12 June 2024

Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied / All Welt soll fröhlich singen mit

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied / All Welt soll fröhlich singen mit” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm XCVI, Cantate Dominum canticum novum (to be carefully distinguished from hymns for Psalm XCVIII and CL), with title “Christ a glorious King” and melody assignment “Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her.” Of the psalm itself Luther writes,

It is a prophecy of the kingdom of Christ throughout the world, wherein there is to be utter rejoicing and praising. And the text is adequately clear in itself. Here it is laid upon all Gentiles, lands, peoples, woods, waters, trees to perform divine service (v. 11) and praise and give thanks becuase God judges and governs with righteousness and truth, that is, He saves from sin and all that sin entails, such as death, hell, the devil’s power, and all evil. This is the new song of the new kingdom by new creatures concerning new men, not born of the Law and works, but of God and Spirit, and who are and do nothing but wondrous works in Christ Jesus our Lord.


A NEW song sing unto the Lord,
Sing, all the earth with one accord,
All glory let our Lord receive,
And bless His name both morn and eve!

2 His saving work is told each day,
To Him great glory do men say
Among the heathen everywhere
His wonders do men loud declare.

3 The Lord is great o’er every god,
Deserving of great praise and laud,
And wondrous is His majesty
Above the nations gen’rally.

4 The nations’ idols have no worth,
The Lord is God of heav’n and earth,
He made them by His mighty hand,
Before Him praise and honor stand.

5 His works are full of strength and grace,
And beauteous in His holy place.
Ye nations, give unto the Lord,
Yea, glory_and strength to Him afford!

6 Give glory to His name as due,
Before Him bring an off’ring true,
And come into His courts to pray,
Adore Him, beauteous in array.

7 Let all the earth, appointed here
To serve the Lord, before Him fear!
Among the heathen be it said
The Lord doth reign, our King and Head.

8 His kingdom, stablished, firmly stands,
And over all the world expands,
Enduring for eternity,
And He shall judge men righteously.

9 So let heav’ns in Him rejoice,
Let earth sing out with gladsome voice,
And let the sea with roar noisily,
And all its fulness joyful be!

10 Let fields assume a joyful mood
And all they hold, and every wood,
And all that grows here and abroad
Rejoice and sing for joy in God!

11 The Lord shall come, the Judge most wise
To judge all things beneath the skies,
To judge with righteousness and light;
His truth is always just and right.

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

Singet dem HERRN ein newes Lied,
All Welt ſoll frölich ſingen mit
Zu Ehrn dem HErren unſerm Gott,
Lobt ſeinen Namen früe und ſpat.

2  Sein Heyl predigt man alle Tag,
Groß Ehr ihm wird geſaget nach,
Unter den Heyden uberall
Sein Wunder gros man rühmen ſol.

3  Ubr alle Götter iſt der HERR,
Mechtig groß und zu loben ſehr,
Wunderbar iſt die Herrſchafft ſein
Uber die Völcker in gemein.

4  Der Völcker Götzen ſind nichts werth,
Der HERR allein iſt hoch geehrt,
Den Himmel hat der HERR gemacht,
Für ihm ſteht Herrlichkeit und Pracht.

5  Gewaltiglich iſt alles Thun
Und löblich in ſeim Heiligthumb,
Ihr Völcker bringt dem HErren her,
Dem HErren bringet Macht und Ehr.

6  Die Ehre bringet ſeinem Namn,
Kompt mit Geſchenck und trett zuſamn,
Zu beten in Vorhöfen ſein,
Ins HErren Schmuck tretet herein.

7  Es fürcht den HErren alle Welt,
Zu ſeinem Dienſt und Lob beſtelt,
Unter den Heyden ſag man frey,
Das Gott, unſer HErr, König ſey.

8  Sein Reich das er ihm zubereit,
Iſt ſo groß, als die Welt iſt weit,
Es ſoll beſtehen ewiglich,
Weil er ſelbſt recht die Völcker richt.

9  Des frewe ſich des Himmels Thron,
Die Erde ſey frölich davon,
Das Meer ſoll auch mit brauſen drein,
Und was drin iſt, ſoll frölich ſeyn.

10  Das Feld frew ſich ohn Unterlaß
Und was darauff iſt, Laub und Graß,
Alle Bäwm, die im Walde ſeyn,
In unſerm Gott ſich hoch erfrewn.

11  Der HErr kömpt als ein Richter werth,
Zu richten recht den Kreiß der Erd,
Mit Grechtigkeit er richtet ſchlecht,
Seine Wahrheit hat allzeit Recht.

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