14 June 2024

Der Herr ist Köng und residiert

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Der Herr ist Köng und residiert” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm XCIX, Dominus regnavit irascantur, with title “Christ a holy King” and melody assignment “Nun freut euch, lieben Christen Gmein.” Luther writes of the psalm,

It is a psalm of instruction exhorting the people of Israel to praise their God in Zion, although the heathen rage at the fact that they are a special people of God unlike others, and they must suffer much because of it. For it extols Moses, Aaron, and Samuel, who were the heads of the people of Israel (v. 6), but it also teaches (as the words read) the people of Israel that they should know that the true divine service consists not of offering many livestock, but acknowledging His wonders and thanking Him for them, &c., and that He makes them upright and delivers them from sin (v. 4). But for us it is a prophecy of Christ, who governs the true Zion throughout the world, and has established His throne of grace and footstool in heaven, at which all the world is angered and becomes mad and foolish, and persecutes and murders Christians.


THE Lord is King! On cherubim
In heaven is His dwelling;
Let people, trembling, honor Him,
And earth His praise be telling!
In Zion is His dwelling place;
The Lord is great in gloriousness,
High over all the peoples.

2 His holy name’s a wondrous thing
And should be praisèd duly;
Within the kingdom of this King
Is judgment loved most truly;
He makes men upright in His sight,
And righteousness and judgment right
He executes in Jacob.

3 Exalt the Lord our God always,
Praise at His footstool giving,
For He is holy, and His praise
Among His priests is living:
See, Moses, Aaron, Samuel—
They called on Him when need befell,
And He in mercy answered.

4 God in a cloudy pillar spake
And promised He would save them;
Thy Holy Law they did not break,
Thine ord’nance Thy hand gave them;
Thou art the Lord our God alone,
Thou heardest them, and at our groan
Our faithful plea didst answer.

5 Thou didst reprove with gentle rod,
Forgiving misdeeds faulty;
Therefore, O Lord, the holy God,
We fittingly exalt Thee,
And worship at Thy holy hill,
And praise Thee and Thy gracious will,
For Thou, Lord God, art holy!

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

Der HErr iſt Köng und reſidirt
Auff Cherubin erhoben :,:
Darumb die Welt ſolch Weſen führt
Und alle Völcker toben,
In Zion iſt ſein Sitz bereit,
Groß iſt des HErren Herrligkeit,
Hoch uber alle Völcker.

2  Sein heilger Nam iſt wundergroß,
Dem man billich Danck gibet :,:
Ins Königs Reich ohn Unterlaß
Das Recht wird hoch geliebet,
Denn er macht ſelber fromme Leut,
Er gibt Gericht und Grechtigkeit
In Jacob ſeinem Erbe.

3  Erhebt den HERREN, unſern Gott,
Bett an zu ſeinen Füſſen :,:
Denn er iſt heilig, und ſein Lob
Schwebt unter ſeinen Prieſtern,
Darunter Moſes, Aaron,
Auch Samuel mit ruffen an
Den HErrn der ſie erhöret.

4  Mit ihnen redet unſer Gott
Durch eine Wolckenſeule :,:
Sie hielten dein heiligs Gebot,
Dein Zeugnüß ward ihr Theile,
Allein du, Gott, biſt unſer HERR,
Erhörteſt ſie, thuſt uns gewern,
Was wir im Glauben bitten.

5  Gern du vergabſt die Miſſethat
Und ſtraffteſt ſie in Gnaden :,:
Darumb der HErr, der heilig Gott,
Soll Ehr, Lob und Ruhm haben,
Zum heilgen Berg trett alle her,
Betet Gott an, und gebt ihm Ehr,
Heilig iſt unſer HERRE.

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