Here is my translation of “An allen Menschen gar verzagt” (B. Waldis, 1553), a paraphrase of Ad te Domine levavi (Ps. XXV), which is actually a reworking of an earlier paraphrase by fellow Riga Lutheran Andreas Knöpken in 1527. It was later picked up by the Bohemian Brethren for Kirchengeseng (1566), and the text was the basis for a hymn of the same name by Nicolaus Selneccer in his Psalter Davids of the same year. The tune is the proper devised by Waldis for this reworking in 1553.

DESPAIRING of all men, to Thee
I lift my soul, O Savior;
I venture all, Thine own to be;
O let me live forever.
My refuge lone in Thee I claim,
Oh, let me not be put to shame,
Let not my foes joy o’er me.
2. No man who builds upon this Rock
Shall be confounded ever;
Beneath Thine hand they safely walk,
And rue the business never.
But those shall be ashamed e’ermore
Who harm Thy lowly ones and poor
All without cause or justice.
3. Show me the way the righteous go,
The path to Thee in heaven;
Lead me, O Lord, Thy truth to know,
Thy Word that Thou hast given;
My hope, my help, my counsel true,
In which my soul takes pleasure new,
Each day therein confiding.
4. My God, take thought within Thy heart,
Remember Thy great favor,—
Thy grace which Thou dost free impart
That Thine may stand forever.
That grace which from eternity
Was hid within Thy counsel free,
By which they have salvation.
5. Remember not, my God, that guilt
And sin since youth committed,
Which I confess, and pray Thou wilt
By grace call me acquitted.
Have mercy, Lord, Thy love maintain,
And set me free from all my sin
Because of Thy great goodness.
6. The Lord is good and just and kind
To all on Him depending.
Their foot may slip, and yet they find
In Him their stay and mending.
His will He doth to them impart,
And writes it well upon their heart,
According to His pleasure.
7. The pathways of the Lord are laid
On truth and grace and favor,
He keeps the pledge that He hath made
And so He guards it ever
To those who seek His words with care,
Believing what He pledges there,
As Scripture plainly tells us.
8. For Thy name’s sake, Lord, gracious be,
Nor for my sin despise me:
It grows and waxes constantly
And ever terrifies me.
Therefore teach me Thy law each day,
That I may only take that way
That is to Thee well-pleasing.
9. All those who live in godly fear
Shall His great wealth inherit;
God’s Word they ever gladly hear
Nor shall they ever perish.
The Lord is their defense and shield,
His mystery they find revealed
Who in His will are living.
10. Mine eyes, O Lord, my God, are set
And fixed on Thee forever.
For Thou dost save me from the net
Of those who me disfavor.
Have mercy and look down to me,
For I am poor and utterly
By every man forsaken.
11. The sorrow of my heart dispel;
Come, Lord, again relieve me!
Behold how I in mis’ry dwell.
And all my sins aggrieve me.
Forgive me, lest I soon be drowned.
See how my foes so vast abound
Who without cause oppress me.
12. Defend my soul, deliver me
Let me not perish wholly.
My hope I place alone in Thee,
Whom saints rejoice in solely.
Come soon, therefore, O Lord, and save
Thy wretched Isr’el from the grave,
Thy flock that holds Thee only.
13. Now praise we God the Father, Son,
And Holy Ghost forever.
Extol His gracious good alone,
He is our only Savior,
And gives us here all that we need
That we may live in heav’n indeed.
So sing we Alleluia.
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.
I lift my soul, O Savior;
I venture all, Thine own to be;
O let me live forever.
My refuge lone in Thee I claim,
Oh, let me not be put to shame,
Let not my foes joy o’er me.
2. No man who builds upon this Rock
Shall be confounded ever;
Beneath Thine hand they safely walk,
And rue the business never.
But those shall be ashamed e’ermore
Who harm Thy lowly ones and poor
All without cause or justice.
3. Show me the way the righteous go,
The path to Thee in heaven;
Lead me, O Lord, Thy truth to know,
Thy Word that Thou hast given;
My hope, my help, my counsel true,
In which my soul takes pleasure new,
Each day therein confiding.
4. My God, take thought within Thy heart,
Remember Thy great favor,—
Thy grace which Thou dost free impart
That Thine may stand forever.
That grace which from eternity
Was hid within Thy counsel free,
By which they have salvation.
5. Remember not, my God, that guilt
And sin since youth committed,
Which I confess, and pray Thou wilt
By grace call me acquitted.
Have mercy, Lord, Thy love maintain,
And set me free from all my sin
Because of Thy great goodness.
6. The Lord is good and just and kind
To all on Him depending.
Their foot may slip, and yet they find
In Him their stay and mending.
His will He doth to them impart,
And writes it well upon their heart,
According to His pleasure.
7. The pathways of the Lord are laid
On truth and grace and favor,
He keeps the pledge that He hath made
And so He guards it ever
To those who seek His words with care,
Believing what He pledges there,
As Scripture plainly tells us.
8. For Thy name’s sake, Lord, gracious be,
Nor for my sin despise me:
It grows and waxes constantly
And ever terrifies me.
Therefore teach me Thy law each day,
That I may only take that way
That is to Thee well-pleasing.
9. All those who live in godly fear
Shall His great wealth inherit;
God’s Word they ever gladly hear
Nor shall they ever perish.
The Lord is their defense and shield,
His mystery they find revealed
Who in His will are living.
10. Mine eyes, O Lord, my God, are set
And fixed on Thee forever.
For Thou dost save me from the net
Of those who me disfavor.
Have mercy and look down to me,
For I am poor and utterly
By every man forsaken.
11. The sorrow of my heart dispel;
Come, Lord, again relieve me!
Behold how I in mis’ry dwell.
And all my sins aggrieve me.
Forgive me, lest I soon be drowned.
See how my foes so vast abound
Who without cause oppress me.
12. Defend my soul, deliver me
Let me not perish wholly.
My hope I place alone in Thee,
Whom saints rejoice in solely.
Come soon, therefore, O Lord, and save
Thy wretched Isr’el from the grave,
Thy flock that holds Thee only.
13. Now praise we God the Father, Son,
And Holy Ghost forever.
Extol His gracious good alone,
He is our only Savior,
And gives us here all that we need
That we may live in heav’n indeed.
So sing we Alleluia.
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.
1. An allen Menschen gar verzagt,
zu dir mein Seel will heben;
HERR Gott, auf dich hab ichs gewagt;
erhalt mich bei dem Leben.
All mein Zuflucht stell ich an dich.
Laß nicht zuschanden werden mich,
daß sich mein Feind nicht freuen.
2. Es wird niemand verschämet stehn
von den die auf dich bauen.
An deiner Hand sie sicher gehn;
der Kauf wird sie nicht reuen.
Verschämet müssen all die sein,
die Leid anthun den Armen dein
ohn Recht und all Ursachen.
3. Zeig mir den Weg der Grechtigkeit,
den Steig zu dir mich lehre,
und leite mich in deinr Wahrheit,
denn du bist Gott mein HERRE,
mein Heil und Trost, mein Hülf und Rath,
daran mein Seel ein Gfallen hat,
und stätig darauf trotzet.
4. Laß dir, mein Gott, zu Herzen gehn,
und wöllst daran gedenken,
wie all die deinen mit dir stehn
den du dein Gnad thust schenken,
von Ewigkeit sie auserschein
bewahret in dem Rathe dein,
dadurch sie selig werden.
5. Meiner Jugend Unwissenheit
und aller meiner Schulde
Gdenk nicht, mein Gott—sie sind mir leid—
sondern nach deiner Hulde
wöllst du, O Herr, erbarmen dich,
von allen Sünden freien mich
um deiner Güte willen.
6. Der HERR ist gut, richtig und süß
allen die an ihm hangen.
Ob auf dem Weg schon gleit ihr Füß,
wird er sie doch empfangen,
und lehren sie den Willen sein,
geschrieben in ihr Herze fein,
nach seinem Wohlgefallen.
7. Des HERREN weg sind stets gestellt
auf Wahrheit, Gnad und Güten,
Den seinen er die Zusag hält
und wills dabei behüten,
die fragen nach dem Worten sein
und glauben was er [g]lobt darin,
wie uns die Schrift vermeldet.
8. Um deines Namens willn, O HERR,
biß gnädig meiner Sünde.
Sie wächst und mehrt sich immermehr
und schreckt mich alle Stunde.
Drum lehr mich dein Gesetz all Tag,
daß ich den Weg erwählen mag,
der dir ist wohlgefällig.
9. Wer lebet in der Gottesfurcht
wird seine Güter erben;
Wer im Glauben seim Wort gehorcht,
die sollen nicht verderben.
Der HERR ist ihr verborgen Schild;
sein Geheimnis er ihn vermeldt,
die nach seim Willen leben.
10. Mein Augen sind allzeit zu dir,
O HERR, mein Gott, gerichtet,
daß du helfst aus dem Netze mir
dern, die mich han vernichtet.
Erbarm dich mein und sieh mich an,
denn arm bin ich, von jedermann
auch gar und ganz verlassen.
11. Meins Herzens Weh richt mich jetzt hin;
komm, HERR, und tröst mich wieder.
Schau, wie ich gar vernichtet bin,
im Elend lieg darnieder.
Darum vergib die Sünde mein,
sieh an, wieviel der Feinde sein,
die mich ohn Sach verfolgen.
12. Beschütz mein Seel und rette mich;
laß mich nicht gar verkommen.
Mein Trost setz ich allein auf dich,
des freuen sich die Frommen.
So komm bald, HERR, und hilf uns auf,
Israel, deinem armen Hauf,
der dir allein anhanget.
13. Gott Vater, Sohn und Heilgem Geist
wöllen wir ewig preisen.
Sein Wohlthat rühmen allermeist,
die er uns thut beweisen;
der uns auf Erden gnug beschert,
die Seel auch ewig dort ernährt,
dem singn wir Hallelujah.
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