, and Spirit—
As ’twas, and is, and e’er shall be.
His grace may we inherit,
To walk upon His righteous way,
That sin may not our soul dismay.
Who this desires, say: Amen.]
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.
Herr Christ, mein Hort, wenn ich zu dir
in meinen Nöthen rufe,
so schweig ja nicht, antworte mir,
und komm mir ja zu Hülfe,
aufdaß ich den nicht werde gleich,
die ausser deinem lieben Reich
tief in die Hölle fahren.
2. Die Stimm meins Flehens merke doch,
zu dir mein Schreien höre.
Wenn ich mein Hand aufhebe hoch,
zu deinem heilgen Chore,
mit Ubelthatern so Gottlos,
mit süßer Red ihr Herze bös,
beschönen mich nicht strafe.
3. Nach ihrer That und Wesen bös,
nach Werken ihrer Hände,
gib und vergild du ihnen das
was sie verdient gib ende.
Deins Thuns sie wollen achten nicht,
so bau sie nicht, nur sie zubrich,
dein Werke sie verachten.
4. Gelobt sei der Herre Christ,
er hat mein Klag erhöret;
mein Stärk und Kraft, mein Schild er ist,
mein Herz und Seel sein harret;
mir ist geholfen, deß will ich
in meinem Herzen sein fröhlich,
mit meinem Lied ihm danken.
5. Er ist all seiner Christen Stärk,
die Stärk seines Gesalbten;
die dem König mit That und Werk
muß helfen und erhalten.
Hilf deinem Volk, das Erbe dein,
wöllest segnen und weiden fein,
und ewiglich erheben.
General Doxology indicated by 766 Lieder u. Psalmen
6. Ehr sei dem Vater und dem Sohn,
und ach dem Heilgen Geiste,
als es im Anfang was und nun,
der uns sein Gnade leiste,
daß wir wandeln in seinem Pfad,
daß uns die Sünd der Seel nicht schad,
wer das begehrt sprech Amen.
1 comment:
Thank you for translating the Psalmody paraphrase for this coming Sunday - 6 Trinity!
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