Apparently I neglected to include the translation for the ending of the recent post, the proselike hymn on the Lord's Supper from the Bohemian Brethren, supposing the words below, “O du gütiger Heiland,” to be a separate work. But reference to Wackernagel clarified this. So here is the ending of that hymn / prose piece on the Holy Supper. Of course the ending (8) would probably be dropped during the penitential season, except if this was not the custom of the Unitas Fratrum, who may have tended toward the Eastern Orthodox usage (as they did in the use of the vernacular) following the Hussites.

6. Gracious Savior, gracious Lord!
All Thy love hath been outpoured
Tow’rd us lowly sinners! ::
How shall we repay Thee, Lord?
How Thy benefits reward,
That Thou hast done tow’rd us?
7. Salvation’s chalice let us take,
For this Thy supper Thou didst make,
That we by faith of Thee partake, ::
And in Thy gracious will rejoice,
Until in heav’n we lift our voice,
To praise Thee with a joyful noise,
8. With all joy repeating,
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Translation © 2011 Matthew Carver.
6. O du gütiger Heilandwie ist deine Lieb entbranntgegn uns armen Sündern. ::O wie sollen wir doch dir,dir vergelten nach Gebühralle deine Wohlthat.7. Ey, wir wollen den Kelch des Heilsnehmen, den du uns beutest feil,und im Glauben machst zu theil ::Uns drinn freuen nach deim Gefall,bis wir kommen ins Himmels Saal,dich zu ehrn mit grossem Schall.8. Und mit Freuden sprechenHallelujah, Hallelujah!
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