02 June 2024

In Juda ist der Herr bekannt

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “In Juda ist der Herr bekannt” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm LXXVI, Notus in Judæa Deus, with title “God is stronger than the mountains of spoils . . . A psalm of Asaph to precent with stringed music” and melody assignment “Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott.” This choice is supported by what Luther writes of the psalm proper,

It is a psalm of thanks giving in the same manner as Psalm 46, for he gives thanks that God has His dwelling, Word, and worship in Jerusalem, and there protects His people in very glorious manner against the kings and wrathful combatants who would like to devour it, like Sennacherib. For He knows how to rob princes of their courage, and to make them desperate. In this way He fights against our enemies. But it is wicked to resist Him who takes away one’s heart and courage, however mighty and wicked one may be. The devil himself must flee when his courage fails him; what then shall men do? Such combatants and God should be praised, who thus is able to rumble with kings and to help His own without sword, simply by striking terror in to them and making them faint, etc.


IN Judah is the Lord known well,
The God of our salvation;
His name is great in Israel,
’Tis His dear congregation:
Salem is His tent;
He, his Resident,
Zion ne’er forsakes,
But there the arrow breaks,
And shield, and sword, and battle!

2 Far greater is Thy glorious might
Than mountains of foes’ spoiling;
With cunning arts and force they fight,
’Gainst land and people toiling.
Though stout be their heart,
All their spoils depart,
Whilst asleep they fall—
Thou mak’st the might all
To drop their hands, defeated.

3 At Thy rebuke, O Jacob’s God,
The horse and chariot waver!
Well must men fear Thee and Thy rod;
Who can bear Thy disfavor?
Soon there shall be heard
Judgment’s thund’rous word
From God’s holy hill,
Earth, fearing, shall be still,
So dreadful is Thy judgment!

4 When God the Lord of Sabaoth
His judgment’s work beginneth,
He saves the meek, and justly wroth,
From foes great glory winneth.
Though the people rage
And fierce battle wage
With might and great guile,
He arms Himself the while,
And soon their wrath restraineth.

5 To God your Lord fulfill and pay
The vows that ye have spoken,
And faithfully His will obey,
And presents bring in token
That your God ye fear,
Who both far and near
To their knees doth bring
So many a prince and king
With great and fearsome wonders!

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

In Juda ist der Herr bekant,
Der wahre Gott alleine,
Der ſich nach Iſrael genannt,
Da iſt die liebe Gmeine,
Salem iſt ſein Zelt,
Zur Wohnung beſtellt,
Er läſt Zion nicht,
Da er die Pfeil zerbricht,
Sampt Schild, Schwert, Streit und Bogen.

2  Dein herrlich Macht viel gröſſer iſt
Denn aller Raube Berge,
Die fahren mit Gewalt und Liſt,
Land und Leut zu verhergen,
Haben ſtoltzen Muth,
Verlieren ihr Gut,
Verſchlaffen die Beut,
Alle die Kriegesleut
Laſſen die Hände ſincken.

3  Von deim Schelten, Gott Jacobs Herr,
In Schlaff ſinckt Roß und Wagen,
Du biſt ſchrecklich und zürneſt ſehr,
Wer wil deinn Grimm ertragen?
Man hört nach der Läng
Das Urtheil ſo ſtreng
Vom hohen Himmel,
Drumb wird es alles ſtil,
Das Erdreich ſich entſetzet.

4  Wenn ſich der Herr Gott Zebaoth
In ſeinem Thron erhebet,
Dem Elenden er hilfft aus Noth,
An Feinden Ehr einleget,
Wann Leut wüten ſehr
Und wüten noch mehr
Mit Macht und viel Liſt,
So iſt er auch gerüſt,
Fragt nichts nach ihrem Toben.

5  Haltet dem HErren ewrem Gott,
Was ihr ihm habt gelobet,
Und ſteht ihm trewlich zu Gebot,
Verehrt ihn ſchön mit Gaben,
Der HErr ſchrecklich iſt,
Nimpt zu jeder Friſt
Den Fürſten den Muth,
Sein Hand groß Wunder thut
Untr den Köngen auff Erden.

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