06 June 2024

Wie sehr lieblich und schöne

 Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “ Wie ſehr lieblich und ſchöne” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm LXXXIV, Quam dilecta, with title “God’s pleasant dwelling . . . A psalm of the children of Korah to precent to the Hithith” and melody assignment “Herr Christ, der einig Gotts Sohn.” R. E. Wunderlich includes in his Ten Psalms . . . (CPH, 1958) a condensed translation of our hymn: “How lovely is Thy dwelling.” Luther writes on the psalm itself, 

It is a psalm of consolation glorifying the Word of God as glorious above everything, and stirring us up gladly to forgo every good, honor, power, joy, and delight, that we may keep God’s Word, and even if we are porters (v. 11), that is, the least in the Temple, yet it is far better than dwelling in all the palaces of the ungodly, and one day here is better than a thousand glad days in the world. For God’s Word (he says in v. 12) gives victory blessing, grace, honor, and every good. O blessed are they that believe it and behave accordingly! Yea, where are they? When slander and despising are to happen, we find the whole world full and ready for that!

HOW amiable and pleasing,
Thy tabernacles are!
O Lord of hosts, unceasing
My soul doth soar afar,
For Thy true worship sighing,
My heart and flesh are crying
For God who liveth there!

2 The sparrow hath detected
A place wherein to stay,
The swallow hath selected
Where she her young may lay.
Thy service kept sincerely
My heart enjoys most dearly,
O God my King alway!

3 Then blest are they that dwell there,
And in Thine house reside!
They still will praises tell there
Among the sanctified.
Blest, they whose hearts enfold Thee
And as their Savior hold Thee,

All who in Thee confide!

4 They pass the vale of sorrow
And render it a well,
For robes Thy blessings borrow
And Thy pure doctrines tell;
Their foes are all ashamèd;
From Zion ’tis proclaimèd:
Here surely God doth dwell!

5  Oh, hear my supplication
O Lord of Hosts, I pray!
O God of Jacob’s nation,
Hear what my heart would say:
O God our Shield, behold us,
Th’ Anointed One foretold us
Let be our hope and stay!

6 A day of godly living
Doth in Thy courts exceed
A thousand days of striving;
I’d rather be indeed
A porter meek and lowly,
Within Thy temple holy
Than ’mongst the wicked breed.

7 The Lord all mercy giveth
Our Sun and Shield is He,
Whose heart our need perceiveth
And heals our poverty,
The Lord of hosts we name Him,
And blessed we acclaim them
That trust Him faithfully!

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.


Wie ſehr lieblich und ſchöne
Sind doch die Wohnung dein :,:
HErr Zebaoth mit Sehnen
Verlangt die Seele mein,
Den Gottesdienſt zu bawen,
Des Lebens Gott zu ſchawen,
Mein Leib und Seel ſich frewn.

2  Ein Städte hat gefunden
Das klein Waldvögelein :,:
Die Schwalb ihr Neſt erkundet,
Legt ihre Jungen drein,
Der Gottesdienſt ſo ſchone
Iſt meines Hertzen Wonne,
O Gott und König mein.

3  Wol denen die da bleiben,
HErr Gott, im Hauſe dein :,:
Ohn Unterlaß ſie treiben,
Dein Lob in heilger Gmein,
Wohl den, die dich lahn walten
Und dich für ihr Krafft halten,
Folgn dir von Hertzen rein.

4  Durchs Jammertal ſie gehen
Und machen Brunnen zwar :,:
Geſchmückt mit Segen ſtehen,
Die führen reine Lahr,
All ihre Feind ſie ſchlagen,
Von Zion mus man ſagen:
Hie wohnet GOtt fürwahr.

5  Gott Zebaoth mein HErre,
Erhöre mein Gebet :,:
Vernimms Gott Jacob gerne,
Denn mirs von Hertzen geht,
Gott mein Schild, dem ich trawe,
In Gnad das Reich anſchawe,
Das deim Gſalbten zuſteht.

6  Ein Tag iſt beſſer hauſſen
In den Vorhöfen dein :,:
Ich nehm dafür nicht tauſend,
Thürhüter wil ich ſeyn,
Im Hauß Gottes des HErren
Wil mich verzeihen gerne
Der Gottloſen Gemein.

7  Der H E R R iſt Sonn und Schilde,
Gibt Gnad, Ehr mildiglich :,:
Aus ſeinem Hertzen milde
Dem Frommen mangelt nicht,
HErr Zebaoth er heiſſet,
Selig iſt der gepreyſet,
Der ſich verleſt auff dich.

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