Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Halleluja, singt und seid froh” (Burkard Waldis, d. 1556), based on Psalm CXVII, Laudate Dominum omnes, with title “A psalm of thanksgiving that God will through Christ will call the heathen to the kingdom of grace.” The Ionian melody by Waldis carries the meter (AABBCCDD).
HALLELUJAH! / sing praise, eya!
Ye nations, sing, / and loudly ring
To God be praise, / for all your days,
And honor shown!
His Gospel to all lands make known.
2 Therefore in grace / He hath our race
Redeemed in full / from Satan’s thrall
And sin and death, / and so by faith
Doth life afford
Through Jesus Christ His Son, our Lord.
3 His gracious care / shall keep us e’er
From Satan’s wiles, / all that defiles,
All doctrine false / He doth repulse,
His truth shall be
Upon for us for eternity.
Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.
Haleluia, / singt und seit fro,
Ir heyden all, / mit reichem schall,
Lobt Gott den Herrn / mit grossen ehrn
In allem landt
Sein Evangelion macht bekandt.
2 Drumb daß Er hat / auß lauter gnad,
Von Sünd und Todt / und hellscher not
Uns all erlöst / Ewig geetröst,
Und helffen lon,
Durch Jesum Christum seinen Son.
3 Dann seine güt / uns stedts behüt,
Für teuffels list / was schedlich ist,
All falsche lehr / treibt von uns ferr,
Leßt sein warheyt
Ubr uns walten in Ewigkeyt.
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