May all our thanks and praises be,
Who in the midst of many a foe
Dost save Thy Church from every woe.
2. Through heathen arms in open view
And Herod’s mighty retinue
Through perils many and severe
And doctrines false and dangers sheer,
3. Thou didst Thy virgin spare from death
Until she reached Elizabeth
To tell her of Thy gift of grace,
Who madest her Thy dwelling-place.
4. Nor priest nor prince was giv’n to see
The tidings of that prophecy,
Nor in that spotless veil to view
The advent of our Savior true.
5. But rather did Elizabeth
Beside the Virgin, full of faith,
Those tidings to the faithful bring,
Who worshiped Christ as God and King.
6. As in the womb the prophet lay,
He knew his Lord of ancient day,
And Him to priests as yet unknown
Adored upon His virgin throne.
7. This first of synods so confessed
That there within the Virgin blest,
The Father’s Word, in hour foresaid,
Had taken flesh and man was made.
8. Now kindled by this witness pure,
Within our heart, a faith more sure
Must render praise and pray’r alone
To Christ, the virgin Mary’s Son,
9. And seek His help with hope unblent,
And trust in whom the Father sent
To save all those who on Him call,
And freedom grant from evils all.
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.
GERMAN (transl. by A. Lobwasser)
Dost save Thy Church from every woe.
2. Through heathen arms in open view
And Herod’s mighty retinue
Through perils many and severe
And doctrines false and dangers sheer,
3. Thou didst Thy virgin spare from death
Until she reached Elizabeth
To tell her of Thy gift of grace,
Who madest her Thy dwelling-place.
4. Nor priest nor prince was giv’n to see
The tidings of that prophecy,
Nor in that spotless veil to view
The advent of our Savior true.
5. But rather did Elizabeth
Beside the Virgin, full of faith,
Those tidings to the faithful bring,
Who worshiped Christ as God and King.
6. As in the womb the prophet lay,
He knew his Lord of ancient day,
And Him to priests as yet unknown
Adored upon His virgin throne.
7. This first of synods so confessed
That there within the Virgin blest,
The Father’s Word, in hour foresaid,
Had taken flesh and man was made.
8. Now kindled by this witness pure,
Within our heart, a faith more sure
Must render praise and pray’r alone
To Christ, the virgin Mary’s Son,
9. And seek His help with hope unblent,
And trust in whom the Father sent
To save all those who on Him call,
And freedom grant from evils all.
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.
1. Aeterne gratias tibi
dicamus omnes conditor,
Quod inter hostes plurimos,
Ecclesiam servas tamen.
2. Ut inter arma gentium,
Herodis et Satellites
Interque tetros dogmatum
Furores et deliria.
3. Servas Mariam virginem
Domumque castae_Elisabeth,
Quae praedicavit munus tuum,
Datumque Christum nuntiat.
4. Non Pontifex, non Principes,
etsi sciunt oracula
vatum, venisse noverant,
salutis autorem novae.
5. Sed dulcis haec Elizabeth,
et virginis congressio,
Arcana promit caeteris,
vere Deum colentibus
6. Alvoque foetus conditus,
longo sacerdotum agmini,
agnoscit, ignotum ducem,
adorat et gestu suo.
7. Haec prima Synodus fuit,
testata deo Christo duce,
postquam statuto tempore,
Verbum Patris factum est caro.
8. Accensa testimoniis,
in corde nostro talibus,
colat fides, et invocet,
Christum Mariae filium.
9. Opemque spe firma petat,
missumque credat a Patre.
ut invocantes adjuvet,
malisque cunctis liberet.
GERMAN (transl. by A. Lobwasser)
1. Dir Gott und Schöpfer danken wir
Lob, Ehr und Preis wir geben dir,
Daß du uns wieder unser Feind,
beschützest welcher sehr viel seind.
2. Wie du wieder die Heidenschaft
und den Herodis Macht und Kraft,
in grosser mächtiger Gefahr,
und greulichen Irrthum der Lahr,
3. Mariam gewaltig hast erredt,
und denn das Haus Elisabeth,
die deiner Wohlthat eingedenk,
hochrühmen Christum dein Geschenk.
4. Dem Hohenpriester dem sonst wohl
die Weissagung bekannt sein soll,
den Fürsten auch ist nicht bekannt,
der Seelen Tröster und Heiland.
5. Sondern die Jungfrau lobesam
und dann ihr Mum zu der sie kam
hat diese Ding den Kund gethan,
die Gott ehren und rufen an.
6. Dir Frucht die noch verborgen war,
im Mutterleib vermerket klar,
höret und bett den Fürsten an,
den aus den Priestern kennt kein Mann.
7. Der rechte Synodus das war,
der Christum zeuget offenbar,
do nach bestimmter Zeit und Frist
des Vaters Wort Fleisch worden ist.
8. Durch solches Zeugnis angemerk
sich unsers Herzens Glauben sterk
das er Christum Marie Kind
ehr, anruf, und sich zu ihm find.
9. Und dann bei ihm such Hülf und Rath,
den der Vater gesendet hat,
auf daß er uns helf und erlös
von dem was schädlich ist und bös.
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