25 June 2019

O Gott, du höchstes Gnadenhort

Here is my translation of Konrad Hubert’s (d. 1577) hymn, O Gott, du höchstes Gnadenhort, to be sung before the reading of Holy Scripture, i.e., before the service. Hubert was a Reformed theologian of the equivocating Bucerian school, who is most famous for his greater contribution to hymnody in the penitent’s hymn, “Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ.” The present hymn is less ambitious and less personal in character, designed for regular use in the Sunday liturgy, such as it was; it is widely published in the hymnals of the Evangelical Church in Germany. The appointed tune is “Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend.”

O GOD, our highest Refuge Thou,
Thy gracious Word with strength endow
To penetrate our ear and heart
And holy pow’r to us impart.

2 That pow’r is the true faith we own,
That saves through Jesus Christ alone;
Love is the glow, that men may view
That we are His disciples true.

3 Then work in us, Lord, that we may
Grow by Thy Spirit day by day
To know Thee more, and finally
Find everlasting peace in Thee.

Translation © 2019 Matthew Carver.

O Gott du, höchster Gnadenhort!
verleih, daß uns dein gnädig Wort
durchs Ohr allzeit zu Herzen dring,
und seine Kraft an uns vollbring.

2 Der wahre Glaube ist die Kraft,
der Heil durch Jesum Christum schafft,
die Liebe ist der helle Schein
daß wir des Herren Jünger sein.

3 Verschaffe bei uns lieber Herr!
daß wir durch deinen Geist noch mehr
in dem Erkenntniß nehmen zu
und endlich bei dir finden Ruh.