15 June 2024

Von Gnad und Recht soll singen

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Von Gnad und Recht soll singen” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm CI, Misericordiam et judicium, with title “Mirror of rulers . . . A psalm of David” and melody assignment “Hilf Gott, daß mir gelinge.” Luther writes of the psalm,

It is a psalm of instruction wherein David makes himself an example showing how good courtiers should behave and not tolerate wicked ministers. Hence he relates the faults and vices of a wicked servant which we have clarified at length in our commentary on this psalm. This is what he calls singing about grace and justice (v. 1), that is, how he is gracious to the upright and punishes the wicked. And how a servant should be active and shun evil, and how it turned out with him in that regard, he shows well in Absalom, Ahithophel, Joab, &c. For whoever would make people good and keep them so must needs invite upon him all hatred and spite. Therefore he might well sing to God and give thanks to Him, who has given him such grace and justice. For if God does not give it, such a song will remain unsung, and instead there will be utter scolding and cursing in one’s house, and at court nothing but hanging and losing heads, &c.


OF GRACE and judgment holy,
O Lord, my lips would sing;
Thy pow’r and wisdom solely
A good result can bring;
I would my matter wisely phrase
And deal with all men truly
In all my life and ways.

2 At home my conversation
Is faithful, without fraud;
I seek no occupation
That would displease my God.
I hate the works of those who turn,
Nor let them dwell beside me
Who dare God’s Word to spurn.

3 The froward, unconverted,
Must all depart from me;
I shun the heart perverted
That turns, O Lord, from Thee.
Whoso his neighbor doth betray
And with his tongue doth slander,
I cut him off straightway!

4 Those who high glances offer
And have a prideful heart,
I will as friends not suffer;
Let them from me depart!
Mine eyes with great desire shall be
On countrymen more faithful,
That they may dwell with me.

5 Those who with me are dwelling
And would my servants be
Shall never lies be telling,
But deal e’er truthfully;
My court receiveth men upright.
Deceivers shall not prosper
Nor tarry in my sight.

6 All those injustice preaching
Shall not live long with me.
Idolatry, false teaching
I cut off instantly,
That wicked doers may not gain
A foothold in the city
And in the Lord’s domain.

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

Von Gnad und Recht ſoll ſingen,
Mein Mund ein ſchönes Lied :,:
HErr Gott laß wol gelingen,
Dein Lob verſchweig ich nit,
Fürſichtig ich mein Sachen führ,
Geh redlich umb mit allen,
Die zugehören mir.

2  In meinem Hauß ich wandel
Trewlich und ohn Gefehr :,:
Nehm mir für keinen Handel,
Der Gott zuwider wer,
Der Ubertretter Feind bin ich,
Laß den nicht bey mir bleiben,
Der Gottes Wort vernicht.

3  Den Böſen ich nicht leide,
Er mus weichen von mir :,:
Verkehrtes Hertz ich meide,
Das abweicht, HERR, von dir,
Wer ſeinn Nechſten mit falſchem Mund
Und gifftger Zung verleumbdet,
Den vertilg ich zur Stund.

4  Die ſich ſo ſtoltz geberden
Und tragen hohen Muth :,:
Derr Freund kan ich nicht werden,
Sie habns bey mir nicht gut,
Mein Augen ſehen mit Begir
Nach trewen Leutn im Lande,
Daß ſie wohnen bey mir.

5  Die mir ſolln an der Seite
In meinem Dienſte ſtehn :,:
Müſſen ſeyn fromme Leute,
Die mit Wahrheit umbgehn,
Am Hoff leid ich kein falſchen Mann,
Sie können nicht gedeyhen,
Die mit Lügen beſtahn.

6  Die, ſo das Recht verkehren,
Bey mir nicht werden alt :,:
Götzendienſt, falſche Lehre
Vertilg ich alſobald,
Damit ins HErren Stadt und Land
Gottloſe Ubeltäter
Nicht kriegen Oberhand.

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