14 June 2024

Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase “Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm C, Jubilate Deo omnis terra, with title “Christ a gracious Lord . . . A psalm of thanksgiving” and melody assignment “Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her.” R. E. Wunderlich includes in his 10 Psalms . . . a translation, “Make Joyful Sound unto the Lord.” A revision of our hymn by Justus Gesenius, which he expanded to seven stanzas as “Nun jauchzt dem Herren, alle Welt,” was translated in 2008 as “Let earth now shout unto the Lord.” Of the psalm itself, Luther says, “It is a prophecy of Christ, calling the world to rejoice, praise, and give thanks, that is, to serve God and to enter into His gates and courts to call upon Him with all confidence, etc. For His grace is an eternal kingdom that surely abides from generation to generation.”


SHOUT to the Lord, all lands, with joy,
With gladness serve in His employ,
Before His presence enter ye
With joyful song, nor silent be!

2 The Lord is God, know ye this well,
The Lord made us, not we ourselves,
We are His people by Him made,
His sheep within His pasture laid.

3 Come to His gates and enter in,
And in His courts with thanks begin
As one your Maker to acclaim;
Give thanks and bless His holy name!

4 For He, the Lord, is good and kind,
His grace is not by time confined,
His truth endureth evermore,
So praise we ever God therefore.

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

Jauchtzet dem HErren alle Welt,
Mit Frewden ſeinen Dienſt beſtelt,
Kompt für ſein heilig Angeſicht
Mit Frohlocken und ſchweiget nicht.

2  Der HErr iſt Gott, nemts wol in acht,
Nicht wir, der HErr hat uns gemacht,
Durch Ihn ſein Volck ſind wir bereit,
Gemacht zu Schafen ſeiner Weid.

3  Zu ſeinen Thoren gehet ein,
Mit Dancken zun Vorhöfen ſein,
Zu ſeinem Lobe kömpt zuſamm,
Danckt und preiſt ſeinen heilgen Nam.

4  Denn unſer HErr iſt freundlich ſehr,
Sein Gnad vergehet nimmermehr,
Sein Warheit bleibet für und für
Drumb unſern Gott ſtets loben wir.

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