07 June 2024

Herr, der du vormals gnädig warst

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Herr, der du vormals gnädig warst” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604) based on Psalm LXXXV, Benedixisti Domine, with title “Blessing on the land . . . A psalm of the children of Korah to precent” and melody assignment “Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein.” Of the psalm, Luther writes,

It is a psalm of supplication wherein he prays for God’s anger to cease and seeks grace. But the anger (I think) existed because they lacked God’s Word and faithful preachers, as well as good government, peace, and pious rulers, and finally fruit and good seasons, for such plagues commonly depend on each other. Therefore he prays that God would speak again that His people may not fall into folly and out of impatience commit blasphemy or seek other gods (v. 9), and that peace, concord, truth, and charity may increase among the people, and the land may be fruitful, so that they may lead a a perfectly honorable life in godliness, in quietness and rest, as St. Paul also teaches us to pray (1 Tim. 2:2).


LORD, who wast fav’rable before
Unto Thy land elected,
And hast redeemed from bondage sore
Thy Jacob, long dejected:
Thou didst forgive th’ iniquity
Of this Thy people graciously,
And all their sin didst cover.

2 Thou, faithful God, hast formerly
All wrath from Jacob taken
And from Thine anger turnèd Thee,
So that we were not shaken.
Console us, God, our Savior true!
From anger cease and peace renew,
And spare us Thy disfavor!

3 Wilt Thou be angry evermore
Without constraint or measure,
And on all generations pour
Thine anger and displeasure?
And shall Thy judgment have no grace,
And wilt Thou not revive our face,
Thy people’s joy restoring?

4 Lord God, Thy mercy to us show
And grant us Thy salvation!
Oh, how I long to hear and know
God’s speech and consolation!
He to His people peace will speak,
But let His saints turn and seek
Again their former folly!

5 Yet nigh remains His saving hand
To all in Him confiding,
And glory dwelleth in our land,
And there shall truth abiding
And mercy meet, and both increase,
And righteousness and blessed peace
Exchange a kiss harmonious.

6 Let truth spring up out of the earth,
And righteousness from heaven
Look down, and all the land bring forth
The increase God hath given,
That righteousness may constantly
Before Him go and ceaseless be,
Free course on earth enjoying!

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

1  Herr, der du vormals gnädig warſt
Deinem erwehlten Lande
Und die Gfangnen erlöſet haſt,
Das Volck aus Jacobs Stamme,
Der du vergeben haſt aus Gnad
Deinem Volck ſeine Miſſethat
Und ihre Sünd bedecket.

2  Du trewer Gott haſt ja vorhin
Allen Zorn auffgehaben
Und dich gewendt von deinem Grimm,
Daß er uns nicht mög ſchaden,
Tröſt uns, Gott unſer Heyland trew,
Laß ab vom Zorn und mach uns frey,
Die Ungnad von uns wende.

3  Willtu denn zürnen immerdar
Mit uns ohn alle Maſſen
Und deinen Grimm ſo ganz und gar
Uber dein Volck außlaſſen?
Sol denn ohn Gnad gehn dein Gericht,
Und du wilt uns erquicken nicht,
Daß dein Volck werd erfrewet?

4  HErr Gott, dein Gnad erzeig uns wol
Und hilff uns aus den Nöthen,
Ach, daß ich einmal hören ſolt,
Das Gott der HErre redet,
Daß er ſeim Volck zuſagte Fried,
Damit doch ſeine Heilgen nit
Auff ein Thorheit gerathen.

5  Dennoch iſt nah ſein hülffreich Hand
Allen, die ihm vertrawen,
Die Ehre wohnt in unſerm Land,
Das wollen wir noch ſchawen,
Die Güt der Trew begegnen muß,
Der ſelig Fried wird mit eim Kuß
Gerechtigkeit umbfangen.

6  Vom Himmel ſchaw Gerechtigkeit,
Auff Erden wachs die Trewe,
Daß uns der HErr genädig ſey,
Das Land mit Gwechs erfrewe,
Damit dennoch Gerechtigkeit
Für ihm mög bleiben allezeit
Und gehn im Schwang auff Erden.

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