02 November 2024

Daß man Gott lobe, dank und sing

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase “Daß man Gott lobe, dank und sing” (Burkard Waldis, d. 1556), based on Psalm CXLVII, Laudate Dominum, with title “A psalm of thanksgiving for all manner of temporal and spiritual gifts, the Holy Word, and right service of God.” The Ionian melody by Waldis uses the meter 847.847.84.77. Heugel’s Tenor line features interesting but somewhat typical compositional note: “Fuga in epidiapason post 2 tempora,” that is, “Canon in the octave above after two semibreves.”


TO praise our God’s a pleasant thing;
To Him then bring
Your praises loud resounding.
Jerusalem He buildeth fast
And those outcast
He brings to life abounding.
The broken heart doth health regain,
And all their pain
By Him is gently mended,
Their sorrows all are tended.

2 He numbereth each heav’nly star,
Both near and far,
To each a name assigneth,
Great is His power, omnipotent,
His government
No man in whole divineth.
The Lord on high lifts up the meek
But those who seek
To work their mischief ever,
From life the Lord doth sever.

3 Sing to the Lord, His thanks propound,
The harp let sound,
To God your praises showing,
Who makes the cloud for heav’n a house,
The rain doth rouse
That produce may be growing.
All that hath life, and cry and howl,
All beast and fowl,
From God his food is given,
Yea, e’en the youthful raven.

4 The Lord the horse’s strength doth scorn,
All works pride-born,
Therein He hath no pleasure,
Nor in strong legs of men delights,
That leap the heights,
And fight, and know no leisure.
The Lord on him doth pleasure place
Who for His grace
Awaits, and so confideth;
On him His grace abideth.

5  Praise thou the Lord, Jerusalem,
With great acclaim,
O Zion, sing Him praises,
Who strengtheneth thy city-gate,
Sets bars thereat,
Thy children in thee blesses.
And maketh peace within thy bounds,
Thy wall surrounds
With pow’r, and thee supplieth
With food that satisfieth.

6 He makes His Word clear, bright, and pure,
Run swift and sure,
In all the world it ringeth,
The hoarfrost scatters like the ash,
Makes ice to crash,
The snow like wool it flingeth.
Who stands before His cold assured?
He sends His Word,
He sends His south-wind o’er it,
All disappear before it.

7 To Jacob He His law doth tell,
To Israel
He shows His Word, nor spareth.
He doth not with the heathen so,
That they should know
The justice He declareth.
For this His grace we give Him praise
And, singing, raise
Our Hallelujah ever,
Let naught from Him us sever.

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

Daß man Gott lobe, danck und sing,
Ich köstlich ding, [Ist…]
Drumb lobt in auch mit schalle,
Jerusalem Er bawet fest,
Und nit verleßt
Seine verjagten alle,
Er heylet die zerbrochen hertz,
Und all ir schmertz
Thut Er in sanfft verbinden,
Ir trübniß muß verschwinden.

2 Am himel zelt Er all die Stern,
Beyd nah und fern,
Sie all mit namen nennet,
Gros ist sein krafft, und hat keyn end,
Sein Regiment
Niemandt gnugsam erkennet,
Der HERR richt die Ellenden auff,
Und stößt zu hauff
Die Gottlosen darnider,
Daß sie nicht kommen wider.

3 Singt dem HERRN umb einander scharpff,
Und auff der harpff
Lobt unsern Gott mit ehren,
Der den himel mit wolcken deckt,
Regen erweckt,
Daß sich das gwechs muß mehren,
Alls was das leben hat allhie,
Vögel und vieh,
Müssen ir futter haben,
Dau die jungen Raben.

4 Der HERR veracht all stoltze werck,
Des rosses sterck,
Dran hat Er keynn genügen,
Im gfallen nicht die starcken bein,
Die grüstet sein
Zum lauffen, kampff und kriegen.
Der HERR an denen gfallen hat,
Die seiner gnad
Warten, und im vertrawen,
Die solln sein güte schawen.

5 Preise Jerusalem den HERRN,
Mit grossen ehrn,
Sion lob in mit sinnen,
Der feste machet deine Thor,
Schleußt rigel vor,
Segnet dein kinder drinnen,
Und deinen grentzen fride schafft,
Durch seine krafft,
Rreichlich thut dich erneren,
Und all denn unglück wehren.

6 Sein Wort gibt lauter, reyn und hell,
Das laufft gar schnell,
In aller welt erschollen,
Den reiffen wie die aschen strewt,
Mit schlossen hewt,
Den Schnee wirfft wie die wollen,
Wer kan für seinem frost bestehn?
Sein wort leßt gehn,
Das schmeltzt, aufftawt, gar verschwindt,
Wann drüber weht der Sudwind.

7 Er zeygt Israel seine Recht,
Jacob seim knecht
Thut Er sein wort nicht sparen,
So thut Er keynen Heyden mehr,
Daß sie sein lehr
Und recht solten erfaren.
Dafür wir im stedts sagen lob,
Und singen drob
Haleluia mit freuden,
Uns nimmer von im scheyden.

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