12 June 2024

Herr Gott, dem alle Rach heimfällt

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Herr Gott, dem alle Rach heimfällt” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm XCIV, Deus ultionum, with title “Against the harmful throne” and melody assignment “Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält.” Luther writes of the psalm itself,

It is a psalm of supplication lamenting (in my understanding) not the heathen so much as kings, princes, priests, and prophets, calling them the brutish of the people (v. 8), that is, those who taught and governed the people foolishly and badly. These are they who killed and persecuted all upright prophets and their pupils, and as he says, presumed upon God who had given them authority, as though He did not see nor regard those who were slain by them, as condemned heretics and seditious men against rulers of both [church and state]. He prays against them, comforting himself in his faith and the knowledge that his word and cause are just, and God will take no pleasure in the harmful throne [KJV “throne of iniquity” ; YLT “throne of mischief”], but will recompense them for their lies and murder. Amen.


LORD God, all vengeance lies with Thee,
Therefore be our defender,
Thou Judge of earth, rise speedily
And to the proud men render
Rewards befitting their misdeed,
How long shall this ungodly breed
Still boast and hold their triumph?

2 Thy speak defiantly and boast,
Their evil works depicting,
And break in pieces, Lord, Thy host,
Thine heritage afflicting.
They make all things their spoil and prey,
The widow and the stranger slay,
The fatherless they murder.

3 And yet they say that they are right,
The Most High shall not see it.
Their sin is far too small and slight,
God will not care! Far be it!—
Attend, ye brutish, one and all,
Ye fools, when will ye wisdom’s call
Obey, and be made wiser?

4 Shall He that planted first the ear
Not hear what ye are saying?
Shall He that formed the eye
Not see your deeds betraying?
He who the heathen doth chastise
And teacheth all men knowledge wise,
Shall He not give correction?

5 The Lord knows that man’s thought at best
Is vanity completely.
Blest is the man Thou chastenest,
And teachest Thy law meetly.
In adverse days he shall forbear
Until a pit Thou shalt prepare
To bring the wicked ruin.
6 The Lord is faithful, He will not
Cast off His people ever;
His heritage, His chosen lot
Shall He abandon never.
For just His judgment shall remain,
And all the upright to His reign
Shall gather, and shall follow.

7 Who will rise up and stand for me,
The evildoers smiting,
Who always works iniquity?
Who will for me be fighting?
Unless the Lord in my distress
Had been my help, with heaviness
My soul to hell had fallen.

8 O Lord, I freely must admit,
My foot had slipped most surely,
Had not Thy grace supported it
And held me up securely.
When many thoughts oppress my heart
Thy comforts to my soul impart
Delight and sweetest pleasure.

9 The throne of foul iniquity
No fellow in Thee getteth,
Which frames Thy Law most wickedly,
And church and school upsetteth,
Condemns the blood of innocents,
And arms itself with violence,
The righteous souls opposing.

10 The Lord is my defense and stay,
While foes their bows are stringing;
He shall their proud conceit repay
Their sins upon them bringing,
And cut off all their villainy,
False doctrine, and iniquity—
Yea, cut them off completely!

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

HErr Gott dem alle Rach heimfällt,
Gott des die Rach erſcheine,
Erheb dich Richter aller Welt,
Wieder die ſtolzen Feinde,
Vergilt ihnen, was ſie verdient,
Wie lang ſol diß gottloß Geſind,
Wie lang ſolln ſie doch pralen?

2  Sie reden trotzig, rühmen ſich,
Daß ſie alles verderben,
Zuſchlagen dein Volck jämmerlich
Und plagen, HErr, dein Erbe.
Witwen und Frembdling würgen ſie,
Tödten die Wayſen ſpat und frü,
Und machen alls zum Raube.

3  Noch ſprechen ſie, ſie habens recht,
Der Höchſte ſolls nicht ſehen,
Die Sünde ſei gering und ſchlecht,
Gott laß es leicht geſchehen.
Mercket ihr Narren all zuhauff,
Ihr Thoren, gebt doch Achtung drauff,
Wenn wolt ihr denn klug werden?

4  Denn der das Ohr gepflanzet hat,
Solt der ſelber nicht hören?
Und der das Auge hat gemacht
Sollt der nicht ſehen ferne?
Der alle Heiden ſuchet heim,
Solt der nicht ein Vergelter ſeyn,
Der alle Menſchen lehret?

5  Der HErr all ihr Gedanken weiß,
Daß ſie ſind gar nichts nütze,
Wohl dem, den du züchtigſt mit Fleiß,
Der glehrt wird durchs Geſetze,
Gedult haben in Leidens Zeit,
Biß dem Gottloſen werd bereit
Die Grub zu ſeim Verderben.
6  Der Herr iſt treu, der wird ja nicht
Sein liebes Volck verſtoſſen.
Sein Erb, das er ihm zugericht,
Wird er ja nicht verlaſſen.
Denn Recht muß dennoch bleiben Recht,
All fromme Hertzen werden ſchlecht
Demſelben auch zufallen.

7  Wer ſteht bey mir auf meiner Seit
Wieder die Übelthäter,
Die Boßheit üben allezeit?
Wer wil bey mir umbtreten?
Wo nicht der HErr mein Hülfe wer,
So hätt mein Seele mit Beſchwer
Vorlängſt zur Hell müßt fahren.

8  Ich muß, HErr, ja bekennen frey,
Mein Fuß geſtrauchelt hätte,
Wo mir nicht wer geſtanden bey
Dein Gnad, und mich errettet.
Mein Hertz hat viel Bekümmernüß,
Die Tröſtungn dein feſt und gewiß
Ergötzen meine Seele.

9  Du ſtehſt nimmer in Einigkeit
Mit dem ſchädlichen Stule,
Der dein Geſetz HErr übel deut,
Verwirrt Kirchen und Schulen,
Verdammet das unſchüldig Blut,
Und rüſtet ſich mit Freveln Mut
Wider gerechte Seelen.

10  Der HErr iſt mein GOtt, Hort und Schutz
Allzeit meine Zuverſichte,
Er wird der Böſen Stoltz und Trutz
Vergelten durch ſein Grichte,
Er wird vertilgen gantz und gar
Ihr Boßheit und die falſche Lahr,
Ja GOtt wird ſie vertilgen.

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